Crimson Falls : Fragments of Awareness

Melodic Death / Belgium
(2009 - Genet Records)
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Тексты песен


Dehumanized - forsaken - forlorn - gone forever
It seems like you died yesterday but you don’t remember
Your body forsaken by its gifted mind
The person you were - forever gone
Dehumanized - forsaken - dehumanized
This tempest in your head
Took everything you ever were
And all what’s left, is scattered far away
In a labyrinth of hide and seek
Leaving you behind, dehumanized
Your body forsaken by its gifted mind
The person you were - forever gone
Your body forsaken by its gifted mind
The person you were - forever gone
Dehumanized - Forsaken
Dehumanized - Forsaken
This tyrant severed your soul, it drained your mind
Your whole being grinded, your life faded to a twilight
This tyrant so vicious, this tyrant so vigorous
Leaving you behind, dehumanized
Your body forsaken by its gifted mind
The person you were - forever gone
Dehumanized - forsaken - forlorn - gone forever
This tempest, this tyrant, is taking you away
This is no way to say goodbye
I wish it was you I was looking at
Instead of your hollow, forsaken eyes
I’m so confused - don’t understand what you’re saying
I’m so confused - still I’m glad you’re here
I’m so confused - don’t understand what you’re saying
I’m so confused - still I’m glad you’re here
Dehumanized - forsaken - dehumanized

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common
Form of dementia among older people. It
Affects the parts of the brain that control thought,
Memory and language.
In this way it gradually hinders the ability
To carry out daily activities.
Seeing a parent or grandparent fade away is very
Confronting and hard to cope with.
Once a strong, intelligent human being,
Gifted with a lot of talents; caring,
Loving, working…
Now just a body, a confused mind, forsaken eyes…
This is no way to say goodbye…
This song is dedicated to my grandmother;
I miss you, rest in piece, ‘Forsaken’ is for you


If I’d become a father my biggest fear would be
How to keep my son from coke and from XTC
How can I protect my daughter from a devil set at slaughter
coming home at night; a rapist assault with might
It’s unjustified to throw them into this world
Where an Ipod’s price is a knife rolling your dice
Is this the kind of world I want to bring life to
Where respect for life is lost
And we’d do anything for money
If I’d become a father my biggest fear would be
How to keep my son from coke and from XTC
How can I protect my daughter from a devil set at slaughter
Coming home at night; a rapist assault with might
If I’d become a father my biggest fear would be
To loose my flesh and blood to earth’s lunacy
From birth ‘till death in constant agony?
Lose your own blood in lunacy
Incarcerated in debauchery? - Lose your own blood in lunacy
Praying for days to your deity? - Lose your blood in lunacy
A miscreation in depravity? - Lose your own blood in lunacy
Will it be enough to raise them with love
Teach responsibility and form their own opinion
Will it be enough to raise them with love
Teach responsibility and form their own opinion

This song more or less speaks for itself.
There are a lot of dangers threatening children
And teenagers in these times.
Drugs are available everywhere,
Senseless violence is all around,
Rapists and child molesters keep stealing innocence
And money seems to be the codeword in this greedy society
How can you protect your family
From all of these abhorrent excesses?
A beautiful world to raise our children…


Swallowed too many mass media masquerades
To believe everything that’s fed to me
Polarization in convictions causing fog on a clear view
Still in doubt, I can’t decide which side true
Still in doubt, I can’t decide which side true
What can we believe?
Who’s telling the truth?
We don’t have the knowledge to decide
About who’s wrong or who is right
Is global warming threatening us?
Existence of the earth in danger?
Are media and politicians blinding us?
Or can we rely on their information?
Can we afford to take a chance?
Risk to deny the problem?
Think it’s part of natural cycle?
And time will solve the problem?
Wouldn’t it be better, for safety’s sake
To change the way we live, adapt the way we act
And take certainty above an uncertainty
Certainty above an uncertainty
Wouldn’t it be better, for safety’s sake
To change the way we live, adapt the way we act
There are enough clues and indications
There’s really something wrong
So the choice is ours
Lose the earth in apathy
Or open our eyes, now close to the heat
Certainty above an uncertainty?
Certainty above an uncertainty?
Do you want to ask yourself why
In about twenty years time
Why it took more than All Gore’s plea
To kick our conscience and make us see
That the meagring of the earth
Was an omen of catastrophe
Do you want to ask yourself why
In about twenty years time
Why it took more than All Gore’s plea
To kick our conscience and make us see
The prophet of doom
Spreading the inconvenient truth
Not a trivial message
But an omen of catastrophe

