Dormant Ordeal : Rotten Hearts

Death Metal / Poland
(2006 - Self-Released)
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I spit...
I spit this rotten liquid
Stinks by your agonizing words
It's burning me and calling to scream
To dump it from inside to not be a corpse

I'm screaming 'cause it makes me free
I want to dump off lies inside of me
I'm vomiting I'm running away
This painful shit you feed me everyday

I vomit...
I vomit this stinky mustiness
You show me your deeds the lousy acts
Even when I close my eyes
It pursues me still in void I stuck

I'm screaming 'cause it makes me free
I want to dump off thoughts inside of me
I'm vomiting I'm running away
This painful shit you feed me everyday

I scream off...
I scream off this destructive hate
It egresses with sweat and dribble over my skin
It is like a septic disease
Breeding yourself inside of me...


Do you believe these lousy smiles
Linked by the screen into your brain
They give you own hands and follow to dreams
To still your hope and sell yourself

They show you your thirsts
They say almost it's your
If you send us your naivety
In short message by mobile phone

Do you believe these masses of folding stuff
These king's faces spotted by countless crimes
If they can win so you can either
Over your eyes flashes of headlights

Six numbers six jams six vouchers
Your future is written in balls
You believe power of daft questions
Fortune can change the colors of life

Do you believe these expensive suits
Do you believe these shaved mugs
Do you believe these layers of lies
Stay in your mares if you only want


Lights out mind is opened
Something is vibrating in space
In quietness fear can screaming louder
Blowing out of your head
Shakings on skin tears on shutters
The body, hate is bunging
The words and thoughts are gashing reality
Irrational twisted reasoning

Give me only the truth or lie
Give me only the love or hate
Give me only the light or shadow
Give me only nihilism or faith

Incomprehensible anger
Made by the voices and sounds
Bafflegab of own insanity
Let your blood see the sun
Love teaches you a pain
In the endless disillusionment
Maybe if it has never been
What is this punishment ?

The truth or lie
The love or hate
The light or shadow
Nihilism or faith

Blood is flowing faster
Eyes are inexact looking
Nails are hurting hands
Over the scope convulsing
Own war of mind and heart
It is screaming you're alone
Thoughts and deceptive feelings
Dormant ordeal in own home


Gott... Mit... Uns...

We went down to the dark cellar
In the sloping light
From high situated windows
Dead persons were lying as yesterday
Their bodies, nude, oatmeal, young,
In a perfect condition like the tough statues
Despite of waiting here for months
For a moment to be unwanted

It is not some fucking gore
It is the darkness of history
It is the human imagination
It is not our sick aberration

Lying, like in sarcophagus
In the concrete long pools
Without blanket, ones on anothers
Without a funeral's ritual
Dead's cut as evenly as from stone
In your holocaust they trust
One of them with tatuated sentence
Of futile faith: God with us
Gott... Mit... Uns...

Two tubs with shaved heads
Cut from those bodies
Human faces like a spilled potatoes
Yellowed and smooth such preserved
With half-closed unnamed eyes
Brains witch know your hate

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