Distant Sun : Dark Matter

Power Metal / Russia
(2015 - Metalism Records)
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For another thousand years
Would my spirit wander here
Harbinger chanted a new prayer
And three magi came to the lair
I was preaching to the kind
To the poor and to the blind
I was screaming to the crowds
On the dirty squares aloud

Betrayal - Reborn again
Arrest - Full moon right after equinox
Trial - I am the prophet of the mean
And they'll crucify me
Death - Once again

I saw fear in their eyes
The fear of understanding clear
The fools would chuckle, but the wise
They only wiped away their tears
The sky of black, eternal night,
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
A gift so cruel and so mean
A gift of heavens, stars unseen

Betrayal - Reborn again
Arrest - Full moon right after equinox
Trial - I am the prophet of the mean
And they'll crucify me
Death - Once again

Can anybody ever stop this madness?
The mean and cowardly will always scream for rights
Cause in the world of blinded by the darkness
A tiny candle looks like firelights

A white scarf of the summer sky
Blood on the sand where bodies lie
A scream of joy, a scream of pain
Another prophet has been slain

Betrayal - Reborn again
Arrest - Full moon right after equinox
Trial - I am the prophet of the mean
And they'll crucify me - Death!
Betrayal - Reborn again
Arrest - Full moon right after equinox
Trial - I am the prophet of the mean
And they'll crucify me
Death - Once again


These Fremen milk the planet
Perverted desert clan
Disgusting ugly creatures
Destroy them while you can, while you still can

Atreides train their armies
Want more and more they say
We'll strike all of a sudden
This is your judgement day

Kill the Fremen, kill them twice
Rape their women, steal their spice

The eyeless wretched beggars
What parasites they are
The stinking water stealers
The prophet's gone too far, gone too far

Kill the Fremen, kill them twice
Rape their women, steal their spice
Kill the Fremen, it's no vice
Take their water, steal their spice

They sell their dreams of Shai-Hulud
They sell their dreams of Shai-Hulud
For tasteless food
The tyrant must have known about this place
So what, a large no-globe will hide our cabal
We will stand for our own virtues
Our hatred, pride and brutality, yeah

These Fremen milk the planet
Perverted desert clan
Disgusting ugly creatures
Destroy them while you can

Kill the Fremen, kill them twice
Rape their women, steal their spice
Kill the Fremen, it's no vice
Take their water, steal their spice
Steal their spice


Galactic clusters, neutron stars
Magnetic fields, eternal night
This freezing blue distorts the space
Concealing vast amounts of light
We're here to see what is behind
We dig the matter of the dark
Observing visions of the past,
The age of galaxies unfolds
Chaotic godless quantum cast
We are the first but not the last

In the galaxy far away
Looking up at the skies unseen
We remember the Milky Way

The stars are closer, still so cold
While comets stitch the space around
Where do we come from, how and why?
The answers still are to be found
Our curiosity unbound
We reach the orbits so unruffled
The nozzles burn with plasma gleam
We fly the paths dark and untrodden
Hunt the dusk with silent screams
And terran are our dreams

In the galaxy far away
Looking up at the skies unseen
We remember the Milky Way

The light is born from blackest chaos
While dust and gas form into suns
New species strive for evolution
Are we the only ones
When we invest in better guns

In the galaxy far away
Looking up at the skies unseen
We remember the Milky Way
Where the grass was so soft and green


Sentenced to a hundred decades of exile
Powerful magic of chaos he delves
Not for the Mages of his Generation
Vengeance against the Young Gods themselves
Oh poor brother! You fought like a beast
Exceptional warrior, Lord of Gloom
Your rebels were crushed in a bloody feast
How a sage of darkness met a sage of doom

Shackled by power that woke the chaos
Blacker than a black raven's wing
The Consistent lies crucified within
While the God commits his last sin

Sinister spells of Moonbeast descendents,
Unquiet ones and miners from hell
Of powerful demons whom fate has left fleshless
Of those who were cheated of bodily shell
Merlin is scribbling the symbols of power
Weird black signs appear on the glass
My apprentice has sneaked right into his tower
An ultimate weapon of the highest class

