Dismalia : Vile Enigma

Gothic Metal / Italy
(2021 - Self-Released)
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There is no rain
Able to calm down
The smoke of explosions
No peace nor wind, scorching heat
As I walk within this minefield

No one but myself
The dust in my lungs
Eyes staring at the ground

Where are my arms?
Where are my friends?
Not even clouds will pass by upon my head

No shelter no return to the life
That I used to know

No one but myself
Sand in my throat
There is no voice to comfort me
The more I inhale air
The more pain I feel

Is there any chance
To get back to life?
I was not aware
As long as
I was there

Where are my arms?
Where are my friends?
Not even clouds will pass by upon my head

No shelter no return to the life
That I used to know


Was it right to escape from your world
To enter mine that night?
Was it the end that made me wither?
Or a start that foreshadowed

A failure?
And in the middle we walked the trail
Wet from rain
So we were
Lost in doubts
There was no way out

Under a dismal rain
Our love is gone

In your soul I found myself
Our eyes weren't lying
Then the storm and this sight became
A thorn in the side

But now don't hate me
Your fears tore me down
You will be free to love again
I'll do the same under this dismal rain

Under a dismal rain
Our love is gone

There is no rage, no revenge
Only resignation gazing at the downfall
Take care of yourself lost love of mine

At least for me
Embracing this pain
Will bring relief


What is the colour of fright?
White as my dress of bandages
That wrap my skin
My father's will
He wanted me dead

Destroyed by the fire
(As red as his bloodlust)
He should have to protect me
(He was my executioner)

Fire, don't eat me, I’m just a child
Father, don't hate me, would you hear me?
Fire, the scars will mark my life
Father, this vengeance won’t set you free

You can leave it all behind
My last words to you
Before you set me on fire

Fire, don't eat me, I’m just a child
Father, don't hate me, would you hear me?
Fire, the scars will mark my life
Father, this vengeance won’t set you free

While these flames were eating my skin
I just breathed and prayed for the end
You are killing no other than your son
Dad, please have mercy on me!

No pleading was heard by this man
Blinded by the thirst for revenge
Noises and blue lights
I blacked out
Opened eyes again
I woke up in hell

The worst thing is that I survived this madness that burned me alive
From the street I heard a woman’s scream…Mother, was it you?


You were nothing for this world
Then one morning
Our city cried at the sad sight

A thousand eyes just woke to the daylight
Spotting a void
And your body lying on the ground

What pushed you down?
Did you kill yourself?
Or was it the enemy's hand?

No answers will I get until I meet you again
When and where shall I find peace?

Never, nowhere on this earth

The hopes for a better life died
Far away from our home

Beloved son, if only I had known
Or just could have been beside you

Did you kill yourself?
Or was it the enemy's hand?

When and where shall I find peace?

Never, nowhere, never, nowhere

Never, never,
Where do you rest in peace, my son?


Leaves, stop scratching at my window
Like me you’ll fall down
Wind please hush
My head explodes
You are too harsh
Moon, you should leave this man alone
You cannot save me, your light is gone
My brain is withering
In despair I choke
My memories are fading
Death is my hope

No, I won’t leave you suffering and yearning for death
No please, don’t leave this world too soon.


Late evening
Cool air flows
Into my room
Invaded by
This bright Full Moon
The Goddess to whom I sigh

Mother of my decay
Of physical and mental paralysis
No one dares to contradict me,
It's not her fault
It is my fate

Thought is no longer functional, stomach cramps
Reveries for compulsive autoerotism
Mother of my decay
The blood still flows
The mind remains
On those spring days
When she gave me access
To the path of madness
Is this my fate?

Dear full moon, will I ever heal?
Dear full moon, will I ever live?
I feel I'm alive

Instead, I fall into the abyss
It's useless to rise
My world is like that of a child
It ends tonight
Full moon is there
Welcome Death,


What I see from the top of my cross is them coming closer
Ready to throw stones at me
Why are they doing this to me
Still, I love them so deeply
They put a crown of thorns on my head

The crown of thorns
Wounds the corneas of the beholders
Scratches their skin
In my eyes it leaves a mist

Where there should have been love
Hate has grown right in their core
And I am too weak to defeat it
Their ungratefulness, my road to decay

The crown of thorns
Wounds the corneas of the beholders
For a moment I no longer have loving thoughts

The crown of thorns
Wounds the corneas of the beholders
Scratches their skin
In my eyes it leaves a mist, a mist, a mist
Where there should have been love hate has grown


Earth is being killed by
The most evil master, a fierce man
We force her to be our slave, there is no way out
Hidden by progress and well being
We are building a grave for humanity

The planet's worst enemy is man itself and I fear
We don't deserve to live here

We do not look beyond
Our closest horizon
Is our disease, our failure

We should force ourselves to be aware
No longer slaves
Of indifference
Of this wickedness we will suffer the grim consequences

We are our worst enemies
I look at the sky and I fear
We don't deserve to live here

The love I desired the most
For which I was waiting
In that summer eventually came

Welcomed as
A liberation
Soon it turned into pain

It was my mind
Prey to a vile enigma
The sudden awakenings
An endless apnea

Throughout the day
Obsessive thoughts gave no respite
To my mind

It was just pills to swallow
While life trembled

The word of God, the wisdom of the elders
Motherly love and friends
Couldn't help

Perversa la mente che ingannò il cuore
Tra tutte le ossessioni scelse l'amore

Lyrics geaddet von gg_jaime - Bearbeite die Lyrics