Decomposition Of Entrails : Pestilential Synthesis

Brutal Death / Russia
(2016 - Pathologically Explicit Recordings)
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In the depths of universe is condensed energy
They wake up in the dark insane processes
Disintegrations occurs in the space
Regeneration of organic particles
Recombination accumulations of ancient samples bacteria
Synthesis of molecular combinations
Whirlwind mist envelops space
Fusion of dark matter leads to the emergence of pernicious bacteria
External factors destructive forces nurtured sinister seed
Within the entity are wandering the ancient horrors
Nanocells lies in the primitive spirit of darkness
Dense atmosphere fills the inside of the matter
Achieved the level of organic protostar


A nucleus pulsates in the maelstrom of temporal events
The fabric fibers obduces a horrid bacterium
In the unfathomable darkness there is a process of the world's creation
An entity of planetary scale is born
The being receives consciousness
The being forms organics shell around itself
The formed ganglion reproduces simulacrum of a supramental fetus
An ancient mind is integrated in a powerful module
A deity of other worlds settled in the cluster of organic mass
The biomorph acquires enormous power in deep expanse
The epicyclic biomorph imbued with the apocalyptic spirit
The epicyclic biomorph - the ruler of the kingdom of organic
It is the personification of the greatness of the ancient world
Fluxes of the cosmic wind dispel the ashes of the dead tissue
Unclean energy fills the abode of the semidarkness
Сosmogenic divinity among the dead space


The cradle of genesis dooms unborn
Taste the range of disease-causing suffering
On the umbilical cord in the cocoons of poisonous streams consistency
Eruption uterine discharge penetrate the entrails
Womb is filled with insanity
Infernal vision envelop the fetus
Consciousness is immersed in nightmarish visions
Embryo covers convulsive spasms of ominous origin
Toxic essence envelops the flesh
Splitting the primordial matter
Burst of energy penetrates epithelium
Suffering is impregnated inside rudiment
The violent birth of selection process
Womb absorbs particles of decomposition
Ruthless fetal suffering reveal the face of hostile


Swollen painful ulcerated blisters
In the flesh realm of organics born abomination
Processes cause severe pain
Bursts of agony cause muscle spasms chain
Adrenaline bursts increases the acidity in the blood
Acid formation burn inside cocoons
Sprawling molecules inside cells strengthen
Individual acquires lethal guise
Carnal tissue absorption
Epidermis transmits neural link terrible suffering
Allocation lead to tissue necrosis
Individuals break through the virginal membrane
Cover surface shrouded in darkness
Under the onslaught of the martyrdom of incubation
Geeks crawl out of the pitch darkness


Black kneaded organogenic system
Chemical elements intertwined blood cells
Uncharted organic force creates metamorphoses
Centrifuge mixing particles removes weaknesses
DNA is reconstructed bit by bit, the individual structure
Disgusting fusion energy under the pressure
Rebuild of organism, monstrous power voltage
Biochemistry creates unimaginable processes
Biochemistry reigns within each cell
Organogenic elements rebuild congenital particles
Organogenesis progresses disgusting side inside of an organism
Painful periods are replaced by the phases of the mutation
Higher samples ascend into the darkness after passing stages of gastrulation


Existence of hostile hordes throughout the era of light
Destruction of clans and types of higher beings
Desire - sustenance, evolution, the power of the lower domain
Collective intelligence breaks the way for the development of vicious
Legion dominion by feuding, violent stage of civilization.
Ascent of flesh and bones
Cannibalism flourishes .... bloodshed blurring the flesh
Evolution by devouring the remains of a blood pack
Above the instincts of spiritual bondage.
Progress is inevitable, the strongest ascend to the throne
It stimulates the creation of new models of the conquest of other worlds
Higher intelligence intoxicate the consciousness, the blood feud leaders of flock
The dark side of organic kingdom


Under the influence of cerebral influences, revives Mass
Mortified sink under cover of creep
Fiber fabric burns chemical burns
The atmosphere sees ptomaine dust
Splash putrefaction contains particles of the spiritual spectrum
Wind carries dust particles cadaver into the sphere of death
Organogenic sphere absorbs the gifts of spiritual suffering
Soul clad in sphere doomed to comprehend torments
Sinister dissonance stream enveloped space
Featureless darkness absorbs the energy of fallen
Unknown psionic power is ruled by weak souls


Featureless sphere pernicious environment crave empty energy of darkness
Enough of formless force powerful gifts of ancient
Voltage shakes space
Absorption the dark veil of gloomy events
Time stops, breaks the continuum
Copulation of light and darkness forms the formation of dark days
Sunrise eternal darkness in the maelstrom of light forms bottomless penumbra
New phase of the kingdom among the rising boundless chaos


Weak invest in the foundation of civilization development
Cruelty exceeds reasonable limits
Process of transplantation bone cells
In the layers of the epidermis is ground every bit cells and molecules
Forcible mastery of the process of evolutionary nature
Testing cancer cells in experimental experiments
Malignant degeneration
Cancer cells are studying the body of the victim
Malignant degeneration
Individuals subject to agony
Malignant degeneration
Cancer devours fiber neural link
All living is burned to ashes turning inner
Malignant degeneration
Reborn from the ashes rises the individual
With a monstrous alien immunity to external factors


Lights in the eternal centrifuge penumbra
Sudden influence on the structure of material
Decay of organic planetary system
Penetration another regression gives all living things
External flow vaporizes reality
Biological and chemical processes of lost property
Biogenic kingdom born of the oldest souls
It falls on the ruins of otherworldly projection
The interaction with the other to change course of events
Darkness abnormality information erase the existing world
Abnormal phenomenon forms abyss
Transforms totality of organic matter in the nothing

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