Denialist : M

Death'n'Roll / Australia
(2012 - Self-Released)
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On december 21st
A man staggered into the station half dead
Accusing father denke of violence
Of attacking him with an axe to the head

They brought him in
They questioned him
He said it was self defence
They locked him up
Found him later but
With a noose about his neck

When they turned his body over to his relatives
They searched around old karl's abode
Found suspenders, laces, belts made of human skin
And a closet full of bloody clothes

A lucrative line in black market pork
He would sell the meat from door to door

The police couldn't believe what they had seen
Forty bodies or more, there must have been
But they had no trouble counting his gruesome feats
Because good ol' karl had kept receipts


A small, three-year-old boy with fair hair
Brian howe usually played close to home.
But when he went and played in the junkyard
He didn't go in there on his own...

They lured him there with sweeties
Enticed him there with such ease
And told him to lay there on the ground
They choked the breath out of him
And carved their mark into him
They left him by the blocks to be found

"murder isn't that bad
We all die sometime anyway
Look out, there are murders about"
Unfortunate, victim or prey
Theres not a difference...

But brian wasn't the first
To sate the their vicious bloodthirst
Martin brown was strangled two months before
Found alone and broken
The cause of death left open
The girls were left to play and explore
Their death fixation

As they interview the neighbourhood children
The police begin to zero on in
The two wicked girls, the web of lies unfurls
As they laugh and joke about the deaths

They lured him there with sweeties
Enticed him there with such ease
And told him to lay there on the ground
They choked the breath out of him
And carved their mark into him
They left him by the blocks to be found


I don't think the war was enough
To keep the earthquakes at bay
I'll keep murdering more for you
To keep catastrophe away

Though it's not what i want
I know in my heart
The earth is gonna open
If i don't play my part

Spill the blood
Spill the blood
Spill the blood - for you

Spill the blood
Spill the blood
Spill the blood - for you

Spill the blood - for you
They all die - for you
Sacrifice - for you

"pick me up and throw me over the boat"
The voices cry to me...
"kill me so that others will be saved"


Off i go again, down to the station
To find a handsome boy of a certain occupation
Come back to my place, back to my apartment
What sort of life is this for a pretty, little vagrant?

Tear out their throats and bone them
Once more my deli's open

Die boy die
Die boy die
Die boy die
Die boy die


There must be a being who gave the spark of life in the first place
That higher being would deem my actions good
As i revenged injustice, the punishments i've suffered
Have destroyed all my feelings as a human being

I want to see the colour of life
Spray everywhere by axe or knife
Woman or child or man
I'll slaughter them all, i'll give them strife

I have no conscience because it is dead
So let my crimes be on their heads
I kill them all because i can
I'll paint this town red

Rending, cutting, reaping, chilling, slicing, carving,
Dicing, killing, raping, spraying, draining, spilling
Stabbing you to death

No ounce of regret within my soul
For what you condemn i do extol
I've never thought to myself
That i have ever lost control

But that fucking girl remembered my face
And now the game has changed its pace
They've come to take me away
But i won't let them take me yet


If any man was an habitual criminal, i am one
I don’t believe in man, god, nor devil
I hate the whole damned human race
Including myself

I wish you all had one neck
And i had my hands upon it

What i do is reform people
While you were trying me, i was trying you too
I’ve found you guilty, some i’ve already killed
And if i live, i’ll get some more of you

In my life, i have broken every law
That was ever made by god and man
All the good that may have been in me
Has been beaten out long before

I wish you all had one neck
And i had my hands upon it
I believe the only way to reform
People is to kill them

The mere fact that i have done these things
Is quite sufficient for the average person
But very few people even consider why
Why i am, what i am and what i do
All they think is necessary to do
Is to catch me, try me and convict me
Make life miserable for me in gaol

The mere fact that i have done these things
Is quite sufficient for the average person
But very few people even consider why
Why i am, what i am and what i do
All they think is necessary to do
Is to catch me, try me and convict me
And then turn me loose again

I wish you all had one neck
And i had my hands upon it
I believe the only way to reform
People is to kill them

What i do is reform people
While you were trying me, i was trying you too
I’ve found you guilty, some i’ve already killed
And if i live, i’ll get some more of you


It was the darkest night we had seen for years
Out at sea amidst the most vicious squall
Whilst i was upon the deck it appeared
That the waves conspired to become my pall

Were it not for the helmsman's cry for the crew
I'd have died that night, of this i am sure
As they tried to fish me senseless from the briny brew
You would not believe the wonders i saw...

But none would believe my tale
Of the sight beneath the waves that i beheld
They sent me to me quarters with a smile and a nod
And it was here upon my vision that i dwelled

It was there while my daughter and my wife both slept
That i resolved what i had to do
I would have to take them all down there
Down to the depths where they could see it for themselves too

The helmsman was the first to go while standing alone upon the deck
I crept up behind and clubbed him about the back of his neck
But, as i was sending him over the side, from behind there came a light
And while he was quick, i was quicker: i saved two on that night

It was only three days later
When the chance to save the third presented itself
An unsuspecting seaman standing too close to the rail
(it was here that my fortune almost failed)

Foul play was suspected by the crew but i was overlooked
A sleeping draught for my wife and child
(for i could not raise my hand to my own)
And later i quietly committed their resting bodies to sea

When on the morrow i feigned my sorrow, they felt my pain as if their own
Some force assailed us, lurked there amongst us, our fates it seemed were all entwined
But now i faced a dilemma, when rallied together, they wouldn't wander around alone
I'd have to take them all in one endeavour, the sleeping potion came to mind

The crew all left senseless, i dragged them defenceless
Knowing my work was approaching its end
To the waves i consigned them, i was not far behind them
With only this mortal coil to transcend


There is an old man who roams around the streets of sydney
Randomly targeting the elderly for money
Attack them from behind with several vicious hammer blows
Then garrotte them with their stockings and flee before the circus show

Smashing old grannies
Pulling down panties
Exposing their fannies to cop a quick squeeze
Smashing old grannies
Throttled with panties
Hammering grannies down to their knees

Snatching them in broad daylight, his hammer tolling out their death knell
Using their blood to feed the pokies at the mosman rsl
But after six murders the police suspect, they are breaking down the door
They find him full of valium, whiskey, wrists slit, there will be no more

Smashing old grannies
Pulling down panties
Exposing their fannies, ignoring their pleas
No more smashed up old grannies
Throttled with panties
Ending the granny killing spree


Decapitate his sisters' dolls
He'd play out his own death in grisly roles
He honed this façade in the coming years
While his private world contained much darker ideas

After only 5 years in the looney bin
He fooled them all, kept the compulsion within
Beware of big ed when he's looking for girls
When he's out on the prowl, when he's looking to kill

Go ed kill her
Co-ed killer

10. When doves die (edward joseph leonski)

The newspapers are buzzing about "the brown-out crime"
'Three women murdered with no reason nor rhyme!'
I throttled them all, gave them no chance to cry
They only really know that it's an american g.i.

But what they dont suspect is that i have a strange vice
A woman's sweet voice never fails to entice
If i can get them alone to sing for me
Then i'll choke the sound out from them, set their voice free

She sang in my ear as we approached a dark doorway
Her voice was sweet
I reached for her and grabbed her throat and choked her
Her voice makes me complete

Everyone's wondering
I dont, i know

I fling her to the floor, tear off her clothes
She's history

lyrics added by Julian_black - Modify this lyrics