Decision D : Razon de la Muerte

Thrash Metal / Netherlands
(1992 - Crypta Records)
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Satan, we come against you in the name of jesus christ, son of god who
appeared to destroy the devil's work displayed in all kinds of counterfeir,
miracles, signs and wonders and in every sort of evil that deceives those who
are perishing. They perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be
saved. For this reason god sends them a powerful delusion so that they will
believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the
truth, but have delighted in wickedness.

Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
god, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you
can recognize the spirit of god: every spirit that acknowledges that jesus
christ has come in the flesh is from god. But every spirit that does not, is
not from god. This is the spirit of Antichrist, which you have heard is coming
and even now is already in the world. This is how we recognize the spirit of
truth and the spirit of falsehood.

Fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgement has come
Worship him who made heaven and earth.

Fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgement has come
Worship him who made heaven and earth.

Satan, we come against you in the name of jesus christ, son of god who
appeared to destroy the devil's work displayed in all kinds of counterfeir,
miracles, signs and wonders and in every sort of evil that deceives those who
are perishing. They perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be
saved. For this reason god sends them a powerful delusion so that they will
believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the
truth, but have delighted in wickedness.

Fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgement has come
Worship him who made heaven and earth.

Fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgement has come
Worship him who made heaven and earth.


Blessed are those who want to do
the will of him they choose
cause his commands are not burdensome
for everyone born of god overcomes the world

For everything in the world
the gravings of sinful man
the lust of the eyes
and the boasting of what he has and does
the world and its desires
pass away
but those who do the will of god
live forever

Cursed are those who trust in man
who depends on flesh for his strength
and whose heart turns away from god

Blessed are those who trust in him
whose confidence is in god


The noise of battle is in the land
the noise of great destruction
how broken and shattered
is the hammer of the whole earth
come against her from afar
break open her granaries
pile her up like heaps of grain
completely destroy her and leave her to remnant

I am against you, oh arrogant one
I am against you, for your day has come to be punished

See, i will stir up the spirit of destroyer
I will send foreigners to winnow her
and to devastate her land
They will oppose her on every sie
in the day of her disaster
I will surely (fill you with men and they will)
shout in triumph over you

I am against you, oh arrogant one
I am against you, for your day has come to be punished

The noise of battle is in the land
the noise of great destruction
how broken and shattered
is the hammer of the whole earth
come against her from afar
break open her granaries
pile her up like heaps of grain
completely destroy her and leave her to remnant


For this is what the lord himself has said about his table
On the night when Judas betrayed him
the lord jesus took bread and gave
god thanks for it
Broke it and gave it to the disciples

Take this and eat it for this my body
Do this in memory of me
Take this and eat it for this my body
Do this in memory of me

In the same way he took the cup of wine
saying this cup is the new agreement
That has been established
and set in motion by my blood

Take it and drink it for this my blood
Do this in memory of me
Take it and drink it for this my blood
Do this in memory of me

Holy supper
Examine your heart
Holy supper
Examine your heart

Take this and eat it for this my body
Do this in memory of me
Take this and eat it for this my body
Do this in memory of me

Holy supper
Examine your heart
Holy supper
Examine your heart


O god defend me from the enemy
For you are god my only place of refuge
Why have you tossed me aside?
Why must I mourn because of them?

Send out your light and truth,
please lead me to your temple
to your holy mountain
I'll go to your altar my exceeding joy
And praise you lord with my music

O god, my lord! O my soul
why be so gloomy and discouraged?
Trust in god, trust him!
Trust in god
I'll praise him for his wonderful help


These are the words of the amen
the faithful and true witness
the ruler of god's creation
I know your deeds
that you are neither cold nor hot
I wish you were either one or the other
So, because you are lukewarm
- neither hot nor cold -
I'm about to spit you out of my mouth

Those whom I love I rebuke and disciple
so be earnest and repent.
Here I am!
I tand at the door and knock
If anyone hears my voice
and opens the door
I will come in and eat with him
and he with me

You say, I am rich,
I have acquired wealth
and do not need a thing.
But you do not realize
that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
I counsel you to buy from me gold
refined in the fire.

Those whom I love I rebuke and disciple
so be earnest and repent.
Here I am!
I tand at the door and knock
If anyone hears my voice
and opens the door
I will come in and eat with him
and he with me

These are the words of the amen
the faithful and true witness
the ruler of god's creation
I know your deeds
that you are neither cold nor hot
I wish you were either one or the other
So, because you are lukewarm
- neither hot nor cold -
I'm about to spit you out of my mouth


Standing on stage, playing loud
Rock 'n roll singer telling about
Planet earth and what's going wrong
Pointing his finger
He's got a pistol, he's using it well
Telling me who and what are hell
Shooting dow all our enemies
The real gunslinger
Turn on the news, it's easy to see
Filthiness of society
Mrs. Justice is far away
What did she leave behind

Lies, corruption, acid rain
Rape and war, this world's insane
I do agree with you
But you are blind
If the mind is rotten so the deeds will be
You make no difference to me
Judging but acting just like them
You show no better way
New hearts are what we need
Good and righteous seeds
Will produce better fruits
Faith is the way

Now tell me isn't it strange
We are not able to change
Now tell me isn't it strange
There is no change

Well you may think it's strange
But christ did make the change
Well you may think it's strange
christ did

Standing on stage, playing loud
Rock 'n roll singer telling about
Planet earth and what's going wrong
Pointing his finger
He's got a pistol, he's using it well
Telling me who and what are hell
Shooting dow all our enemies
The real gunslinger
Turn on the news, it's easy to see
Filthiness of society
Mrs. Justice is far away
What did she leave behind


Great temptation
The king illusion came to fall
I see it in the age of fog
and down and down it goes and gets thicker
It rules in the hearts of millions
that are victims of an abomnable
Conspiracy that gets bigger and bigger

The minute starts with an eastern rumble
that drags us into temptation
It's easy to say that its a New Age
with his expectations that massacres our minds
A price we pay for the rejection
of the cleansing blood

Eastern goeroes expose our thoughts
with spiritual condemnation and restrain us
from authentic salvation from the only creator
that is allowed to be worshipped
They consider themselves
reincarnated gods

All wicked ideas from the snake
like he deceived eve from the beginning
telling her that she surely wouldn't die
eating from the forbidden tree
And that god knew that if she ate from the tree
she would be like him

This is how I'm being raised
against these damned energies and vibrations
by surrendering myself to christ,
healer of sin, ruler and the ressurected
That's why I will never ever ever never answer to your call

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