Dispersia : Memento

Gothic Metal / Canada
(2007 - Ningun label conocida)
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Sadness of sorrow, brightness of light
Joy of tomorrow drowned in delight,
I see the claws of you grasping my heart
Showing my inner self life's dying art

I want to see the darkness in me
The man doomed to rot, I am your god
We got to find our peace of mind
Yours or mine, fall back line!

Pick up the pieces left from this war
Waged in abysses, all scarred and sore
Come if you dare, closer to me,
Look deep inside and maybe you'll see

Step away from me...
Nothing left for you to see
Nothing new under the sun
All you knew has come undone

Dispersia of hate,
All my love's dispassionate
I'm scattering the light
With all my soul and all my might

Sadness of sorrow, brightness of light
Joy of tomorrow drowned in delight,
I see the claws of you grasping my heart
Showing my inner self life's dying art


We're living in each other's arms,
Crossing the bridge over the waterfall
Of our tears combined for the first time
With our dreams dreaming them all
But bridges fall apart, and rivers run dry
Because of the merciless... time!

When we drown in fears, we'll swallow our tears
My sun and your moon, flowers thrive in bloom
When the sky around, falls into the ground
All the stars will run for my moon and your sun
When the sky of dark will become your park
And the sky of blue whispers just for you

Crystal lakes hold our souls,
We're diving for worse, we're falling for better
You're seeing my sun through your goals,
I am climbing your moon on my ladder

Spinning the wheel of our mind
Laughing so gentle and blind,
Counting for the sake of the art
The moments that keep us apart

Sighing over things we dare not to cry
Hiding in the ruins of an old lie,
Speaking up the words we held in ourselves
Drowning in the tears we put on our shelves

Screaming to a world full of blind men
Why should we do one thing for them?
Raging out in vain like a mad child
The power supreme now has run wild

Running through the sky, then you'll see the sun
Dive into the moon, flowers thrive too soon
Smile into the night, I will hold you tight
Take you on my flight that I will have tonight
Put your hand in mine as we cross the line
To our dreams divine, far beyond our time...


Elle est retrovée!
Quoi? L'éternité
C'est la mer mêlée
Au soleil...

Mon ame éternelle
Observe ton voeu
Malgré la nuit seule
Et le jour en feu

Donc tu te dégajes
Des humaines suffrages,
Des communs élans!
Tu voles selon...

Elle est retrovée!
Quoi? L'éternité
C'est la mer mêlée
Au soleil...

Jamais l'espérance
Pas d'orietur
Science et patience,
Le suplice est sûr

Plus de lendemain,
Braises de satin,
Votre ardeur
Est le devoir


Dark memories of life,
They burn the bird in me
And never will I change my life
I flew astray...

Obscured and shattered by life
My memories keep descending
Forgotten and drifting away
Your mourn is neverending

What's left behind in the sty of my heart
Is oh, so dear, but torn apart,
The blood I once felt wild and erupting
Is pouring the pain through my frozen veins
I'm drowning...

Crystal queen we are alike
Alone and defeated, cold and dreaming
You are to die forgotten as I
Yes, we are dry... but leaving

We are cursed, my fragile love,
My crystal queen, I am deceiving
We have to go and watch the show
And wait for the time we'll be living

The same breath, only one heart,
With two different parts thrusted by dart
My love, you are fading as withered as I
Oh, I never thought it's so hard to die

If the cold wind that haunted us
Would dare to forsaken our souls,
We'll hold our hands tear in tear
We'll play with our hearts smiling in fear
For our withered rose...

Crystal queen we are alike
Alone and defeated, cold and dreaming
You are to die forgotten as I
Yes, we are dry... but leaving

We are cursed, my fragile love,
My crystal queen, I am deceiving
We have to go and watch the show
And wait for the time we'll be leaving


(No lyrics available)




Looking down through the shroud of clouds
I watch the passing tide of my mind
Triumphant being of the skies,
The colorless light is stealing both my eyes

Hush, baby, hush, I am holding you tight
Don't be afraid cause they won't steal the night
Hush, baby, hush, I am here by your side
All life can now drown in coloured light

Carried away by the light of day...
The beauty of the sky, the simple sign of life

Carried away by the beautiful shimmer of the light
Spinning away, moving from side to side
Laughing in the sorrow of time...
Burning away out of the sky the spirit of my glorious life


S-a dus albastrul cer senin
Si primavara s-a sfârsit
Te-am asteptat in lung suspin
Tu, n-ai venit!

