Deteriorot : In Ancient Beliefs



Diseased / All you fools
Pray to your god
Deceived by the tales / Invented
Live by the words made by man
Serve the false god / Simpletons
Filled with false hope and fantasies
Believe in the Saints &
Senseless stories
Unanswered prayers
Beliefs of deceit

Depressed, anxiety
Subconsciously you sense
The doubts of all shall know
Your faithfulness fades

Believe in ancient fables
Your consciences lie in ancient beliefs

Diseased & All you fools
Pray to your god
Deceived by the tales / Invented
Live by the words made by man
Serve the false god / Simpletons
Filled with false hope and fantasies

Believe in the Saints &
Senseless stories
Unanswered prayers
Beliefs of deceit


The rebirth of the son
The new Christ is a dark child reborn
Our soul is in flames
We invite the sadness

The red skies upon us
Witness the angelic cries
The black lord is risen
Worship this unholy Christ
The new prince, the savior
Pray to him our newborn king
The downfall of the saints
The heavens are uprising

Follow the shadows and the fire
Is thy empire
Sorrow sets inside this terror, and sadness

The rebirth of the son
The new Christ is a dark child reborn
Our soul is in flames
We invite the sadness


Crush / descended from hell and darkness
Destroyed - All of my creations
Kill / Holiness endeavor
In the light / there you will die

Then he sees that he is in the light and he knows he's gonna die
Flashing is his life before his eyes; his life is but a lie
In the dawn of the afterlife his soul is to be damned.
His name not found in the book of life, to the lake of fire he shall be cast.

Lost / in the underworld
Redeem / sins to be burned
Perish / the soul that had no life
Escape / there's none but punishment

Sins of life to be judged, there's no way for you to fight.
Victims of the unholy ghost, for none to unsurpassed

In the afterlife
Sins to be burned
Victims of punishment


Cold / enslaved
The Shame is my fate

Endless consolations for eternity's
Enlightened you witness this fallen entity
In this realm of darkness / Alone into a world
Of silence you feel this Fallen Misery

So lonely
Can see just rain

Endless consolations for eternity's
Enlightened you witness this fallen entity
In this place of darkness / Alone this is your world
Of silence you feel this Fallen Misery

Don't want to see this world
Suffering you see, your emptiness,
Your will to be

Just want to see the end
The loneliness, you feel
The darkness as you fade away

So we love
The sorrows cease
The Black inside
All is gone

In our loss
We cannot see
Why I'm lost
Through your deceit


Haunting thoughts of darker needs
The sounds of sad silence cease
Somber songs are whispering
Angelic words sanctity

In name of sodomy
The lustful soul
Incestuous fantasies
Your sinful seed

In cessation of damnation
Desecration of your lord
Desolation's of your living
Obsessed with you faith
Your foolish words

Phantoms haunt
Dark and lost in your beliefs
Pained inside
Frightened, you face this suffering

Deceived us with faith
Our souls for the tears
In Reality our end is when we are deceased
Enslaved us obsession of senseless saints
Thus sanitys of dissension through your deceits
Deliver us from fiction
Foreseen these lies


Those feelings
Have returned
The somber night adorned
The mistiness, the cold

Filled with sadness

Sense of the darkened world
Seize the same desolations
The sins of sanctity
Your self disgrace

Embark the twilight
Consumed by sorrow
Endless hauntings
Of demons and despair

Empty holes within
The void that never fades
Embark another night
With the emptiness embrace

Filled with sadness
Enchanted Darkness
Embrace the twilight


The lamb and the goat must come together with pure love descended from the pinnacle of heaven.
United with our pure hatred of Christ.
Lust for the nun, eat her and rape her.
Lost in a world of manifestations.
Killing the priests with no reservations.
Beliefs in nonsense and made up fictions
These commandments you follow in Eternal Darkness

When you see the light, the souls entwined
Disease is the feast
Salvation for our blasphemous souls

Drinking the blood of the virgin as she lies
The holy one slaughtered in Satan�s damned name
Screams of the angels, the virgin she dies.
Then fuck her and eat her and leave her to shame.
Sins of the Christian man sentenced to die.
Hating the truthless words, our minds enslaved.
In this modern world, we still deny
The obvious truths for fear of an end.

Sacrificed - The church and revelation
Slaughtered - The priests decapitation
Terror / There is no signs of heaven
Faith / Pray your worthless prayers


Subconscious thoughts of unholiness recurring consciously.
The hauntings and depravations of the Christ of blasphemy
Beyond the gates for in which you lie, to redeem your sins of life.
Angelic chants of their suffering, bleeding tears of unholy light

Nordic winds in the mystic light, screams of bestial cries.
Down the path leads to the dark, Disparities in demise
Summoning of the baphomet, enchanted world entwined
Abolishment of the Son of God / Damnation

See the grave of the holy man
Deceived us, disgraced, now perish
Believe in your foolish saint.
Pray to the unborn child, desecrate the womb
The son, this Jesus, your lord, your faith in a mortal man
Disgrace the beliefs of this feeble world

Evil spells are chanted
Spoke unto thus thy man
Join the circle
The downfall of the Christian savior

Damned to all feeble followers of Christ mortal soul agonized in pain
In the abyss awaits your soul to suffer eternally the wrath of the flames
Doomed, sins, spirits reign

Nordic winds in the mystic light, screams of bestial cries.
Down the path leads to the dark, Disparities in demise
Summoning of the baphomet, abolishment of the Son of God
To suffer eternal wrath of the flames


Fill the circle of blasphemy
Chanting the words of evil
Lighting the candles in ceremony
Casting the spell adorn
Releasing the negative energy
Calling the spirit within
Drawing the strength of the entity
The power of the elements

Ceremonial Blasphemies, cast in the underworld
Lost, dark, the loneliness you face your sanity
Grasping the light of the Holy Grail, forsaken empathy
Haunts by spirits see your tranquillity

Sprinkle the powders and burn incense
The ritual has begun
The prayers to the spirit we call upon
Our faith which lies in you
The summoned demon, our only one
The shadows which fall upon
The light of the circle, we join our hands
The darkness that overcomes

Ceremonial Blasphemies, cast in the underworld
Lost, dark, the loneliness you face your sanity
Grasping the light of the Holy Grail, forsaken empathy
Haunts by spirits see your tranquillity

So we lust in the twilight night
For the children of this dark illusion
Mystified, the creator of life
For this deceiver, this mass confusion

Into the darkness this silent hiss
Terror and alone
This nightmare that comes now upon us
Shadows cast from below
You've just witness the ritual ceremonies of blasphemy

10. VILE

Silence falls from the rain
Upon the tears of the slain
Tortured screams fill the night
The joy you feel from their cries

The nightmares of evil
You face these horrors from your mind
Cold and gray
Embrace emptiness of this dark life
Shame and disgraced
You feed on pain and suffering
The silence and loneliness beckons me
Sinful ways
The terror I've inflicted will bring me pleasure

In the face of fear / this terror haunts
Lonely darkened soul / you're the fortunate one
Cries of shameful ways / It's too late your lost
Prayers for forgiveness of the sins / Repent

Faith of hate
Your church failed me now I am alone
Screams of pain
The lives that I take mean nothing to me
Frightened soul
The images of my past life haunts me in my dreams
Alone and cold
The anguish I am in comes from deep in my mind
The tears of sadness / hope turns to despair

I'm the face of evil
Silent & tortured man
Sickened by all mankind
Demise by my hand

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics