Day Of Ascension : Demo 2007

Unblack / USA
(2007 - Self-Released)
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Darkness eternally pollutes my thought
Despair convinces me that there is no light
A false serenity leads me to my death
A warm embrace from the sea I’m drowning in

Even those who preach the word
Brought me nothing but pain
Where is this light you promised
Where is my life?

Waiting, doubting
When will it come ?

Desolate days turned to desolate years
Until I finally let go, until all I had meant nothing
It was then that I saw him with me
It was then that I knew, that he was always with me

Waiting, doubting
When will it come ?

The sorrow he felt, would kill a thousand hearts
As he holds a son, who dies painfully
As he wants to heal, but his beloved pushes away
But his faith lasts, his eyes will never turn away

Waiting, doubting
Never again


Atonement in the purest of blood
He who conquered death, for the lives of all
Such a light, darkness cannot withstand
Not any demon, not any angel, can eclipse.



Generations murdered, robbed, and defiled.
The sorrow for the lost, would never end
Until the father sent his son, until God’s blood was spilled
That blood was you, that blood was me.

Far too long have we walked alone
Looked upon shadows, afraid of the light
We believed we were above all
Our reflection is like water, in it we shall drown
Yet there is one who suffered the deepest pain
In his name, sanctified


The fires of Gomorrah
Burnt an image in your head
Of wrath and vengeance
Of hatred and despair

And now the church of man
Fans the flames of fear
Smiling hypocrites
Reaping death and disillusion

Who’s place is it to let you know the truth?
What difference is it to the dead whether you live or die ?
And now the wall has fallen, the lies are exposed
But still the smoke has blotted out the sun

The war of man and god
Has long been over
There is no wrath, no more revenge
Forsake not this mercy unto you

Self deifying, judgmental, hypocrites
Spreading ungodly fear,
Do they even know the damage they are causing ?

It’s easy to hear them say “Turn to Christ”
surely they’ll put themselves in his place, and sure enough
they’ll take you down with them

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics