Dies Ater : Chanting Evil

Melodic Black / Germany
(2003 - Neon Knights)
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Where sun refuses
To shine, a shadowed might grows unknown,

Open wounds lie
Complaining, a fading Eden for lost souls

Roaming through
Blazing grounds, drained by freezing winds,

The will to rise
Again caressing sin-swallowed senses.

Glancing in
Virginity, led by stars of purity

While sadness can
Do no harm, such a veracious heart.

Stream of fire,
Attempts to lighten this dark abandoned place.

A junction for
Sadness and death to unite - creeping forward.

A retribution of
Drowning, charming evildrunken voices

Sounds from the
Depth of the woods carried by a whispering breeze

Hear the beasts
Chanting a solitude spell :

"A dreadful abyss for a lightened beauty to fall,

Barely a touch of madness, bathing in a grey sunrise,

Wish to see winged saints stumble through fields of evil,

Come follow me in the night, for heaven is blind ? Round here."

See the face shine
In the moonlight, soft as silk, pure as water.

But a dark
Affection, growing hidden in lonesome moments.

When just a breath
Disturbing the impermeable silence

Drink deep from
The fountain of seduction and treason,

Corroding your absurd mind, let apathy take command.

Now feel the filthy power rising on far mental horizons.

Dragging you into infinite worlds, catching stars and moons.

Live is here for me - distress is here for me

Constantly, aging romance to creep on bent knees - feeble creature

Under the disturbing blindfold control of shaping fears

A raging new sun is born for darkness and cold,

So far - and dimness breathes for a storm, leaching this star.


"Divine leader of these thundering dark legions,

Blessed by the shadows' power, honoured by the twilight of proud.

We hail you."

In the valley of depraved thoughts, where retention disappears
Scaring, slightly shadowed lights untomb lost hearts
While an infernal gift of wisdom stoking a redeeming fire
Strafing life, as infinity winds in corroding, leeching fields.

- Dethrone the weak mortality -

I'd wandered around millions of these soothing places,
Seen hundreds of defiled souls, preserving humbling secrets
Blinded by hate, driven by unknown inner instinct
Still I was on a sensitive search to obtain higher values.

On a gloomy autumn night, spotted by a fatal glimpse
My consternated ,body, willing to run, not able to move
A piercing scream, brightens the surrounding darkness,
An unsacred creature, haunting this bleeding place.

- Dethrone the weak mortality -

A treasure to feed my hunger, to grant me peace ?
Hark ! A nearing, provoking challenge for me to come,
Time to forget former battles of irrelevant insignificance.
A deserved ,catastrophe for all these grudging cowards

To dethrone this weak mortality - flame of darkness.
A forbidden, seductive strength, enchanting my senses
Mocking weakness in serenades of despise - free to rise
Valuable sins waiting for my unholy, deadly commands

Shadows flee in cold despair, a world is bleeding
An unstained dream to conquer yet reaching higher
To catch the luminous, oppressing moon, the depraving fire


Born in haunted
Captivity as stars bled

Dusk's bringers of
Storm, a degraded rapture of light

Driven by storm,
Conquered hazy fields

While fallen
Emperors were drowning through the night

An imbrued and tortured
Valley, sweet wounds not to heal

Gleaming in faint
Moonlight, left for ages...

Distant towers,
Covered by mighty shadows

Glancing in a
Feral light - realm of ice

Infernal fires
Introduce the coming of Hell

Longing for
Promised victories - resurrection's storm

With raging
Insanity on the Almighty's side

Swords spilling
Out men's lives - the battle turns

A wounded,
Withering landscape left behind

Where carnal
Statues turn to dust

As daylight sets
For the coming of the deciding dawn

A tremendous clash
Hits the vanquished battlefield like a funeral storm

And finally as
Dark turns to light,

A memorable
Solitude of despised souls pushes within sight.

An elemental
Light-crushing victory for men, so night shades are free to crawl,

Perpetual sounds
Invoking prayers, hear them whisper and murmur.

An obsessed, even
Doomed army graced by the devil?s mark

A devious hunger
For a disgusting feast, strange illuminations to come

Wounds ? ??
Sinner ?? ???? war ?
????? breathing fire

Chaos ??? master ??
????? flesh ???? ????? trembling dawn

A burning throne,
Absorbing all surrounding delight,

Gifted with cold

A tearful, dark
Time under the reign of one king

Thundering down
Its divinity.

Fierce, unhearted
Creatures inspired by a gloomy cohort,

Now guarding once
Tender seashores.

Compassion being
Erased, extinguished at the gates of dawn.

Tender dreams to
Follow this course.




Stolzer Sohn der Vergangenheit, Glanz
Einer dunklen Zeit,

Mit Schwingen aus edelster Nacht regt sich
Würde, dürstend, sacht.

Ein gefallener Augenblick, nichts zu
Spüren von erhebender Wehr

Nicht geizend mit aufrechten Reizen,
Blindlings streifende Gebilde

Stark durch ewig tobende Kriege, feurige
Dornen in welker Gestalt

Führen in steter Düsternis das
Gierige Heer zum weit fernen Gefilde

Seht her, ihr wirrende Menschen, was dort
Zieht am Horizont,

Seht her, ihr schändliche Wesen, wer
Da stürmt am Firmament.

Sieh her, ehrlose Kreatur, wie dein
Entseeltes Land an Furcht zerbricht,

Sieh mich, harrend dem Eid zu Töten
In einem jähen, kurzen Augenblick.

Sieh dich, schwelgst so trüb und
Matt in blindem Unverstand

Sieh dich, treibend in Einfältigkeit
Bedeckt von fremder Hand

In Tiefe gebannt, schier unbemerkt
Züngelt das lockende gierige Licht,

Ein berauschende Hinterhalt, prächtig
Geziert in eines Verführers Gesicht

Verliere dich


Furious storms rumble the unburdened land,
Sounding the tranquillity

Spreading rumours of a fallen seraph,
Doomed to wither away

This enraged, lost night, brilliance died,
A war is declared.


Gesichter wie aus
Stein gemeißelt,

Stimmen wie aus einem
Tiefem Grab.

Ein Lachen ohne

Erwarten wir, was
Fommen mag.


Heute ist die Nacht
Der Nächte,

Wir tauchen ein in
Den Rausch der Macht.

Zittern sollt ihr
Feigen Knechte,

Wir haben die totale
Schlacht entfacht!

Unser Krieg kennt
Keine Feinde,

Denn vorm Feind hat
Man Respekt.

Wir brauchen keinen
Grund zum Töten,

Die Welt ist unser


Jämmerliche Missgeburten,

Gestalten ohne Sinn
Und Wert,

Ihr fragt nach eurem
Recht auf Leben,

Die Antwort gibt euch
Unser Schwert.

Wir kämpfen
Nicht mit heißem Herzen,

Für eine neue
Bessere Welt.

Was fallen will, das
Stoßen wir,

Zerstören, weil
Es uns gefällt.

Glaubt nicht, ihr
Könnt uns vernichten.

Hilft kein Wort und
Keine Tat.

Ein Sterblicher wird
Niemals richten

Rausch der Macht

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