Doomenicus : Sacred

Doom Metal / Italy
(2009 - Self-Produced)
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Grey and thick fog has been shrouding
Your soul for a long time
Suffocating you
Day after day

Its dampness penetrates you
Now it's like you can't see anything

Anything but the fog before your eyes
Misty images enfolded mystery
Dull grey numbness of the soul
Leafless trees without sunlight uncoloured

Everything fades out
And while the horizon
Become invisible
You are afraid go on
This fog is so dense leaves no hope
It leaves no colours it shrouds you everyday

In a damp and cold embrace
Dark like a longtime buried grave
A grave now fallen into a wet decay


What accumulate here?
It isn't here that you must earn.
There are only your assets?
There is only your power?

Here are a powerful person
Controls everything
Everyone respect you
But all you hate and would like your end

You don't know hunger
You don't know the suffering
Always well dressed
With his face and hands clean

But the stink and the filth are
Inside you

Appear among dazzling lights
And in bright flames burning
Every your money are worth the life of a man
Only for haven't a guilty
Only for get rich
You are nothing
You are nothing
Too eternal poor


Autumn reigns supreme
The souls are aroused from sleep
The candle illuminate
The pale and sad faces
Remember november

Fall reigns supreme
Fallen leaves
Cover the trail
As a purple red carpet
Feeling in an intense
Perfume of incense
Come from the crypt
Walk betweareen monoliths
Peace reigns silent
In a slow and mournful symphony

Dance souls on the graves
Bring the candles in this days
In a dark melody in a slow agony
In this night of madness
That takes away the soul

The smell of rain remember november
The smell of flowers remember november
The smell of incense remember november
The stink of death remember...


The silence of a wide forest
Where listen
The sound of the wind
Among the trees
Where the cold winter
Frost covered wood
Sacred place for soul

Sacred solitude
Sacred solitude
Sacred silence
Sacred place for souls
Places away from guard and respect
Filled with spirituality
Places where reflect

I seek only solitude
Far from everything
I’m not interested
In things that happen over there
Hell is there


Wrecked, broke up misery
She always hits you to destroy
All neurons burst, out of your brain

Tremble creeps, over your body
It seems you're sighting, horrible vision

Dark view
Of life
You try to face it
But that's hard
She always lurking
Running after to you destroy

She became your life
Long companion
Burning you away
Day after day


Our brothers afflicted
Afflicted and crying
Dipped into the fire
Of awful jail

If you look
At our deeds
I want be
About your mercy
But if you, kindly turn your face
To the cross, every voice says

Oh Christ, give our brothers
They deserved rest
Till they rise from fire
Lord of the dying, mercy and forgiveness
Lord of the dying, mercy and forgiveness

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