Dark Skull : Devoid of Life

Thrash Black / USA
(2019 - Self-Released)
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Bring the gods our life to them
Sacrifice the condemned
Strip the layers of skin to wear in war
After their heart’s detained
See their soul fly high with the flames
And go back to fucking your whore

Our trophies made of a thousand skulls
Trust me the knives aren't dull
We take them for our sadistic games
Just die and scream with the flames

We spill the virgin blood, they give us life
Taken to the cold slab, I pierce your soul with a knife
The stairway going up doesn't lead to heaven
Killing with the frayed end of the blade

Captive victims beg for mercy
Slew children, evil lies underneath
They give their hearts and praise to the gods
That gives them life and us our death

On this trail he makes you follow
These hallowed heads, oblations burn with sorrow
The rack is full, use them like masks
My face though covered will be your last


Molding my creation
Into something grotesque
With a combination
Of pure power I "rightfully” possess
Let me come to pass
Build my imbrued image
Fall to me, breathe my gas
Suture thee, expression's grimace

I won’t ever let you leave
I will only let you breathe
Until the world can finally see
They can’t see that I’m a feign god

Glazing at what I created
Better than what he inflicts
Nails in both hands fabricated
Through some pokes and pricks
I mutate people that I hate
Into a gory secretion
Sadistic ways of how I create
Annihilation in my profession

In this chamber, in my cradle
Lies your fate that will be fatal
Read the label mentally unstable
Red trickles down the metal rod!


Satisfied with torturing
The herd accepts my offering
Sadistic while the door is closed
Their scream is my music I compose

lyrics added by Antonin_Martin - Modify this lyrics