Dagorlad (BEL) : Herald of Doom

Atmospheric Black / Belgium
(2008 - Shiver Records)
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The division begun a long time ago,
When the house of Imptacar,
Aggressive and in search for more and more power
And wealth took over new lands
Leaving the choice to the conquered nations
Of total annihilation
Or forever being a loyal vassal
And to fight at their side

Till one day their siege of the main
Castle of the house of the silver cross
Was broken by its brotherhood of knights
Enormous courage and power.

There was a time
When the know world was ruled
By two almighty houses.
Their rivalry would lead both to their end
And the doom of other races.

As one day,
A royal escort of the silver cross,
Returning to the capital,
Was ambushed by a horde of the Imptacar clan,
The brave Silver Knights were able to hold off the attacking troops,
But when the dragons arrived
The opposition was just to strong
Both princesses, daughters of the silver cross king,
Where dragged out of the royal carriage,
Raped by the dragon knights
And then left to their men
And finally left to die.

From the siege on this world was divided
Into two clans,
Many houses, encourage by the bravery
Of the Silver Cross
Decided to ally against the Imptacar.
For them, the only way to preserve
Partially freedom
And hope for better days.

There was a time
When the know world was ruled
By two almighty houses.
Their rivalry would lead both to their end
And the doom of other races.

In the most sinister slaughter of all times,
Leaving every single one of them
To die a second death
In the ancient battle of Zuljin.


They came from the swamps,
In the woods over the mountains
The Imptacar,
Giants of nature.
Agile and swift,
Embittered and hardened
By the tough life in the jungle.

They're all dressed up and protected
With these strange thick,
Scaly and leather armours.

Strike, fight, and kill!
For the glory of their kind!
They were resolute to rule over this world

They came from the swamps,
In the woods over the mountains…

Strike, fight, and kill!
For the glory of their kind!
Your only choice is to serve or to die…

From all their pillaging,
They collected enough gold
To buy from the dwarves
The best war machinery
And their loyal services.

They made a pact with the dragons:
In exchange for the constant supply of humans high in the mountains
They could mount them and thus forming
Flying deadly squads.

Run! Run for your life!
The Imptacar are approaching!

One by one,
Houses and kingdoms,
All over the country,
Laying on the path of the Imptacar
Were forced to surrender,
Those, who had opposed strongly were simply obliterated,
Others were put into slavery and conscripted in their army for battle,
In a new quest.

Nothing could stop them,
But then one day,
While they were laying siege to another big castle
They got surprised by the furiosity and bravery
Of the silver knights and the elfish archers
In the their last desperate brake out
And for the first time the Imptacar were forced back.


Near the great waterfall,
The magnificent castle
Of the brotherhood of the silver cross
Was a place of shelter.

It was a place of happiness,
It was a place of cure,
It was a place of hope,
In dark days of despair.

Famous were their parties
At the court of the king
With ale for all
Flowing copiously!

The knights of the silver cross
Were the best of their kind .
Wielding with pride and honour
Their shields and swords…

To war! To war!
Once and for all,
We will finish off the Imptacar race!

Who have devastated our lands,
And made flow way too much precious blood.

For many years now
They were at war
With the Imptacar oppressor
Ever since they broke the siege.

Many other houses,
And Kingdoms and tribes,
Have joined the silver cross
In their quest and battle.

Hoping to escape
The menace and the cruelty of the leather knights
And their dragons.

And then finally united,
Driving the Imptacar back
To where they came from.

To war! To war!
Once and for all,
We will finish off the Imptacar race!

Who have devastated our lands,
And made flow way too much precious blood.

Oh my beloved king,
I'm afraid I have very bad news to announce:
The escort of your daughters has been ambushed
By an Imptacar horde,
They were quite numerous,
And many of them died
By the hand of your loyal knights.
However, the opposition seemed overwhelming
And all of them have perished
Trying to protect
The valuable life of both your daughters.
Their tainted and lifeless bodies
Were found just a little further away
From this battlefield…


Deep inside the entrails
Of the burning mountains
Thousands of dwarves working grim.

In the suffocating heat
Brought by the boiling blood
Coming from the Depths of the Earth.

They are forging the steel
In the red viscous and strengthening fire
Cooling it down in the ice cold crystal water
Leaking from Mountain's top.

Their only obsessions:
The possession of tons of gold.
Taking up the orders,
From the armies of the world,
Preparing the strongest armoury,
Forging the sharpest swords and axes.
And so they became
The magicians of steel.

Their war machinery
Sophisticated, huge and threatening
Ready for the mass destruction
Of whatever army, village or town.

Putting on their armours
Getting their handmade weapons
Preparing their terrifying
And heavy machinery
Ready to rip off the flesh
Of the bodies of the enemy.
Cruel, violent, fearless.

For countless generations
The dwarves learned the secrets of steel.
They learned the art of war
Making of them powerful allies
On the battlefields.
For large amounts of gold
They can be hired
To slay down everything on their way

Putting on their armours
Getting their handmade weapons
Preparing their terrifying
And heavy machinery
Ready to rip off the flesh
Of the bodies of the enemy.
Cruel, violent, fearless.

Little is their size,
But magnificent is their strength and perseverance


In the north of the island
In the country of the Dragonlords
In the kingdom of Snowland
Leaded by a rough king.

His name was Grymir
Ambitious and fierce
On the back of his dragon,
He used to travel all over…

One day the terrifying king was approached
By a messenger from the Imptacar kingdom
Who came to propose him an alliance:
To attack the silver cross castle.

