Desolate Tomb : Scorned by Misery

Deathcore / USA
(2020 - Self-Released)
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The blackened tide washes over my psyche
Blurred vision; no more light on my path
The devil’s hand grasps tight
The dread of Hell is at hand
A black cloud hanging over my head
(Dragging me six feet deep)

My Father; My Lord
Thou hast left my sight
Forsaken to the dark
I cannot see your face

Lost in the void
I feel the darkness calling me

Abysmal oppression
From the depths of hell
No longer free; my mind bound in chains
A dismal strain of thought
From the anguish and pain
Felt by the sting of death

Anguish and pain

Subjected to death
The eternal sleep beckons forth
From the darkness inside this broken mind
Shallow breath; hollowed heart
Severed by fear and ripped apart

Scorned by misery

I call out merciful father
Before I’m one with the depths
I fear my end is approaching
The tangible darkness consuming
Drown in the void
Writhing in anguish
The jaws of perdition

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics