Cruadalach : Agni - Unveil What’s Burning Inside

Folk Metal / Czechia
(2011 - Parát)
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Tradition is like a light in the vault of time
The red thread is shifting through Aeons
Indestructible voice of fucking truth
Is whispering again and again that
Memories… are our future!

From the East is closing caravan
Through crimson sands upon the sign of lion
Air is filled by spice of Orient
(From) Agharta seeking for purity

Wisdom is coming
(with its blinding glare)
Bright like eye of God
(Magic eternal sun)
It shines
(And washes away all dark)
Dawn of gulden age!

All corners of the world
Are rised to create a perfect sense
Holy harmony of the space
Occident sun!

Dying west, horde of knights
(Marching on to retake)
Tomb of God, Holy Land
(To keep the sacred flame)
Smell of blood, scream in air
(Broken sword, broken faith)
Wisdom now dies in flames
Death of the Glory!


Královno Epono, tak, jako teče voda,
Tak splétáš hřívu hříbat
Pod nebem blankytným
Královno Epono, tančíš, kde Slunce dřímá
Tam v kopcích smaragdových
Tvé srdce pramení

Dusot kopyt v travách, jež sílí s tvými slzami
Když cváláš v šatech z oblaků, jak nádherně se sní
Miluješ a dáváš růst, spanilejší jsi všech múz
Každý den vypláčeš potoky, abychom mohli žít

Kam mizí stáda tvá
Rozběhne se tvůj kůň, královno,
S větrem bude ržát,
Následovat budu jeho cval
Když zúrodníš svou modř
Jsem vděčný za tvůj pláč, Epono,
Poznám slzy štěstí
Když vidíš kvést můj kraj

Dusot kopyt v travách, jež sílí s tvými slzami
Když cváláš v šatech z oblaků, jak nádherně se sní
Miluješ a dáváš růst, spanilejší jsi všech múz
Každý den vypláčeš potoky, abychom mohli žít

Tvůj pláč dává mír,
Na jasné dny vzpomínáš,
Tam v nížinách
Tvé slzy napájí,
Proud živých jar,
Kdy všechno mládne
V očích tvých…

Královno Epono, tak, jako teče voda,
Tak splétáš hřívu hříbat
Pod nebem blankytným
Královno Epono, tančíš, kde Slunce dřímá
Tam v kopcích smaragdových
Tvé srdce pramení

Kam mizí stáda tvá
Rozběhne se tvůj kůň, královno,
S větrem bude ržát,
Následovat budu jeho cval
Když zúrodníš svou modř
Jsem vděčný za tvůj pláč, Epono,
Poznám slzy štěstí
Když vidíš kvést můj kraj


Vrásčitá kapka v jehličí
Vroubená, touha strouhou zalitá
K ránu si ji chci vzít

Zlomená pouta nekřičí
V rouše ukrytá
Touha strouhou


When you enter heavenly sea
Endless ocean, home of Sun
Breath the fresh air, feel no weight
Hear „Glory to the Brave“!

When you enter heavenly sea
Endless ocean, home of Sun
Breath the fresh air, feel no weight
Hear „Glory to the Brave“!

You was lured by voice so sweet
To Golden Halls of future Kings
When your death became legendary
Eyes blended with sparks

You’re home!

You was lured by voice so sweet
To Golden Halls of future Kings
When your death became legendary
Eyes blended with sparks

You’re home!

Forge in depth of heaven
Rise the Hammer high
Surrounded by ravens
Wolves are swallowing stars

You’re breathing fire
Of blacksmith in the nights
In heavenly armor
Find your place in line…

In Army of the Gods!
In Army of the Gods!

You was lured by voice so sweet
To Golden Halls of future Kings
When your death became legendary
Eyes blended with sparks

When you enter heavenly sea
Endless ocean, home of Sun
Breath the fresh air, feel no weight
Hear „Glory to the Brave“!

Forge in depth of heaven
Rise the Hammer high
Surrounded by ravens
Wolves are swallowing stars

You’re breathing fire
Of blacksmith in the nights
In heavenly armor
Find your place in line…

In Army of the Gods!