The army from the north
Coming from snowland
Country of dragons,
Lost behind the mountain range.

In a night of full moon,
A pact was signed.
The forces of snowland will join
The Imptacar's troops
To destroy their enemy.

A frightening army of barbarians
Straddling their proud dragons
Enormous masses of blood and fire
Fast and agile like swallows.

A troop of impressive warriors
Armed by heavy double axes
And covered by thick coats
The dragons eager for human flesh.


In the enchanted forest,
A gathering of the ancient elves.
In the large council room
Rumours of an imminent war.

His face was ageless and wise,
His hair was dark as shadows,
His grey eyes were bright,
The old king Alrond.
The old king Alrond.

Sitting on his wooden throne
He was reading the manuscript
Brought by a flying messenger
An eagle from the nordic peaks

Alrond :
“We have to run to Silvercastle
To help our secular allies
To fight against the evil aggressors
And send them back to their lands.”

At dawn, the very next day
Thousands of elves riding unicorns
Armed with bows and swords
Were leaving their forest of Bocelia.

His face was ageless and wise,
His hair was dark as shadows.
His face was ageless and wise
His grey eyes were bright.

His face was ageless and wise,
His hair was dark as shadows.

The old king Alrond.
The old king Alrond.
The old king Alrond.


He was a famous wizard
At the court of the Silvercross.
His magic powerful.
His name was Astrabal.

He looks tall and slim.
His eyes were like embers.
He wore a long white beard
And a roomy purple robe.

That's an old story
The legend of the Tar desert
An ancient cemetery
In a place of stones and dust.

That's a very old tale
The legend of the Tar desert
Ancient burials
In a place of stones and dust.

A violent battle in a plain
An army of loyal knights
Against the dark cohort
From the empire of Tyra.

The evil horde was too strong
The braves couldn't resist so long
And all of them perished
In a lake of blood.

He was a famous wizard
At the court of the Silvercross.
His magic powerful.
His name was Astrabal.

He knew the black spell
To restore them to life.
A long sinister procession.
A proud army of skeletons!


The evil armies were at the gatehouse,
Nordic barbarians and massive dragons.
Impressive troops of roaring warriors.
Dwarves coming from the burning mountains.

Bludgeon strokes and double axes,
Sharp daggers and heavy swords
And the fearsome dragon's fire.
Terrifying hordes armed to their teeth.

Behind crenulated walls,
The green elves from Bocelia,
The loyal Silvercross army
And the magician Astrabal.

Archers in narrow loopholes.
Soldiers with forked poles,
Fire pots filled with burning tar,
Scalding water and burning sand.

At the siege of the stronghold
They were waiting for a sign,
The eclipse of the holy moon,
To attack in the darkest of nights.

At the stroke of midnight,
A frightening howling could be heard
All around the fortified walls…
The fierce battle could begin!!!

There was no moat to protect
The castle against the huge siege engines.
The Imptacar advanced
Massive machinery
To destroy the strong gates.

They are waiting for the sign
An eclipse of the holy moon.
To attack in the darkest of nights.
An eclipse of the holy moon,
In the darkest of nights.

A myriad of arrows rained down
On the gigantic attackers
While the courageous soldiers pushed off the ladders
and dropped rocks.

Redoubtable warriors mounted on dragons
Started flying above the frightened defenders
Some of them were burned alive.
Smell of scorched human flesh.
Signs of despair and terror
A general panic.

To counter these violent attacks,
Astrabal threw a huge fireball
That reached the head of a dragon,
Killing him straight away.

In the meantime,
A mysterious army
Furiously attacked the invaders.
Dreadful skeletons
Had been brought back to life
By an ancient spell.

Armed by rusted swords and axes
Protected by old worn shields
They were invincible and powerful
Thanks to the mighty magic of the wizard.

They are waiting for the sign
An eclipse of the holy moon.
To attack in the darkest of nights.
An eclipse of the holy moon,
In the darkest of nights.

The battle ended up in a total carnage.
Blood and fire everywhere.

An eclipse of the holy moon
To attack in the darkest of nights
They were waiting for the Sign
An eclipse of the holy moon
In the darkest of nights.

Spurts of dark red blood
Torn off limbs flying
Dismemberment and decapitation
Pieces of corpses all around.

The castle got annihilated.
Only a few survived the battle.
All clans and species destroyed.
Only Death being triumphant.




I am the Sword,
On this tomb I lay,
I am the Sword,
Restless and impatient,
I am the Sword,
Waiting for my guiding hand
That will wield me!
Freeing all my power
And glamour into battle!
Together we will fight the world!
I am one of the ancient relics,
Forged by Earth itself,
In her womb,
The silver blade, magical,
The strongest forever,
I will split demon
As well as the hardest rock.
Now, a new quest to fulfil,
But where is my guiding hand?

I lay in this tomb,
Bathing in this pale light.
The cold grave of my ancient lord,
Last servant of Mother Earth.
Covered by the dust of time,
I lost the bright silver glitter
I used to have in combat.

Through time I have served
The greatest and righteous kings
Of this world, by their hand,
I brought peace and justice.

Now again,
I feel the darkness all around.
I am calling the chosen one, the new Messiah,
Destined to be the my Mother's new loyal warrior,
Bounding his strength and soul to mine.
Once again, together we will cleanse this world,
On our path shredding all darkness and evil into oblivion.

By my blade!

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