Creeping Death (USA) : Sacrament of Death

Death Metal / USA
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Hateful ritual out in the woods
Crosses beginning to burn
Your repulsive institution
Is doomed to learn
lurking on the outskirts
Your lives taking a turn
Lurking on the outskirts
I'm here to kill

Deep in your vile chant
Caught of guard
Lost in the black of night
I am the dark

Focus on the burning cross
Listen to the words
Lost in the black of night
I am the dark

Set your robes on fire
Smell your flesh burn
My piss will douse the flames
It's your turn to hang

Bigot swinging from the rope
In my hands your blood has soaked
Body flaking off in ashes
In my hands your blood has soaked


Creeping death
Inseparable companion of the underworld
She was a woman who suffered from unrequited love
She was denied access to the kingdom of god

She was given the power to collect the dead
Their soul, their spirits to be delivered
To he or to heaven with god
She is the friend, the partner of Satan
She's the partner of Satan

She delivered Christ from upon the cross
She delivered him to heaven
To be with the one false god
She is he friend, the partner of Satan
She delivered him

She came to end your life
To end eternal strife
Creeping death comes to visit
Did you live your life perfect
She's here to make you pay
In her kingdom bodies sway
Creeping death comes to visit
Did you live your life perfect


Blinded by arrogance
Blinded by your pride
Here to level the field
nowhere to fucking hide
Blinded by arrogance
Blinded by your pride
Craving for your skin
Now it's time to die

Peel the skin from your skull
Rip down to your shoulders
Peel the skin from your skull
I'll have your fucking head

Skinned alive
No honor
Skinned alive
No survive

lyrics added by Bloodmeat - Modify this lyrics