Shackled by power that woke the chaos
Blacker than a black raven's wing
The Consistent lies crucified within
While the God commits his last sin

Seven amulets, illusionary globe
At the edge of the void his sword shines blue
Spellreader is begging for mercy and hope
Young God of the Sun hid the pendant of truth
The Earth is ablaze and the air is trembling
It's the Council of Gods that I challenge tonight
Confusion around, the pain heats the anger
A win that never will lead me to light

Shackled by power that woke the chaos
Blacker than a black raven's wing
The Consistent lies crucified within
But one thing's for sure: I won't be anymore
A shameful tamed dog


In the lab of boundless truths
Where torches burn eternal youths
You read the signs like you were taught
And grant some freedom to your thoughts
But you're a toy in the old scheme
Your fate was just a wicked dream
You won't admit you saw the fingers
That type your destiny that lingers

The God of matrix has the word - to be or not
He's overwhelming his new world - the fallen God

Unseen and omnipotent
A morphling and a name-changer
He fills our souls, our thoughts he grinds
And fakes the freedom of our minds
You're simplified to one dimension
No power to relieve your tension
You're drifting in a paper car
Towards the skyline filled with tar

The God of matrix has the word - to be or not
He's overwhelming his new world - the fallen God
The God of matrix has a say - to be or not
Your life was just a game to play - the hateful God

The God of matrix has the word - to be or not
He's overwhelming his new world - the fallen God
The God of matrix has a say - to be or not
Your life was just a game to play - the hateful God


Growing darkness, the Age of Dusk
The spirit's suspicious and fearful
Border strife proliferates,
Feeding the hunger of hate
They did not perceive the threat of ambition
Gnawing at the core of the empire
The great races had lost patience
Provoking the civil war

The day will soon come
A new leader will rise
The gods will return

Now the empire wakes up from the sleep
From the darkness into the unknown
I will muster the force to unite it again
I will gather the shards of the throne
Now the empire wakes up from its sleep
From the darkness into the unknown
Our cruisers will fire the lasers again
I will gather the shards of the throne

Holding together a crumbling empire,
Massive fleets everywhere
The Lazax fought like a wounded beast
The hunters became the prey
Without warning, the alliance attacked
Mecatol Rex itself
Economies tumbled, technologies crumbled
All semblance of control collapsed
The vengeful wave of murder followed
They call it "The Great Scourge"
The might of civilizations failed
From the strain of the long war

Now the empire wakes up from the sleep
From the darkness into the unknown
I will muster the force to unite it again
I will gather the shards of the throne

Growing darkness, the Age of Dusk
The spirit's suspicious and fearful
Border strife proliferates,
Feeding the hunger of hate
The Lazax emperors arise from the ashes,
Return from the darkness of history
It's the first wind of a terrible storm,
Twilight Imperium!

The day will soon come
A new leader will rise
The gods will return

Now the empire wakes up from the sleep
From the darkness into the unknown
I will muster the force to unite it again
I will gather the shards of the throne
Now the empire wakes up from the sleep
From the darkness into the unknown
Our flagships will patrol the frontiers again
I will gather the shards of the throne
I will gather the shards of the throne


A hasty hand pours scarlet paint
On hills and rivers and the sky
It snows it shines and then it rains
As if the stars could cry

We sing a song of distant lands
Of fire, magic and the stars
And wine that heals spiritual scars,
Adventures with the sword in hand

We march again to passes high
To caverns deep and dreadful sounds
Into the land of higher grounds
Where champions fearlessly lie

We sing a song of distant lands
Of fire and magic and the stars
And wine that heals spiritual scars,
Adventures with the sword in hand

The fields of gold, the hills of green
Horizons far and friends so near
The fire's high, and hearts so clean
A pipe and a mug of beer

We sing a song of distant lands
Of fire and magic and the stars
And wine that heals spiritual scars,
Adventures with the sword in hand
We sing of wizards, spells, and kings
That rule the kingdoms of the north
We see far edges of the Earth
And love the gifts our journey brings


