Dar Semai : In Maroon of Four Suns

Melodic Death / Poland
(1998 - Self-Released)
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Impressions this sole night
Sole in whole cycle
Taste and smell clear frosty breath of the Earth

Winter solsitce
Constant episode of nature's life
congealed constellation change
celestial bodies repeat theirs positions
the whole rotation is done

Eternal fight of darkness and light
No one is winner, flame and ince,
Lapse of time changes nothing
precise mechanism of universe

rising and setting
next oscillation of cosmis pair of scales
Black Gods are closing their eye lids
for the longest night
Unification-time's parts turn into one

We are in the center of this
cold wind stars up and blows over trees
Superior forces teach us admiration and shyness

In frosty silence we stay
Caressed by softness of snow
Twinkling by opened time's gate
Left sing in our deepest mind
Aurora's shining in agate spaces
This thick mist is only illusion

Quardrangle of seasons
Rhythm of nature
Stability, death
Invincible succession

Uncovering of starlit lining's hem
With vision of chaos beneath
When you lost your hope
Will next morning come?

The longest night of the cycle
Gives you cold sleep in the black velvet calm


Inside is something ...
You fell how flight down
And above you
Burn your crushed dreams
Future ...
You beg thousand times
And lay naked in purple rain
Without hope.
You still burning in these flames.
Fruitless tears
Like communion between naked trees
Icy water in this goblet
Leaking through your livid fingers,
You must do this sacrifice
With your soul and virgin trust,
All the lies that you was feeding...
Smash your innocence
Now the soggy ground
Is swallowing your remembrances
With weeping rain
In darkness of whole Earth
Chilly autumn night
You're along
And above you
Burn your crushed dreams

Through your fingers flaws
The stream of sweet-salt blood
And this pale on your face
Contrasts with black burning eyes
When you are waiting for the end
You fall down on wet soil
Mixing your tears with leafs
Disillusioned. Broken.




When the Moon puts on you
The unearthly spell
You come out and leave your
Woman and children sleeping
Those strand and black waves bellowed
Are all your life and love
Night breeze is scattering your hair
You breathe deeply with keen salty air
Glory for chosen!
Magnificence can't be without
Wisdom and pride.
Humble, rush or coward
Die in a twinkling of the eye
When you must struggle
With wilderness of nature and men
Quicksilver of rough sea
Will swallow fleshes of defeated

But till it's suffice of strength
You won't bend your neck
And till the hope smolders in your heart
Your gnawed bones won't be swallowed
By white snowdrifts
When you reflect on your father
Who felt last autumn as the bravest
In weeping rain,
Untwisted gold braids of birches
You feel his spell
Keep this memory into you
You need a will for the next fight
What will another day bring?
It's dawning
Rosy morning wakes the wildfowl



Blessed by blood and tears and open mind
I change my own soul and kill my old myself
All live by impetus, confirm me in frustrate
It persisted in mine like sediment made by despair

Dispensation of experiences
I need to forget about it!
I was weak and helpless, I fell powerless rage
Because you lived in the other happier world
And you don't feel this tench of fear and ache
Under your glass cover

I cried for future and I cried for calm
But my veins didn't carry across
Because it lost its sense
Feeding my brain with its morbid impressions


Standing air
Clear and light
The green gilted landscape
I see far way
This cooled down silence
And embracing calm
Like the remembrance
Of the past images
My tender age's land

Stormy skies
Like dark vault
Above my bowed head
Heavy rain
In front of my eyes
Lighting over the forest
It's time
For the last run
Into the anxious marvels of Autumn

And these brass trees
In wet misty despair
Will sleep here forever




I walk along to dark paths
In maroon of four Suns
I freeze with my fingers
Crying flowers full of blood
Which cooled down
I look at bleak landscape beneath
And blatant mankind in their disgrace
Crowd fools who crawl at my feet
Incurable human
Forsaken by their god
With broken backbones and blind eyes
Worms who were begeted
To sully face of this world

They won't find favour of ascension
Never will tear away
From filth of their inferno
And inaccessible stay meadows of light
Where azure streams flow amid yews
Where four maroon Suns burn
And crushed dead flowers lay under my feet



lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics