Cradle Of Filth : Six Pack of Hits

Gothic Black / United-Kingdom
(2013 - Peaceville Records)
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Sibilant and macabre
Walpurgis sauntered in.
Skies litten with five-pointed stars,
the work of crafts surpassing sin.

As She graced Her window ledge,
an orphaned gypsy nymph.
This issue of the forest's bed,
skin flushed with sipped absinthe.

Her eyes revealed as Brocken's peak
tried once concealing Hell,
a snow white line of divine freaks
in riot where they fell.

The circus lurches in, a ring of promised delight
for seven days and seven festival nights.
What wicked wonders lie within the comfines
of the panther's den?

She watches from a maypole on the rip of Her tongue,
the restless spirit of Christmas to come.
A Gretel sick of merely sucking Her thumb
than gingerbread men.

Spawned scorned, abhorred by the aerial,
she was the light of the world going down.
War-torn, forlorn and malarial,
she was found born in a burial gown.

Unloosed the chain of her God-given cross,
seduced now pagan ribbons swathe her repose
in a carnival of souls sold and similarly lost.

Too many decades misfit and mislaid!
So innocent, a tender legend of prey
parades her second coming,
now they're running afraid!

Spawned scorned, abhorred by the aerial,
she was the light of the world going down.
War-torn, forlorn and malarial,
she was found born in a burial gown.

Now She moves with a predator's guile
beyond the firelit circle of life.
She soothes your cold heart for a while,
then matches its beat synching in with a knife.

She wrestles her dreams
with a delicate ease espied
by her cross on the wall.

And should she awake
through embrace or mistake,
she would take Jesus.
Blest foot forward and all!

Sibiliant and at last
the circus crawled away
with another lover in its arms,
dancing on her grave.

Born, born, born forlorn,
born in a burial gown.
She was born, born forlorn,
born in a burial gown.

Born in a burial gown!


Church bells resounded like judgement day as
they were making love in the rainswept graveyard.
She fucked him hard, silhouetted by flame,
a monsoon Tigress set upon prey.

"Fall for the love of me,
crawl for the love of me,
drool for the love of
my virulent sway.

I grow more master
the faster the days.
Lilith Immaculate!"

This delectable reaper,
her eyes were profound,
drawing him in deeper
until he was drowned.

Hurled on the shore of
the world underground.
Lilith Immaculate!

Mortal kind, a morbid wine
for this Dark Moon Goddess,
and freed to stretch her claws.
This beautiful whore would
be brutally honest.

Tortuous one, taboos undone,
a glittering star on a sea of myriad waves.
And a thickening mist, a seductress
leading lovesick hearts astray.


In the throes of orgasm she bucked and he broke
at the height of the storm, the chaos they'd smote.
Burning behind her in arabesque smoke framed a vision
transformed as she sucked from his throat.

Victoria smiled, her now golden eyes possessed
a regal bearing of omnipotent power.
From wet lips to her smouldering thighs
her beauty perfected and her will agonised.

"Fall for the love of me,
crawl for the love of me,
drool for the love of
my virulent sway.

I grow more master
the faster the days.
Lilith Immaculate!"

With dread single purpose
her mind told him stay.
She strode through the fire,
desire aflame.

She murdered the nuns
in such horrible ways.
Lilith Immaculate!

"That night we lay entwined
on hay inside a soldier's barn.
Her panting breath an opiate,
as in her bolder grasp...

I caught the scent of desert sands,
The Holy lands, the fall of reason.
But only when I smelt the blood
did I fear her colder hand."

"I am darkness, I am sin,
the Queen of Lust invited in.
Reborn at last to cast my
fecund shadow on this world.

You shall worship me, enslaved!
For many lovers shall I crave,
and in return I'll gladly pave
your psycho path with pearls.

For I have been grating,
and waiting so long to find
the most perfect hostess close to me
whose thin-ice troubled mind...

Was like a cracked, black ornate mirror
to slip right through in time,
when at last I wore Harmonia's necklace
the cursed twin serpents mine."

Tortuous one, debauchery won the
attention of Emperors, Princes and Tsars.
For the toll of her kiss, no soul could dismiss
the advance of her throne from afar.

This English rose with traits of those
who graced the harems of the East.
Adorned with thorns, she raised the horns,
and scarlet hems to wasted priests.