Pestilence! The kingdom faces its decline,
In a world ruled by oppression
Warriors destined for bloody sacrifice
Cruelly enslaved for violent possession

There is no mercy in his eyes
I should not take away my gaze
My fear is burning with no cries
And squirming in the fire maze

Horrific trials of sacrificial victims
Heads chopped off and down they roll
Beating hearts torn out on a pyramid
For the sake of total control
The ritual of frenzy stopped by the eclipse
Jaguar Paw flees to avoid his fate
Defend his son and save the underlings
Apocalyptic prophecy to incarnate

There is no mercy in his eyes
I should not take away my gaze
My fear is burning with no cries
And squirming in the fire maze

The dawn is breathing blood
But the play's not over yet
Time is stealing weary steps
And keeps the silence inbetween
Another danger looms unseen

Human suffering is crucial for the reign
The message from the Gods is so obscure
Builders of temples are searching for the pain,
The pain they can create, and not just endure

There is no mercy in his eyes
I should not take away my gaze
My fear is burning with no cries
And squirming in the fire maze

The dawn is breathing blood
But the play's not over yet
Time is stealing weary steps
And keeps the silence inbetween
The dawn is breathing blood
But the play's not over yet
Time is stealing weary steps
And keeps the silence inbetween
Another danger looms unseen


From the beginning to the end
From side to side, from left to right
The sky is burning crimson red
Light goes to dark and day to night
The sorrow's tearing you apart
Your faith has made this giant leap
But I am near, your soulguard
And now you're laughing in your sleep

Father time, wait for me
Fix me, heal me, let me go
You're always near me, always there
I need to take away your care
I lift my palms and wipe your tears
Pour me a portion of your cries,
A handful of your darkest fears
And you won't learn 'bout crimson skies

The flakes are falling off the edge of the sky
The demons are kindling the fire
We try to fail and fail to try
But a healer of souls won't ever tire
I dream about this world's design
And chuckle drawing my last breath
If Soul healer is called Time
Then Body healer will be Death

Father time, wait for me
Fix me, heal me, let me go
You're always near me, always there
I need to take away your care
I lift my palms and wipe your tears
Pour me a portion of your cries,
A handful of your darkest fears
And you won't learn 'bout crimson skies

Father time, wait for me
Fix me, heal me, let me go
You're always near me, always there
I need to take away your care
I lift my palms and wipe your tears
Pour me a portion of your cries,
A handful of your darkest fears
And you won't learn 'bout crimson skies

I need to take away your care


You know what people say,
What have you done today
Another compromise
A fresher batch of lies
You need an ass to kiss
Drawn into the abyss
A dirty sycophant
You know just what it meant

Loyal nosepicker - so tough, so brave
Foul bootlicker - eternal slave

Zero to hero
A champion of flattery has risen from the sewage
Zero to hero
The winner of the lottery, the master of all luck
Zero to hero
A champion of flattery has risen from the sewage
Zero to hero
The winner of the lottery, the master of all luck
What the fuck?

You know what people say,
What do you need today?
Fake hair, augmented lips
Acrylic fingertips
You never fail to try
Another pleasant lie
You need an ass to show
Another dick to blow

Loyal nosepicker - so tough, so brave
Foul bootlicker - eternal slave

Zero to hero
A champion of flattery has risen from the sewage
Zero to hero
The winner of the lottery, the master of all luck
Zero to hero
A champion of flattery has risen from the sewage
Zero to hero
The winner of the lottery, the master of all luck
What the fuck?

You know what people say
What did you buy today
Another prize to choose
Victim of your abuse
Another heart for rent
Another dollar spent
A character so brittle
A wretched young lickspittle

Loyal nosepicker - so tough, so brave
Foul bootlicker - eternal slave

Zero to hero
A champion of flattery has risen from the sewage
Zero to hero
The winner of the lottery, the master of all luck
Zero to hero
A champion of flattery has risen from the sewage
Zero to hero
The winner of the lottery, the master of all luck
What the fuck?
Ah, what the fuck?

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