Secret fire in our hearts
Is leading us through earthy time
Eyes staring at distant stars
Legs are earthbound to Earth’s soil
Take the torch and light the night
From solstice to equinox
From our birth to the stardust
That is rhytm of our blood

Mysteries, mysteries, never forget your dreams
Till you have head in clouds you can feel breeze
From first leaves to the fruits you can see sacred trail
All grows and dies in circle of Universe

Feel the pulse
In my veins
Melting blood destined to breath with Earth!
What a fate
That we’re all children of one great mother!

Feel the pulse
In my veins
Melting blood destined to breath with Earth!
What a fate
That we’re all children of one great mother!

When you understand immortality of soul
You won’t feel fear from anybody anymore
When you understand that gods show the way
There’s no more darkness, just dreams and fairy-tales

Mysteries, mysteries, never forget your dreams
Till you have head in clouds you can feel breeze
From first leaves to the fruits you can see sacred trail
All grows and dies in circle of Universe

Come with me, come with me to these ancient times
When we danced with higt elves and honoured the Gods
Come on with me, don’t afraid now, you’re one of us
What you hear now, what you feel, it’s rhytm of blood

When you understand immortality of soul
You won’t feel fear from anybody anymore
When you understand that gods show the way
There’s no more darkness, just dreams and fairy-tales

Take the torch and light the night
From solstice to equinox
From our birth to the stardust
That is rhytm of our blood

When you understand immortality of soul
You won’t feel fear from anybody anymore
When you understand that gods show the way
There’s no more darkness, just dreams and fairy-tales


Listen, sons, I’ll tell you everything
About forgotten names of Atlantean kings
Ride to the East and mourn the West
Both one root of our kind
When you look for bonds of universe

Best look in your heart!

Listen, sons, I’ll tell you everything about forgotten names
of Atlantean kings, blood of Avalon and past in your veins!

You’ll see us!

Drowning in sunbath of the young ages when spirits were Alive
When trees were whispering about creatures hidden in Mountain’s heart
It’s in breath of the breeze, it’s in memory of trees
There’s lot to learn before you can hear eternal mysteries

On Golden Times! On Golden Times!

Walk through the fire till you see shores of misty isle of Gods
Where deads come alive, rest upon stars and get ready for Next dawn
It’s core of the time, it’s principle of blood
Watch how they dance and maybe you find out you are one of Us

Fire means that you can always light the stars
Air stands for - for the freedom of your beating heart!

Water means that bright times always come again
Earth stands for - future of your kind

Fire means that you can always light the stars
Air stands for - for the freedom of your beating, beating Heart!
Beating heart!

Listen, sons, I’ll tell you everything about forgotten names
of Atlantean kings, blood of Avalon and past in your veins!

Fire means that you can always light the stars
Air stands for - for the freedom of your beating heart!

Water means that bright times always come again
Earth stands for - future of your kind

Best look in your heart on Golden Times!


I hope that sable choking fume
Will let me see sparkly shine of stars
And I believe that also my progenies can behold
That glare till last breath of my life

Of my life…

We let our mother to die
Her leaves are rotten as souls of the liars
But with care and tears from our eyes
We can suffuse the seeds
And bring her back to life

With all our grief and with all our pain
We are just shadows of our forefathers
We refused our duties of the children
With no hope our world will no longer be!
With all our grief and with all our pain
We are just shadows of our forefathers!

(We let our mother to die)
Look around and then tell me what you see
Such a lonely paradise full of forgotten little ones
Tell me what you see, tell me what you see

We let our mother to die
Her leaves are rotten as souls of the liars
But with care and tears from our eyes
We can suffuse the seeds
And bring her back to life

To Life!

With all our grief and with all our pain
We are just shadows of our forefathers
We refused our duties of the children
With no hope our world will no longer be!
With all our grief and with all our pain
We are just shadows of our forefathers!

Palabras añadidas por tbc85 - Modificar estas palabras