Deeler : Awakening in Me

Progressive Metal / USA
(1994 - Self-Released)
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Long imprisoned in a circle under veil of mystery
Dream now finds his freedom in the nebulous gray
The Shadow World stirs, seeing signs in distant mirrors
That the Dream Lord is returned, and there’s Hell to pay!

Returning to his citadel he found only dark despair
The beauty brought to crumbling chaos,
The Dreamtime turned to cold nightmare

Three artifacts to rule it all, lost in his absence – He searches
To Hell and back triumphantly, The Oneiromancer - Retrieving

There was a love which stole his heart in ancient times lost to the sand
A human queen that caught his sight but clearly did not understand

He offered her eternity as queen… as bride… but tales would tell
How she did not accept his love, and scorned he banished her to Hell!

Dreme to Dream, Mind to Mind, The Sandman travels – Watching
More terrible than Sister Death, for he rules over dream and nightmare!

Few Will Sleep The Sleep Of The Just
In The Twilight Darkness When We Step Into His World
Existence Is But The Dance Of The Endless
He May Greet You When You Step Into His World

When you step into his world…
Step in, just close your eyes!

Under airbrushed moon at the heart of the Dreaming
He rests upon his throne brooding dark recourse

His hair flickers blackened shadow, eyes that burn an ancient white
His skin is stony, pale as bone. He passes through a billion dreams tonight

Be Unafraid but never cross him for even in dream there is judgment
Lord Morpheus in his ambience, His Majesty bids welcome

Few Will Sleep The Sleep Of The Just
In The Twilight Darkness When We Step Into His World
Existence Is But The Dance Of The Endless
He May Greet You When You Step Into His World

When you step into his world…
Step in, just close your eyes!

In a billion dreams tonight


I looked around and I found
Things that should never be
People frail
People cold as ice
And I felt a sadness awakening in me

Reality intruding on my perfect world
That was never really there but in my mind…

I looked inside and I cried
For I found a sadness awakening in me


There’s a crowd gathered ‘round the Jordan 2000 years ago
There’s a man dressed in camel’s hair and leather belt for wear
See the truth of God in his wild stare

And the Desert Of Judea was stirred by his piercing words
So strong that if you listen you can still hear him call
Can you hear him call? Can you hear him calling you?
Yes, John… I hear you!

HE SPEAKS – Of a baptism of repentance for all the world
HE COMES – To make straight the path for He Who Is To Come

He is a Voice In The Desert crying out
“Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord!”

Voice In The Desert
Voice! I Hear You Calling
Voice In The Desert

The Glory walked, unbent but worn, to grace the mighty Jordan
And these waters blessed by hardened hands were felt within the spirit

Then Herod’s evil kingdom was stirred by his piercing words
Of the coming of a true and almighty king
Can you hear his words?
Won’t you listen to his words… the words that call you on?

HE SPEAKS – Of a baptism of repentance to cleanse the world
HE COMES – To make straight the path for He Who Is To Come

He is a Voice In The Desert crying out
“Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord!”

Voice In The Desert
Voice! I Hear You Calling
Voice In The Desert

There’s an evil dancing lady and a kingdom sick with sin
Now a voice calls from the dungeon
To plague the king again and again
Again! Again! Again and again and again!

4. T.P.E.

Kingston: Hey, Joe. How’s it goin’?
Joe: Uh, well… pretty good. How ya’ been?
Kingston: All right. Working, practicing… you know, the usual stuff.
Joe: Cool.
Kingston: So uh… you done much reading lately?
Joe: Yes, as a matter of fact I, uh…

I read Romeo and Juliet

Kingston: What did you read?
Joe: I read Romeo and Juliet

And I thought… As I read I thought what I knew when I was young
I read “Romeo and Juliet” and I thought it was BORING!

*Paula: Can we just be friends?
*Me: (Audible Mental Breakdown)

Feeling warped and dark inside the heart
The stab, the pain, the aftermath
Inside my bitter brooding world for a time that will come to pass
But for at least a while don’t you tell me it’s all right
I wanna feel my anger
On the day after the DEEL went down
Every hour brings pain to my heart

TOMORROW – Seems so far away
On the day after the Deel went down don’t tell me it’s okay
I try to cry my shrillest scream but only deep inside
And I clench my teeth and let my anger seer! SSSSSS!

PAULA – Don’t Tell Me That Again
Think About How Rare It Is To Have A Lover And A Friend
PAULA – What Was I To You?
Was I Just A Second Chance To See The Guy You Liked In High School?
Oh Yeah… I think so!

