Darkest Hour : The Misanthrope

Metalcore / USA
(1996 - Death Truck Records)
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Overcome the evils trapped within,
Break free from the shackles that bind,
Blood pulses through my veins as
I destroy the weakness and impurity within my soul,
Fracture the innocence, break free from the trap,
That binds my arms, my legs,
My soul regain the strength that once was lost,
Look into light once more, as I free myself from the pain.


Swimming through a false consiousness,
Looking for an answer, waiting for it to come to me,
I can't see forward in this world of darkness,
A veil of pain covers my eyes,
Waiting for it to come to me, waiting aimlessly,
I wish this world would be over,
But my wishes are obsolete, in this world of beginnings,
I'm looking forward to the end,
Images appear from nothing, grasp for life, grasp for air.


Thrown into this world, forced to live a life not chosen,
Through out this sentence of torment,
Tortured and left for dead, shell of a man,
Left alone to drown, I can't escape,
Like like plaster cast dissolves, thrown away,
Fallen victim once again, at the hands of humanity,
Denounced, enstranged, imprisoned by the lies and fear,
That weigh so heavy upon my back,
Mind becomes numb to slander, stripped of all...emotion,
I can't begin to heal the pain,
I must try and end it,
I'll turn my back on this bitter world,
You left me here to die, you left me here to die.


Tear heart from flesh, blood stains canvas,
Delve into darkness, cannot fathom life,
To scared to fathom death, as venom slowly poisons,
Paralysis sets in, stiff and lifeless,
Pain begins to sear the mind, to sear the mind,
Drawn and quartered by anguish, stench of impurity,
Embellished within addiction,
Drown in the depths of cleansing waters,
Claw and scrape, through darkened walls,
Flesh and mind lapse into one, victim of vice.


In darkness only to see the light shines brighter now,
Stripped from the life long before your time,
Sands of time slowly blown away, innocence is laid to rest,
Ashes smolder ashes from the fire that once charred life,
Life is laid to rest, ashes smolder
From the fire that once charred life, sleep eternal sleep,
Rest eternally, arctic winds solidify,
As purity now torn, silent never to sleep again,
Silent, sleep eternal sleep,
Memories turn into sleepless nights,
Soaked with sweat, gasp for air,
Pain swept away by darkness,
Clouds blacken the sky as rain falls,
Forevermore, as body lyes in darkness,
Soul walks among eternity, behold salvation from humanity,
Unbound by earthly insanity.


If I only knew why red rivers flow,
Away from a life in torment,
I can't conceive why a glorified lifestyle like this
Is so appealing, why are there no other choices?
Why do we feel this is how we need to survive?
If I only knew why death surrounds,
I can't conceive your reasoning,
If I only knew what will be left,
Shattered hopes and dreams, your excuse is unacceptable,
I can't relate to what you have to say

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