After Al Gore came out with his documentary
‘An Inconvenient Truth’,
Global warming became ‘hot’ in the media.
We got flooded by scientific reports trying
To persuade us to join one of the different conceptions
On this climatological problem.
Is the heating of the earth mainly
A consequence of human actions or is it
Mother Earth having one of her mood swings?
At this point I still don’t know which vision is accurate;
Most of us don’t have the knowledge to decide
About who’s wrong and who is right.
‘Global warming’ isn’t the only topic on which
We can’t be sure what to believe.
Are our politicians and media still reliable?
They have a big hand in our opinion,
But their information is often colored and incomplete
So what can we believe?
The sample in this song is build out of quotes from
‘An Inconvenient Truth’ & its opponent
‘The Great Global
Warming Swindle’
Who’s right?


With all due respect - go fuck yourself
With all due respect - time to step back
With all due respect - go fuck yourself
With all due respect - time to step back

If you want to know the lyrics to this one,
You’ll have to listen up closely.
I don’t find it necessary to print them all here.
Let’s just say that during the years we are around with
Crimson Falls we had the misfortune to meet
Some backstabbers, hypocrites, incapable people,
Liars and people who tell a lot of nice stories but
Never back them up.
Luckily this is a minority that can’t spoil the fun
We have on shows and the nice contacts
We have there with a lot of cool people.
But still; I needed to get this of my chest; fuck you, haha!


Did you really think I would give up?
That I’d fuckin’ break?
Let all this shit get to me?
You fuckin’ treat me like shit, with complete disrespect
Nod and obey when I’m on my knees?
Guess again motherfucker,
I’ve got the knife between my teeth
Fight back, work harder and never accept defeat
Dedication, devotion, a stout resistance
Freedom, self-confidence
A promise to myself, a fury inside
Passion ‘till it ends
A promise to myself, a fury inside
Passion ‘till it ends sworn persistence
Guess again motherfucker
You think you can lay guilt upon me?
I’ll kick back, ain’t having that
You think I’m fuckin’ arrogant?
Well fuck you too, think first, then act
You wanna play hide and seek?
Tough behind your screen, but in reality?
You think this is the end of me?
I ain’t gonna stop, I’m just getting started
Guess again motherfucker,
I’ve got the knife between my teeth
Won’t stop, make it work and redeem your deceit
A promise to myself, a fury inside
Passion ‘till it ends
A promise to myself, a fury inside
Passion ‘till it ends sworn persistence
Did you really think I would give up?
That I’d fuckin’ break?
Let all this shit get to me when our name is at stake?
You fuckin’ treat me like shit, with complete disrespect
Nod and obey when I’m on my knees?

Musically and lyrically this song and
‘With All Due Respect’ can be considered as twin brothers;
Like we had ‘Abort Every Weakness/Erase All Fear’ &
‘In Flanders Fields/We Are
The Dead’ on the previous album.
As said in the previous song,
When going for your goals & following
Your dreams not everything always goes according to plan
But you just can’t let set-backs
And shit-talkers get you down.
Talking shit and spreading lies isn’t only easy;
It’s worthless as well.
Stand up and do something yourself!
Anyway, it’s a cliché but ‘what doesn’t kill you,
Makes you stronger’, so with the knife between our teeth
We’ll keep this show on the road for as long as we want to.


(7 kids - 1 city - 7 ropes - 1 circle
“Logging in again
Username… password…)
Meet my online friends who understand how I feel
That I don’t want to go on, that I see no future
I want to join the circle, they say I should just do it
They’re the only ones that listen to me
Who understand me”
Why lock yourself up, feeling this way
In a chat box where suicide’s praised as the highest goal
No one proposing alternatives or different options to escape
From the darkness in your mind
Because no one listens to you?
No one understands? No ones there? No one cares?
Still I tell you there are other solutions
Than committing suicide
You can escape, there’s always a way out
Suicide’s never the solution, live your life
Suicide’s never the solution, live your life
Because no one listens to you?
No one understands?
Life can and will change for the better
Talking about your problems is right
Break through the suicide circle
Death is no solution, even online vowed
Turn around the suicide circle
Life holds too much to be stepping out
I believe it when you tell me that
I don’t know what it’s like
That I can’t feel your pain
Or imagine what you’ve been through
I believe it when you tell me that it’s lonely and dark
where your thoughts roam,
Your mind doesn’t find sleep tonight
Why lock yourself up, feeling this way
In a chat box where suicide’s praised as the highest goal
No one proposing alternatives or different options to escape
From the darkness in your mind
Break through the suicide circle
Death is no solution, even online vowed
Turn around the suicide circle
Life holds too much to be stepping out
Break through the suicide circle
Life holds too much to be stepping out
You can escape, there’s always a way out
Suicide’s never the solution, live your life
Live your life

