Decayed : Hell-Witch

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Through darkened forests she dwells. Lurking, weaving her ancient spells. Praising the silvery Demon's Eye. Worships forces of Earth and Sky...
Darkest dreams, brightest flame. Take heed of her unknown name...
She has walked the domains below. Witnessed the waters of Styx flow. Pale is her skin by the moonlight. She roams with creatures of the night...
Darkest dreams, brightest flame. Take heed of her unknown name...
Hellish Witch, the Unholy Witch. Hellish Witch, the Impious Witch. Hell-Witch…
Drinking from the chalice of Eternity. Forever she will live in blasphemy. Scorning the One who seats up high. She gloats as mortal men die...
Darkest dreams, brightest flame. Take heed of her unknown name...
Hellish Witch, the Unholy Witch. Hellish Witch, the Impious Witch.
The Hell-Witch…

Ancient Spirit
In Ancient Spirit

Long ago we have met. In the darkness united. You have quenched my thirst. You have soothed my soul. Bare of flesh and bones. Ancient spirit I await you…

City Of The Horned One
City Of The Horned One

In a time that was and shall never be again. In a land still immaculated from Christianity.
The sons of Lug arrange the symbols. Celebrate a sabbat in the castle by the abyss.
High Priestess Ahés recites the words…. By the Huelgoat in the Kastel Ar Gibel. Within splendorous halls, among sacred wealths. On this night one more will be drained of blood. To the depths his corpse delivered.
Summon the Dark Knight and let us depart…
Children of the fire who dwell in darkness.
In the city of the horned one, our father.
We shall meet again for eternity.
In the city of the horned one, our master…
Children of the night proudly united.
In the city of the horned one, Lucifer. We shall rule once again.
In the city of the horned one, unboundaried…
And now gather the sect for one last time.
His city shall be preserved through destruction. The last mass attended by the Dark Prince.
In union with the High Priestess in final rites. The secrets of Is engulfed by Ulmo's realm.
Until the time when the bells toll once more…

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