"Fall for the love of me,
crawl for the love of me,
drool for the love of
my virulent sway.

I grow more master
the faster the days.
Lilith Immaculate!"

This delectable reaper,
her eyes were profound,
they drew him in deeper
until he was drowned.

Hurled on the shore
of the world underground.
Lilith Immaculate!

"Fall for the love of me,
crawl for the love of me,
drool for the love of
my virulent sway.

I grow more master
the faster the days.
Lilith Immaculate!"

The flutes and sweet wine
of her voice anodyne,
her power was growing
every hour malign.

The truth, Lilith's Kingdom
drew closer with time!
Lilith Immaculate!


Two thousand fattened years like maniacs,
have despoiled our common grave.
Now what necrophagous second coming backs,
from the cradle to enslave?

Sickle constellations stud the belts that welt the sky.
Whilst the bitter winter moon prowls the cloud, dead-eyed,
like shifting parent flesh under silk matricide.

Watchful as she was upon Eden,
where every rose, arbour and orchard she swept.
Hid the hissing of a serpent libido,
in an ancient tryst with catastrophe soon to be kept.

Hear that hissing now on the breeze,
as through the plundered groves of the carnal garden.
A fresh horror blows but ten billion souls,
are blind to see the rotting wood for the trees.

This is the theme to a better Armageddon,
nightchords rake the heavens!

And what use are prayers to that God?
As devils bay consensus for the space to piss,
on your smouldering faith and the mouldering face,
of this world long a paradise lost.

This is the end of everything!
Hear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bring.

Danse macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiac.
Now brighter stars shall reflect on our fate.
What sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black?
The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back.

I see the serpentine in your eyes!
The nature of the beast as revelations arrive.

Our screams shall trail to angels,
for those damned in flames repay.
All sinners lose their lot on judgement day.

We should have cut our looses as at Calvary,
but our hearts like heavy crosses held the vain belief.
Salvation, like a promised nation, gleamed a claim away.

This is the end of everything you have ever known!
Buried like vanquished reason,
Death is season, driven like the drifting snow.

Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasising war,
on our knees or another fucker's shore.
Heiling new flesh, read, then roared,
To a crooked cross and a holy cause.
What else be whipped to frenzy for?

This is the end of everything!
Rear the tragedies that the Seraphim shall sing.

Old adversaries, next to Eve, now they're clawing back.
I smell their cumming, as through webbed panes of meat.
Led by hoary Death, they never left dreaming sodomies,
To impress on human failure, when we've bled upon our knees.

Tablatures of gravel law, shall see Gehennah paved.
When empires fall and nightmares crawl,
from the cradle to enslave!

This is the end of everything...


Welcome with a stench of misadventure
Libertine and sibling things a grim
Slither forth through the gateway's hissing denture

The moon, one up on the chateau battlements
Gilds this torchlit drive to Shangri-la
This solstice calls like the piper to rodentia
Come join this hive of masqueraders

This eve is pure and pagan
Its teeth are in the past
Dark royalties of ancient caste
Feast in splendour

For your vulgar delectation

That hunger shall be sated by the dawn

In marble ballrooms of delight
The erotic and the wicked dance alike
Virgin cunts aquiver at this foreplay for the spiteful

The cellars smelt abrim
With cracked wine and racked women
Are spiced for even Marquis appetites
Screams an aphrodisiac
For the blackest ever nightfall

Lords, heed the call

Vast boudoirs here
Are mastered by the minatory
Walls plastered with the base relief
Of baser glories

Ma Cherie Debauchery
Deflower of my life untie their bonds
And push these fantasies
To ever greater stories

For your vulgar delectation

Inhibit nothing, run free
Loose sore cauteries before me
Ripped, prolific scars
Are titbits on which to feed

The heathen hour strikes
Wrong the rites, beasts ravage for your soul
As lovely entrapment snaps her fingers
Hell comes crawling

This eve is pure and pagan
Its teeth are in the past
Let the cream of sinners learn at last

For your vulgar delectation

That hunger shall be sated by the dawn

Dawn... burning, aghast

With the judgment that we spend upon the evil
We feed eternal hungriness
Exceeding vile deeds that were freed in this cathedral

For your vulgar delectation

That horrors shall be waited on the ones
Who crave sin's innovations


When the sun has wept upon the waveless lake
And the mists steal in with ease
Covened wolves arc their eerie dissonant napes
In adoration of the moon and thee

They call as I to thee...