Seven teenagers committed suicide
In the same city in Wales in one year.
All of them were members of a chat group in which
They shared their darkest thoughts,
Their urge for death and their respect
And admiration for those who actually took the final step.
Internet contains more of these online suicide pacts.
These websites aren’t the direct cause,
But they can be enough to convince vulnerable youngsters,
Losing themselves in a one-way street of deceptions.
But you can escape,
There are other options to turn your life around,
There are other solutions than suicide,
No matter how big your problems are.
Organizations are ready to listen to you, to help you.
Talking about your problems is ok; it’s cool
And it certainly is brave.
Grab this hand reaching out to you.


Stab harder - twist the blade as you stab in my flesh
Hit harder - break my skull, kick my brains out
He’s been mocked for far too long
At school hassled day in, day out
Today is the day to end this fuckin’ shit
A festering plan seeded in his mind
Firing his weapon, he’s seen how it’s done
The laughter silenced by the barrel of a gun
Sign of the times, senseless violence
Boundless aggression, pure fuckin’ hatred
Out of racism or mental derangement
Repulsive bloodshed, consumed by lunacy
No one asked for this
These atrocities, solutions at deadlock
No one asked for this
Where to start to cauterize havoc
Sign of the times, senseless violence
Boundless aggression, pure fuckin’ hatred
Out of racism or mental derangement
Repulsive bloodshed, consumed by lunacy
Stab harder - twist the blade as you stab in my flesh
Hit harder - break my skull, kick my brains out
No one asked for this
These atrocities, solutions at deadlock
No one asked for this
Where to start to cauterize havoc
Once a happy family
A beautiful wife, two kids, a garden with a tree
Now the wife blood-soaked, left dying in her seat
Suffocating the kids, they’re fallen prey to eternal sleep
He couldn’t fuckin’ take it, there was no way to accept
You leave me behind? It’s like leaving me dead…

Senseless violence is all around nowadays.
In Belgium we had the case of teenager killing two persons
In the streets of Antwerp.
One morning he left school early, cut his hair,
Wore a long black coat and bought a rifle.
Like a character out of a computer game
He started marching through the center of
Antwerp, killing a baby and its nanny who were
Just walking by through the streets.
A third victim survived his attack.
Luckily an alert policeman prevented him from taking
More lives in his rage by shooting him in the leg.
There are a lot of other examples of senseless violence
Each year newspapers have to report
On family tragedies for instance.
Or just think about the attack on a kindergarten in
Dendermonde in January 2009 in which two babies
And a nurse were murdered.
Telling you about these sad events isn’t that hard,
Coming up with the causes for these things to happen and,
Even more important, with solutions to stop all
Of this is unfortunately a lot harder…


The peace Utopia
A clash of cultures in the city of peace
Perfect harmony for three centuries
The peace Utopia - Welcome to Cordoba
The peace Utopia - Enjoy your stay in Cordoba
See them all coming to town
Jews, Muslims & Christians
Great minds and artists
Scientists, historians and philosophers
A gathering of knowledge
In the oasis of tolerance
Alliance of the enlightened
In the shade of the Mezquita
A clash of cultures in the city of peace
Perfect harmony for three centuries
The peace Utopia - Welcome to Cordoba
The peace Utopia - Enjoy your stay in Cordoba
Different convictions
But living in peace
The ultimate incarnation
Of a multicultural society
Coexistence of different nations
Cultures in balance, religions at ease
Naive, impossible and unrealistic?
Too many contemporary social obstructions?
Yeah, ok, let’s wrap up the plans and load our guns
I’ll kill your mother; you kill my son
The way it has been since the birth of man
Mutual hatred eradicates peace
The peace Utopia
A clash of cultures in the city of peace
Perfect harmony for three centuries
The peace Utopia - Welcome to Cordoba
The peace Utopia - Enjoy your stay in Cordoba
But still, utter utopian?
Welcome to Cordoba…

The city of Cordoba in Southern
Spain proved centuries ago that it is possible
For different beliefs to live in peace.
That a clash of cultures
Doesn’t necessarily have to mean war
That different nations can live together
In a spirit of tolerance.
Cordoba is the city of tolerance,
The melting pot of cultures.
Muslims, Jews & Christians lived here together
In harmony for a long period.
The remnants are visible in the city
Where the old Jewish quarter (
The juderia) surrounds the big mosque, the Mezquita,
Which was first a Roman temple and later also a basilica
It can’t be forgotten though
That severe laws attended this tolerance.
Inhabitants had to pay taxes for instance
To be allowed to practice their religion.
The city flourished in the 10th century,
Its fall was caused by quarrels
Between different emirs who ruled the city.