Well I’m Not Him
For He Changed Into Me
Because Death Slaughtered My Innocence
How’s It Feel To Kill The Mystery?
(How’s It Feel?)

Kingston: You know him! You love him! The one and only Joe Weir!

Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye, Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye
Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye – And I’ll Be Back When The Sequel Presides
Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye, Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye
Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye – And I’ll Be Back When The Sequel Presides

I had a dream there was milk in my coffee…

Feeling the pain and humiliation, feeling it all in the aftermath
Inside my bitter, brooding world – Let’s pray that it will come to pass
But for at least a while don’t you tell me it’s alright
I want to feel my stupidity!
On the day after the Deel went down every hour laughs at me!

MY SORROW – Tramples Over Me
The day after the Deel went down is a bad day in my history
There’s plenty of other fish in the sea, so why was it you?
Why was it you I had to fall for?

PAULA – Don’t Tell Me That Again
Think About How Rare It Is To Have A Lover And A Friend
PAULA – Just Punch Me In The Nose
‘Coz I Can’t Believe How Corny It Was That I Almost Bought You That Rose
Oh Yeah…
Kingston: Man, that was corny!
Joe: Yeah, that was pretty corny.

But I Wish You Luck For You And Your Mister Chuck
And I Pray Your Day’s Better Than Mine, Dear
I Have A Feeling That It Is

Kingston: Once again put your hands together for Mister Joe Weir!
Joe: Thank you!

Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye, Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye
Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye – And I’ll Be Back When The Sequel Presides
Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye, Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye
Joe’s Gone Bye-Bye – And I’ll Be Back When The Sequel Presides

I am outta here!


Dear Party Number One:

I wish I could help but my hands are tied so I sadly observe
I’ve heard all things must pass
You’ll continue to steal all we’ve known away
Just for want of a touch or a kiss
Meanwhile we all pay

In tears you scratch at the glass but it’s never going to break
And through it you see all the things you’ve done wrong
All the promises you were to make
And when everything was at stake you still thought only of you
The foreseeable future was yours to control
You would do what you wanted to do

TIME AND TIME – Although You Try
To Do Everything Your Way
FACE TO FACE – With What You’ve Done
You Turn And Walk Away

I understand that you’re young
And must make your own mistakes
And drive us away
But the more you go on
The harder it becomes to forgive
The pain we feel from your Transgressions

Dear Party Number Two:

You’re the other half of this fool’s dance
And you still haven’t learned that all things come to pass
You’ll continue to throw all you’ve known away
Just for need of a touch or a kiss
There’s not much more to say

On the other side of the glass I watch you go astray
I remember who you were. Tears fall for your naivety
And when everything was at stake
You still thought only of you
In a search for some sympathy we got to see
What a play on emotions can do

Time And Time – Although You Try
To Do Everything Your Way
FACE TO FACE – With What You’ve Done
You Turn And Walk Away

Time And Time – Although You Try
To Do Everything Your Way
SIDE BY SIDE – With What You’ve Done
You Face Another Day

Walking another’s road, abandoning your own
You’ve chained yourself to freedom to find yourself alone
All alone


Again I watch it all pass by
A world in motion and no one seems to care
Numbed by a sense of mass inconsideration
In a world of indifference who said that life was fair?
(It’s never fair)
They’re too busy to hear… One small voice

And now we look into the world where you and I
Live and still we try to find another way
Who will truly be so completely free?

I Don’t Know The Answers
But Questions Are Clear

Where Do We Go From Here?
We’re Running Out Of Time
Will We Aspire Progression
Or Fade Across The Line?
Across The Line

One Small Voice

Again I watch it all pass by
Chaos and confusion… what does it all lead to?
Buying time for the answers
Just don’t lose sight of what you’re trying to do
(Don’t lose sight)
They’re too busy to hear One Small Voice

In vain we put ourselves in desperate hours
And to the powers that be
When will we come of age?
This bureaucrat’s parade… social masquerade

You Scratch My Back And I’ll Stab You In Yours

Born To This Sorry State, But There Will Come A Time
When The Quiet Will Be Heard And Stand Above The Line
Above The Line

One Small Voice
Like A Shot Heard ‘Round The World
Is The Closest Most Will Come To Individuality
One Small Voice
Cast Outward Far and Wide
The People Will Have To Listen Eventually!


