Darzamat : Semidevilsh

Symphonic Black / Poland
(2004 - Metal Mind Productions)
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Second two or maybe a day
I glance over yellowed pages
Touch the scares of your unpure soul
I drown in sticky passion of your memory

Born from chaos wind of hatred human faces it posses
The sand of the sarcophagus of memories blows
And every seed is a diamond blade

In the tact of their language beats my heart
And pass centuries

I touch the scares of your unpure soul
Sometimes death comes at night
Sometimes death is silence
Sometimes death scares the wind
Sometimes death gives birth to the dark

Let the show go on

I touch the scars of your unpure soul
In red iris daylight dies
Nothing shall escape from me

Sometimes death is filled with the blood
Sometimes death fades away in fog
Sometimes death il like a black storm
Sometimes death scares the wind of life
Sometimes death comes to you at night
Sometimes death gives birth to the dark

I touch the scars of your unpure soul
Sometimes death is filled with blood
Sometimes death fades away in fog
Sometimes death is like a black storm
Sometimes death has many names


This anger which direct a fist to somebody's face
This fire which changes the matter into dust
This hate which is poison of the blood
This madness which controls the mind

I take out a knife to give it to others

I swim into rusted irony
I wear the coat of hypocrisy
Dull mind sends misty waves of noise
Shorter and shorter is the thread on the spool of time

I take out a knife to give it to others
Like an echo repeat curses
One of the wingless creatures


We ride through the secrets
Half gods - that's what we are
Half human without feelings
Far from the stars we are
With suffering and pain
We live insane and blind
We spill the sand on ourselves
For it is the only truth about us

Rush of the wind runs insane storm
Blackness comes out of infinite bowls
Drawing the word
Eye looks inside the stone
Dreams disturbed by deadly silence
Whispers rises from your cold srceams

Sadness formed into drops above the sky
Creates another poems every night

They will look and not believe
They will yell they will deny
I will burn the bridges and respect
And me the blind bat
I shall love my black disguisting wings
In an infinite cave I shall live
Always looking downwords
Always looking downwords

We ride through the universe
Far from the stars we are
With suffering and pain
We live insane

With suffering and pain
We live insane and blind
We spill the sand on ourselves
For it is the only truth about us

We fallow blindly emptiness
We bury our essence
In ahshes and fire
We fallow emptiness


So the eyes of fire phantom created from awesome magic

I have hatred that flies high on the dusk's wings
I have scarlet cloak that protects me from the light
I have misty phantoms in a white incense smoke
I have temptations driven away from god's garden

From this stone that touches my consciousness I shall make a fistul of ashes

I have immortal might that bursts so rapidly
I have madness that caresses mind and body
I have memories that burn with their redness
I have dreams that burn with no relief

Madness memories dreams
Hatred memories dreams

From this flame that burned for me into the night
I shall vanish
From the passion I shall vanish from the passion
From the passion from the passion from the passion

I have awareness that distorts my face deriding
I have uncalmed sorrow in endless complaint
I have grief in silent cry of universe
I have curse that kills with icy dagger


Under the fog night raises curtains
I feel it pulsates in my blood
As the grey light comes down from the clouds
Victoriously I raise my head high

Thunders and winds

I look with undisguised disguist
At empty souls around me
I hear them laughing in a mardled house
It echoes on an adorned vault
I want to unleash my burning hatred
That flies on dragon's wind looking for fulfilment

No thought can reveal the meaning of the words
Only thunders and winds are the melody
That can bring peace to my soul

Empty souls
Thunders and winds
Night raises curtains
Burning hatred
Night raises curtains
In a proud silence

While inside my soul there are funerals
Without orchestras
Silently attacking my scared heart
I feel no mercy, I feel no forgivness


Only the plants without eyes survived
I lost you among them

Alone I am stepping through a path full of missed thorns
Only I can carry the flag of people's sorrows
If only nobody crosses the border of madness and life
Since not only I am the life,
For beyond there are also pain and faith
No one can think for us

We were in the garden full of figures
Made of glass, they were melting our hands in springs

I wanted to be among the men
But I saw them rotten plants without eyes
Figures seemed to be officious in despair
I wanted to be among the mes
But I saw them rotten plants without eyes
My fear was full of passion

I stopped my tears
For there was too much rain
And the figures seemed to be officious in despair

We are only pale shadow
On the coloured surface of the starry sky
And no one but us clean up memories
In dreams they seem black
All of us want to forget about what makes us evil

Rains of life were falling from the fountains
Taste of blissful grapes spoiled by dogs
Lying at crossroads

I stoped my tears for there was too much rain
And the figures seemed to be officious in despair

Glass rains fountains springs life evil
Shadow dark light sorrow cry glass death


I teach you the gift of darkness
For you could know the unknown
Fou you could keep the secret
Which is the greatest of all

When you become the part of darkness
You will understand the untold
And your light in the sky
Will blink and hide in you

Darkest tear falls
Shedding goblet of bitterness
Free me from the pain of life
And you pass me in the arms of death
Crying of beauty of the night

I show you the gift of darkness
Crying of beauty of the night
You pass me in the arms of death
Free me from the pain of life
When you become the part of darkness
You will understand the untold
And your light in the sky
Will blink and hide in you


Shining in a mistic dusk of one lightning
I will awake the sleeping in the sun covered with heat

In a mourning of life, majestic in pain
In air still rising they go deeper and deeper

Eyes of fire in the black horizon rise with rays

Sand-glass goes on torturing without hope
In a deadly silence souls rest in a shadow
Its jealousy does not hide any secrets
I put fires that echoes in horizon
They howl hungry sending their despair voices up to heaven
I will not control my passion

I will struggle to bring them up to the sky
I will struggle for them to burn in their beauty
I will struggle for them to be a thorn in a crown of light
I will struggle for them to burn in their beauty
I will struggle for them to be a thorn in a crown of light
I will struggle to bring them up to the sky

They howl hungry sending their despair voices up to heaven
I will not control my passion to give life to all senses


Swinged I am wearing feathers
Dance tangled thoughts go mad
Swinged I am thought to fly
Whirl fall and come back again

The wind that dances on stormy sky
And rainy silver mist
Flash in deep eyes of the stars
The taste of night which spread her spell

For now when I'm gone I really do exist

All this takes me high above the earth
All this makes me breathe
All this makes me change my mind
And closer to me will get when I close my eyes

He looks so different I am calm
I get rid of my shame I don't hide my eyes
And I speak nothing in return radiate
I melt in difference
He knows I feel

Swinged I am shown the path
Watch do not think follow
Swinged I am caress of madness
Get might skills and will


Here I wait for you
Born from darkness

In your coldness
In your absence
In your cobweb
In your darkness


Here I wait for you

lyrics added by Troodukus - Modify this lyrics