Dead Hand (USA) : Repellers - Dead Hand

Sludge Metal / USA
(2014 - Divine Mother Recordings)
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Shadows gather, impending doon
Without warning, death and ruin
Cold presence, it's grasp near
Edge of the abyss, mind is focused and I feel no fear
Cold acceptance, desolate path, marching alone
Realize that this life won't last
Facade stripped away with nowhere left to hide
You won't be saved by prayers or lies
Darkness encroaches, it's time to pay the toll
Nothing left to give but blood bone and soul
Fell your heartbeat, Two feet planted on the ground
Sun engulfs your body, sweat drips from your brow
Are you ready to die ? No !
And have you ever lived your own life ? Now !
Nothing to keep, nothing to own
Nothing in this world is ours but blood bone and soul


Fire and wind come from the sky
From the gods of the sky but your god is Crom
He lives in the Earth where giants once dwelled
The giants fooled him and took from Crom
The riddle of steel
In his anger he struck them down on the battlefield
And those who found the steel
They were men. They weren't gods. they weren't giants.
They're just men who just found the enigma of steel
You cannot trust this weakened form
The steel is weak, the flesh is stronger
When you go to Valhalla and answer to Crom
He will ask you the riddle from the tree of woe
You cannot trust a thing. Not man, not woman or beast
This you can trust with your life


What have we done ?
Where did we do wrong ?
Are we so blind ?
How can we not see ?
Plague, disease, pestilence
We'll bring this on ourselves
This need for convenience
Will be the end of us
Our great failure ?
We ignore the past
And repeat the wrongs
Of our fathers
We'll bring this on ourselves and we'll rot
I'm let down and ashamed by mankind's apathy
The apex parasite
Move on
And repeat

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics