Deep-pression : Creeper

Ambiant Black / Poland
(2009 - Self-Released)
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It creeps in through opened window
Some bliss on your skin
Becomes a torture
Kiss of death on your cheek
Endless road through ice
Trembling limbs
Thoughts - a bundle of nerves
When enter the darkness
You abandon all hope
While walking through those mists
You feel the loss is ahead
But not now
Not today
A rest
A calm
Pulsating emptiness heart
Is satisfied with your wasted years
Cosmic order
Chaos path
Offers the treasures
Which man cant get
Stop be human!
Stop being it
Cease this hunger of blood
Rise your hand and hit own face
Smile to the mirror
Show it your ass!
It creeps in through opened arms
Some bliss on your heart
Becomes wide
Numb limbs
Thoughts - slowdivers
When enter the darkness
You open your eyes

Lyrics geaddet von King_Sathanas - Bearbeite die Lyrics