Cryoplegia : The Biological Harvest

Deathcore / South-Africa
(2020 - Self-Released)
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Come on motherfucker, let the harvest begin!!!!

Collecting tools to re-comence extraction
Impregnating corpses to cocoon the ever impending birthspawn!!!

Separate the epidermis
Out the innards. corpses used as soil

Gapeing orffices ensure the adequate conditions are met.
The aisle of corpses writhe as they slowly begin agonizing metamorphosis.
Breeding, bleeding, breathing, breaching, eating there way out of you

They spawn, (harvest)in you
They begin to harvest
Confined (harvest) in you
We begin to harvest
Feasting (harvest) on you
I begin to harvest
Contro(harvest)lling you

Stretching open pores to plant the spores within the ripened corpses,
Soon I will posses an army of malignant transmutations.

Gapeing orffices ensure the adequate conditions are met.
The aisle of corpses writhe as they slowly begin agonizing metamorphosis.
Breeding, bleeding, breathing, breaching, eating there way out of you

Human fertilizer for the max crop yield
The insects digesting the body parts
I am just closing the circle of life
Creating live from death

Spewing poison from their glands
Into mouths of innocents
Following on my command
Biological harvest


Draped in hoods of white guilt

Cut from very cloth that you forefathers adorned
Reconsiliation through dismemberment of the corpse


Their entrails set ablaze from the torch of which they burn
They harbour no remourse for all weve lost

Further bludgeoning every member grimacing as their eyes turn black
I will disfigure every klansman, turning their robes of white to red

Disembowelled upon the cross
Whilst your loved ones watch.
Sluggish immolation.

Hung from branches formed by scorn and set ablaze for all to see.


Chemical domination
Developed in isolation

Plauged by deep rooted thoughts of my tyranny.
I prolonged my silence for too long.
As my research furthers morals start to blur.
My intention now begins to scew

Dawn of utopia!!!
Begins with the harvesting of man

Chemical domination
Developed in isolation

Sewing the seeds of dominion into the flesh of the unworthy.
Ohhh! a cleansing of the skin.
The harvesting of man, soon I will hold dominion over god forsakened land.


Sovereign (draped in bloodlust) reign (praise the tyrant)

Chosen the perpetuate the intricacies
Vile flesh induces hunger and murderous rage.

Recompense will not go undoctronized.
Tyranny! for my horde shall rise

Sovereign (draped in bloodlust) reign (praise the tyrant)

Planting corpses
Cause of the tyrant
Undead corpses
Cause of the tyrant
Spewing bile
Cause of the tyrant
Reeks of vile cause the tyrant

Feasting on the sofend flesh of innocents results in contempt
Spawning hordes of loyal servants to forward my intent
Reaching ever closer to my dawning unparalleled reign


Conflicting thoughts scatter my decrepit mind.
Eating away at that which I have built.
Within this land of which I hold dominion.
With each day her mind develops further

Gifted birth through harvest, visable roots pierce through her rotted vessel.
This land plagued with my influence fades as her intention grows

Gnawing at my flesh she exposes innards at my discretion.
Ripping flesh from bone digesting.
Lining drapes her neck like pearl's.

With each passing day I let her feast her mind begins form.
She no longer resembles the hordes and hordes of minions birthed of harvest.
I have plagued this world with...rot!

As you feasted upon my flesh again and again it awakened.
This pestilence called sentience has lead you astray.
Most precious of my seed, corrupted.
Pernicious are her deeds.
Death never looked so elegant as the moment I laid you to sleep


The scent of my own rotting flesh lies within her mouth

I've become the harvested. I cant control her now


As you feasted upon my flesh again and again it awakened.
This pestilence called sentience has lead you astray.
Most precious of my seed, corrupted.
Pernicious are her deeds.
Death never looked so elegant as the moment I laid you to sleep

Take it back!!
I want her to take it back because this body now half eaten has begun
To fester I've treated my own wounds by devouring the harvested

Take it back!!
No longer will I be overthrown, and my army now half eaten a pathetic shell.
Re-plant the seeds.
Begin a new biological harvest

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