Demaniacal : Clan of the Unorthodox

Death Metal / Italy
(2009 - Self-Produced)
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Welcome to your descension
Welcome to your disgrace
The gates of wrath are open
And ready to unleash:

Unconfort, dreath and torture
Brought by deep misbelief
Bondage and wild perversion
Your soul has been deceived

A glorious blessing of sadism and depletion
Primal debasing, everlasting castigation
You are all accumulations of despite
Crawling underground like worms

Restraints of depravation, bereft of sanity
Religious misconceptions, brain-washing progenies
I am the new Messiah, filfhy magnificence
Unflinching deprivation, blatant omnipotence

Let fire purify every lousy child

I'll be your slaver on this journey of damnation
The unorthodox clan opens its evil sessions


Sacrifice your essence of non-violence
And worship my brand-new doctrine of pain
Become an enslaver, taste a grimy vengeance
Quench your bloodthrist, witness their decay

Bleeding heads ennoble my throne
I'm the priest of a discordant church
Altar boys moan in vain swung by my rusted chains
No one's safe, no one's left in my path

From this day forth I proclaim boundless madness
Degeneration and fiery contempt
My heart beats faster everytime I ignite them
Tears of joy before their blazing flesh

I shall bring nights of rape and massive desintegration
I pretend grief and dreath, concentrated hate
I'd suggest sudden incineration

I can't wait to erase every trace of theirs
Torture thoughts keep me awake
I had a dream about human torches
They were dancing at my backyard stake

Bleeding heads ennoble my throne
I'm the priest of a discordant church
Altar boys moan in vain swung by my rusted chains
No one's safe, no one's left in my path


I'm gonna tell you about my screaming day
I was stuck in a steel-caged grave
The air was thin and I couldn't see
Sometimes my mind plays these tricks on me

Right from the deepest of my darkest thoughts
A gravely voice told me where to go
The path was blurry and somewhat dull
I found myself in a pool of blood

Every single moment of my shallow life
Every dream I dream does turn to blood
Then I wake up dead and barely breathless
And I swim among corpses

The bleeding pool swallows me slow
They can't hear me even if I yell loud
Voracious hands try to hold me down
I ended up in the middle of a forgotten Hell

Every single moment of my shallow life
Every dream I dream does turn to blood
Then I wake up dead and barely breathless
And I swim among corpses

It doesn't matter how fast you fall
There's always time to pray your God
This might be a sudden exception
Get ready for a godless deception

All the walls fall to the ground
Every bleeding wall starts to tremble and crush

Every single moment of my shallow life
Every dream I dream does turn to blood
Then I wake up dead and barely breathless
And I swim among corpses


Liebe Damen und liebe Herren
Tut mir Leid, ihr musst jetzt brennen
Gib mir Feuer, gib mir Benzin
Alle Priester in Flammen ist die beste Medizin

Diesmal habe ich genug gehabt
Ich schlachte ihre leeren Koepfe ab
Du kannst schnell laufen, kannst du auch schnell sterben?
Komm mein lieber Freund, zerbrech' ich deine Zaehne

Ich werd' euch treffen am Ende der Welt
Der Teufelsurteilsspruch wird euch alle toeten
Meine rasende Leute seid ihr nun bereit?
Fuer jeden von euch, wird es so warm sein


You keep a secret inside your heart
Erratic souls stuck in Hell
Sinister landscapes seem like burning
My acid tears melt my body away

Lie down tonight, conceale your sickness
Dreams are infected and so are dreamers
Tissues break up, cracks bleed wide
This mystic temple makes me high


You walk the night alone and slowly asphyxiate
And feel misplaced among the eternal ashes of guilt
The hatred side of mankind seeps from my psychotic mind
Your souls won't be saved, God is but a lie

Under the blades of Satan
Your body's being maimed
For when your mourning starts to deafen
I'll terminate your withered being

Don't bid defiance to the mighty laws of vile
The more you cavil, the faster you will die
Cause tonight my herd I'll spend my time feeding on your grudge
Devices of death ready to be applied

Under the blades of Satan
Your body's being maimed
For when your mourning starts to deafen
I'll terminate your withered being

The holy smell of fresh slaughter
inside these walls of misery
No mind-blinding fake creator
Can pray you all away from here

Right before the fall of hope
You'll find strenght in darkness
My name shall be remembered
As the end of your race

You are my flesh

lyrics added by MakraM - Modify this lyrics