Though the game’s not over till it’s done
I’m confident we’ve already won

Two among the multitude, catching our breath
For once a winning hand
I’m talking about you and I

(We were) Two broken lonely souls (alone)
So sick of pretending that it’s alright
When it’s really just a poker face you see
(But now) Kisses of passion, not of pride
Confide in me the truth
That this is my first true romance
And the smile you see is real

We Have Drawn The Wild Card It Seems
And Though The Deck Is Stacked Against
If We Have To We Will Cheat

Burned on my eyes, stealing my breath
A smile without failure or falsity
Golden locks stir about your face

Love burning in the dark
As the blood boils in my veins
To the edge you’re taking me with every glance
Undoubtedly romance
Something burning the air, fingers through my hair
A smell like sweet flowers singeing my soul
Leaves me gasping again

You Are The Wild Card I’ve Drawn
Just The Right Kind Of Wild
Now I Need Not Draw Again

Tell Me The Language Of Love
With Sweet Words Of Romance
Whispered Gently In My Ear

Tell Me The Language Of Love
With Eyes Sparkling With Light
Like The Reflected Dew
On A Field Of Wildflowers

Tell Me The Language Of Love
With Fingertips Soft As Petals
Drawn Across My Face

Tell Me The Language Of Love
With Kisses Light As Feathers
Brushed Upon My Lips

Tell Me The Language Of Love
With Heart And Soul
Given Freely And Unbound

8. DARKFALL 2022

A Tale Of Cyberpunk Horror

30 years after the cataclysmic fall of darkness mankind, now well into the “cyberpunk” age, faces the horrific realization that nothing has been what it seemed to be for quite some time

Mel Loomis, television news and media personality, conspiracy theorist, and infamous “monster hunter”, now uses his cyber skills to broadcast one last unscheduled episode of his television program… to reveal his most shocking, and possibly fatal discovery.

“Greetings, friends. This is Mel Loomis. Once more welcome to ‘Things Man Was Not Meant To Know’. The date is November 2nd, 2022. I apologize for this interruption. I have had to hack into your televisions to bring you this urgent news. Over the last 13 weeks I have uncovered for you, bit by bit, the evil, dark conspiracy which I have believed is slowly consuming humankind. I have brought to you evidence that after the fall of darkness those 30 long years ago (circa 1992) the corporations, great and small, as well as the governments of the world are secretly owned and operated by some terrible occult-related-or-controlled powers. Ladies and gentlemen… cyborgs and mutants… this… this is my last broadcast. As you can see my situation at this point is… is very bad. You see, I have obtained absolute proof of what I have long suspected. Everything I have believed… everything I have believed I have without any doubts unveiled as true. But I fear it … it is far, far worse than any of us could have possibly imagined. And now they’ve come for me.”

I have traveled cyberspace with my mind linked to the ‘Net
I have hacked my way into information that no one was to get
The things I have seen there are vast in complexity
A plan for domination built on demonic sovereignty

It’s Always Dark Here (Always Dark… Always Dark)

Thirty years gone
Since The Elder One For 30 Days Walked The Earth
Thirty years gone
Since The Moon And Sun Were Blotted Out From The Sky

By exposing the cruelty of what’s really going on
I realize my time with you is nearly gone
So listen closely while i still can say
The conspiracy surrounds you
In the darkness of the day
In the dark…
In the darkfall

Street wars erupting, politicians cower
Gangs and corporations in a struggle for power
Just to keep the bodies burning and the souls astray
The one force that controls them all
Feasts on the chaos and decay

It’s Always Dark Here (Always Dark… Always Dark)

Thirty years gone
Since The Elder One For 30 Days Walked The Earth
Thirty years gone
Since The Darkness Fell
And Demons Rose Spilling Seas Of Blood

On the shores of a techno-insanity
I’ve witnessed a dark conspiracy
So this will be my final expose’
The conspiracy surrounds me
And i am now it’s prey
In the dark…
In the darkfall…
And there is no escape for me!

“A… A thing… millions, perhaps billions of years old… controlling both the governments and the street gangs… feeding off of the emotional turmoil of conflict. I can’t say much more. Not without going into complicated explanations that would take much longer than I have. I beg of you, take heed of my words! It’s the only time I’ll be able to tell you! Something must be done… what I don’t know. Perhaps all we can do is pray now. Pray for me.”

The strange broadcast appeared on everyone’s computers, or televisions (for in the future they are one and the same). Not sure what they had seen, they tuned in to the news for weeks thereafter, hoping for some word on the strange interruption, but there was none.

With the dangerous, towering artificial sun lamps blazing over the streets and homes by day, they eventually found enough distraction to let it fade from the forefront of their minds.

Mel Loomis had been called a madman many times, but something about the words they had heard that day struck a chord deep inside and disturbed them. Thereafter resuming their daily routines, they couldn’t help but notice the absence of Mel Loomis from all media… Not even so much a a Whisper In The Darkness…

The End

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