Deep-pression : Monotonous Disappointment Paths

Ambiant Black / Poland
(2008 - Self-Released)
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There's no point in asking
Why things aren't working
Look at your feet, look down!
We are walking on a sick rotting ground
Every step
Is a plunge into the dark
In this unsafe walk we are having

The subtle veil of water
That makes things vague
Things I don't want to see
Have indistinct shapes
But now it doesn't work anymore
Everything has been dried up
And water
Suddenly choked
In its bed..

Coldness rising inside
In this frozen prison,
My prison
Walls covered with ice
The high iron grating
Where I climbed up
Seems so far away now
Sky will remain forever squared

Monotonous disappointment paths
Monotonous disappointment paths
Monotonous disappointment paths

Monotonous disappointment paths
Monotonous disappointment paths

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics