Cultes Des Ghoules : Eyes of Satan

Las palabras


Thine heart was exalted because of thy beauty,
Thou hast corrupted the wisdom
by riches of thy power;
I shall cast thee to the ground,
I will lay thee before Kings
that they may scorn thee,
I shall cast thee to the mud,
I will lay thee before fllthy mob
that they may spit upon thee;

Thou shalt be brought down to hell
and put low among the evildoers,
They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee,
and consider thee, saying,
Is this man that seduced souls of many?
And made the world a spiritual waste?
Thou shalt be cast out of thy holy glory
and thy name shall be as carcass trodden under feet,
Thou shalt be thrust with a sword in thy grave
for thou hast slain the lives of thy flock.


(No lyrics available)


Driven through the seasons of moon
Calling forth total madness
Mad kings' ways unfold
Deathless Lord, take this life
She says nothing
She means nothing
The Master comes with burning eyes
Be praised, my Horned Lord!
Be praise, Lord Satan!

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