Still so many plans
So many expectations
So much things to share
Spring was already in the air
And the green grass to play on


Death is so hard to take
All our dreams, gone with the wind
A broken life, a bruised future
Only sorrow and questions remain
Words don’t matter anymore
Just the silence
And the memories of beautiful days
Bring it all back to life


Pray for the strength to carry the pain
Open your hands looking for peace
Carry our love
And us who remain


Death… choose for death… a dark and cold thought…
Our life as a family must have stood still… you were gone…
You choose to take another path,
A path we couldn’t follow.
A path that feels dark and chill, the path of death.
Death was your choice…
A choice that keeps us questioning… Why?
You’ll never be able to answer us…
For a long period I struggled with these questions,
I changed, saw myself as an incomplete person…
But growing older helps me
To reconcile with the deed you did.
Deep inside I know that you,
In your eyes, back then, choose ‘the best solution’
For yourself and our family…
That’s why there are moments I can let you and the past go…
Thinking about how it could have been from time to time…
But also being happy
With my life now and letting you go a little…
Like you chose yourself to go…


Tornadoes and typhoons raging across the land
Hurricanes devastating homes and futures
Ice caps melt down, glaciers retreat
In advancing deserts, too much mouths to feed
This is a period of consequences
By a natural cycle or at man’s expenses?
Shortage of water suffocates the south
While melting ice reaches northern mouths
Tropical diseases rise up faster than cures
Giant swarms of insects, more than agriculture endures
Ecological imbalance through global warming
Through excess in discharge of CO²?
Did we make the wrong assumptions and welter in disinterest?
After the era of indifference, now a period of consequences?
Another period of consequences
Have we been digging our own grave,
Rotting corpses warming the earth
Time for a change has past, too late to turn back time
Have we been digging our own grave,
Rotting corpses warming the earth
Time for a change has past, too late to turn back time
This is a period of consequences
By a natural cycle or at man’s expenses?
Ecological imbalance through global warming
Through excess in discharge of CO²?
Did we make the wrong assumptions and welter in disinterest?
After the era of indifference, now a period of consequences?

Numerous scientific data leave no doubt.
Though there are still insecurities,
It’s an irrefutable fact that our climate
Is heating faster than
We could expect based on a natural evolution
So is Al Gore right after all?
Let’s not forget the Gore family hasn’t always been right
And missed the (headbanger’s) ball more than once in the past
Wasn’t it Misses Tipper
Gore who claimed metal music was the root
Of all evil in the world?
That metal-bands set up youngsters to sell their soul
To the devil by hidden messages in their music?
Luckily we all know by now that metal is the law!
Now go dance with the devil!


All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis
All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis
I’m not gonna sit here waiting
With my feet lying up in the air
‘Cause shit will ever happen, sitting brain-dead on my ass
I’m gonna do it myself, take my life in my hands
Push as far as I can and fight for every chance
All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis
I didn’t get nothing for nothing,
Worked off my ass for all I’ve got
Gave blood, sweat and tears,
With full support of my true peers
So don’t you come to me saying I didn’t deserve it
When you just don’t know shit about how I fuckin’ earned it
Where the fuck were you when I spent every single second
Giving all I have and trying to make it happen
All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis
Out of anger, revenge for redemption
Out of anger, revenge for redemption
All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis
So don’t you come to me saying I didn’t deserve it
When you just don’t know shit about how I fuckin’ earned it
With pride I stand
With pride I stand
All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis
All of this, all there is, this is my regenesis

We told you before and we’ll tell you again:
You have the power to make
Something out of your life and do what
You want to do and what makes you happy.
Even when you’re down and out you can find your regenesis
We want to dedicate this song to everyone supporting
Crimson Falls from the beginning
And over the past years; our fans,
Friends and all the cool people in other bands
We met along the road.
Without you Crimson Falls wouldn’t be shit,
So thank you for the support, for buying our cd’s & merch
And most of all for coming out at shows and making it
A party together with us.
Respect and see you all soon!

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