Si vara cu noptile ei
S-a dus si crângu-i vestejit
Te-am asteptat pe lânga tei
Tu, n-ai venit!

Muzica sonoriza orice atom
Dor de tine si de alta lume, dor
Plana durere fara nume pe om
Toti se gândeau la viata lor
La disparitia lor...

Târziu si toamna a plecat
Frunzisul tot e ravasit
Plângând pe drumuri te-am chemat
Tu, n-ai venit!

Iar mâini cu-al iernii trist pustiu
De mine-atunci nu vei mai sti
Nu mai veni, e prea târziu...
Nu, nu mai veni!

Muzica sonoriza orice atom
Dor de tine si de alta lume, dor
Plana durere fara nume pe om
Nu mai veni, e prea târziu...
Nu, nu mai veni!


Traim undeva intre iubire si ura
Avem libertate cu calusul in gura
De unde viata in clinchet de lanturi
In fosnet de bani si trasari de bilanturi?

Plutind prin nori imi vine sa strig
E-atât de usor dar nu pot de frig
Scaldat de zori, trecut de soroc,
Nemuritor, dar fara noroc...
Sunt doar eu, e noapte, e ger si moarte

Calcând pe oameni, aruncând cu noroi
Scuipând in ochii cenusii si goi
Ce asteapta si spera intr-o lume mai buna
Epurata de sânge, hotii si minciuna

Dar ochii nu vad ca speranta-i desarta
In spatiul in care umilinta e arta,
Iar capii iti striga: "Iubeste-a ta tara!"
Cand incerci sa o faci, ea te da afara!

Cu ochii de foc, strigând neputinta
Cu capul plecat si lipsiti de vointa
De unde-am ajuns sa cersim indurare
De la straini, caci tara nu are

Plutind prin nori imi vine sa strig
E-atât de usor dar nu pot de frig
Scaldat de zori, trecut de soroc,
Nemuritor, dar fara noroc...
Sunt doar eu, e noapte, e ger si moarte

Degeaba s-a scris si degeaba am urlat
Degeaba ne credem un popor minunat
Degeaba poetul a scris pentru ei
Degeaba ii imparte in smintiti si misei

Sfârsiti noi ne vom pierde in asfintit
Dar cerul de foc ne surâde rânjind
Sub lespedea grea e al meu infinit
Iar lumea asa pentru noi s-a sfârsit

In cercul inchis al lumii meschine
Ce poate aduce ziua de mâine?
Aceleasi povesti si sila de toti
Traim in trecut, dar azi suntem morti


Atâta pustiu e sub lespedea mea
Gânduri prea grele se sprijina-n ea
Imi striga-n timpane zvon verde de viata
Eu stau ferecat sub oceane de gheata
[Iar lumea spunea ca tacerea e grea...]

E frig jos la mine sub pietrele grele
M-apasa orizontul inchis intre ele
Am dat toata viata si vechile-mi vine
Doar pe o clipa de frig si suspine
[Vai voua tacerilor mele...]

Viata e vis sau visu-i traire,
E prea greu sa judeci in cântul de lire
Cu flori nestemate, parfum de poveste
Nu-i minte sa-ntrebe ce nu-i si ce este
[Caci moartea e vis si visu-i iubire...]

In vaile triste, rupte din munte
Sunt pietre ce stiu cum si ce sa asculte
Când cade o piatra, când se sfarma un munte
Inimi ce cad sfarâmate si rupte
[Pe sub vaile mute...]

In cerul cu nori, cu stele ori soare
Sunt pietre ce-au fost mai demult cazatoare
Inghetate de stele, topite de soare
Creeaza-n surdina un ecou ce ne doare
Care tace si moare...

Pe câmpiile surde, spalate de ape
Sunt pietre ce-aud la mal când se zbate
Un suflet pierdut ce pierit e pe ape
Cum dulcile soapte se-ngroapa in moarte
[In faguri de noapte...]

Si nimeni nu stie ce-mi picura-n suflet
Când pietre amare mi-apasa pe cuget
Ma doare de moarte cu pietrele-n suflet
Ce cad fara mila cu vuiet si muget
[In albastru si moarte...]

Iar lumea spunea ca tacerea e grea
Vai voua tacerilor mele,
Caci moartea e vis si visu-i iubire
Pe sub vaile mute...
In faguri de noapte,
In albastru si moarte


Ca suflet decazut, un cer de toamna
Greu intârzie sperantele de ieri
Iar frunze ani zburând prin lume in zadar
Nu asteptam cu iarna care vine decât sa ninga iar

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