Doom Architect : Speculum Mortis

Death Doom / Russia
(2018 - Self-Released)
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From the dark I will rise again
To the new dimension.
Can I find another way
To avoid the pain of tension?

Fading light of that shiny stars
Brings the cold of nature.
See yourself in a blackened sky,
Fly through all the centuries.

Grind reflections, facet all the minds.
Be delighted by attractive night.
Walking with blackness deafen and blind
Consciousness is falling into a new life.

Clear thy mind from every moment of lost times.
Fight with yourself.
Go through past like mighty warrior.
Leave the dust instead of pain.


Lost in time I can find the maze
Which could guide me to void embrace.
Cold of night, spirits of the dead…
I’m on fight with myself, with bad.

Mighty warrior stands in the dark
Between the mirrors of life and death.
Hide the sorrow, light the spark
To see the happiness, to watch your faith.

Visions of cold winter…
Stalks are sticking out from the ground.
Is that what you entered in while mind’s been on bound?
Mountains and green forest, walls of perfect stones…
Listen, do you hear that sound?
It can help you to build the throne.

Lost in dreams I can see the lies
That’s for what I have paid the price.


What is light? I don’t see.
In the void I will bleed.
All my mind’s rotting dust.
I will grind all my past.

What is life? I don’t feel.
Shadow calls to its realm.
You may cry and be quiet
Till thy soul made a riot.

In silence—pray
For life—to come
Instead of hate
And loathsome charms

Listen to sound of shadowfall.
Look for the light in dying dreams.
Wisdom will come, sudden and cold,
After you get consciousness clear.

Bury the wish in possession of
Light. Obey your own feelings.
Never forget that thy questions were
Made of thoughts in abyss.

What is light? I can see.
What is life? I can feel.
In the void where I bleed
With my wishes I killed.

And again its going dark.
Don’t afraid—all is lie.
There’s no pain, there’s no time.
Change yourself and get up.


Ghosts of the living flies near my vision.
But soon they’re coming to disappear.
The life is made of doubtful decisions.
They came from nowhere inspired with fear.

The seasons are changing again
And nature dies.
All feelings are fading away
Becoming silent cry.

Voice of my sorrow has no more sound.
Grief has ruined the life.
Stay by the living on solid ground.
Be strong and sadness will never strike.


Face the night of hope you lost.
Hear the drone and silent voice,
Watch the throne of thy kings,
Feel the breath of abyss.
Lie with no moves as the stone.
Time has come, fly alone.

Further and further going from home,
Looking for mystery.
Thy fascinating haggard pure soul
Will be entirely free.

In possession of mind you are closing the doors
Guiding dreams to the art of whole Universe.
In possession of soul you can fully unite
World with darkness and light.

Sense the flame of burning words,
Hear every sound of mighty chords.
Music and time heals every wound
Night is hiding sun but revealing moon.
You’ll see the high dimension gates.
Is it a chance or part of fate?


Fading sun of helpless hope won’t ignite new life.
Harmless void will eat you all even if you die.
The journey has begun
With every choice you’ve done.

Mother Time, could you stop again
Hopeless game in the darkened world
Where I was born in suffering,
Where I grew up in endless cold?

Chains of mind I have torn.
They won’t bind my black soul.
Watch the dirt you have sow
And see what you will grow.

Blackened clouds spill the rain,
Imminent and bright.
From the cold, through the pain
Nature will arise!

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