And I will come, as if in dream
My languid, dark and lustrous Malaresian Queen
Of vengeful, ancient breed
Gilded with the pelts of many enemies

Ereshkigal, raven-haired
Thy seduction haunts the castle in erotic despair
I can taste thy scent by candlelight
Legs of porcelain traced and laced to their lair

Appease the beast on spattered sheets
Dyed unearthly red as sobriety weeps
She shall come for me

A black velvet painting sprung to elegant life
Like a poignant Madonna perverted to night
And I have ridden from the westerning light
To expend my lust

Tear away the funereal dress
Know that I will escape from my death
Surrendered to the splendour of her sharpened caress

Lo! The pale moonlight
Weaves a poetic spell of vital death and decline
Of mist and moth and the hunger inside
Kisses took to fever and the fever, demise

Through twilight, darkness and moonrise
My scarlet tears will run
As stolen blood and whispered love
Of fantasies undone

Countess swathed in ebony
And snow-white balletic grace
Rouge-filmed lips procure the wish
For lust and her disgrace

Dusk and her embrace

We shall flit through the shadows
Like a dream of werewolves in the snow
Under deadly nightshade
Still warmed with the kill's afterglow

Beneath the stars thy flesh bedevils me
(Beneath the stars taste the death in me)
Bequeath to me thy fiery kiss
To sever thin mortality

My heart is thine
Thy fragrant words
Warm within like wine

Let me come to thee
With eyes like Asphodel
Moon-glancing, loose desires free
To writhe under my spell

Ereshkigal, raven-haired
Thy seduction haunts the castle in erotic despair
I know thy scent by candlelight
Immortal flesh I yearn to share

Appease the beast on spattered sheets
Dyed malefic red as sobriety weeps
She shall come for me

Unfurl thy limbs breathless succubus
How the full embosomed fog
Imparts the night to us...


"The moon she hangs like a cruel portrait,
soft winds whisper the bidding of trees.
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart,
and the Midnightmare trampling of dreams.

But oh, no tears please!
Fear and pain may accompany Death.
But it is desire that shepherds it's
certainty, as we shall see..."

She was Divinity's creature
that kissed the cold mirrors,
a queen of snows!

Far beyond compare,
lips attuned to symmetry
sought her everywhere.
Dark liqoured eyes,
an arabian nightmare!

She shone on watercolours
of my pondlife as pearl,
until those who couldn't have her
cut her free of this world!

That fateful eve when the
trees stank of sunset and camphor,
their lanterns chased phantoms and threw an
inquisitive glance like the shadows they cast
on my love picking rue by the light of the moon.

Putting reason to flight, or to death as their way.
They crept through woods mesmerized
by the taffeta ley of her hips that held sway
over all they surveyed.

Save a mist on the rise,
a deadly blessing to hide.
Her ghost in the fog!

They raped and left,
five men of God,
her ghost in the fog!
Dawn discovered her there
beneath the cedar's stare.

Silk dress torn her raven hair
flown to gown her beauty bared,
was starred with frost, I knew her lost.
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer.

She'd sworn me vows in fragrant blood
never to part lest jealous Heaven
stole our hearts.

Then this I screamed,
"Come back to me for I
was born in love with thee,
so why should fate stand in between?"

And as I drowned her gentle curves
with dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth,
the church bell tower key.

The village mourned her by the by,
for she'd been a witch
their men had longed to try.

And I broke under Christ,
seeking guilty signs
my tortured soul on ice.

A queen of snow!

Far beyond compare,
lips attuned to symmetry
sought her everywhere.
Trappistine eyes,
an arabian nightmare!

She was Erzulie possessed
of a milky white skin.
My porcelain yin,
a graceful angel of sin.

So for her the breeze stank of sunset and camphor!
My lantern chased her phantom and blew their chapel
ablaze and all locked in to a pain best reserved
for judgement that their bible construed!

Putting reason to flight, or to flame unashamed,
I swept form cries mesmerized
by the taffeta ley, or her hips that held sway
over all those at bay.

Save a mist on the rise,
a final blessing to hide
her ghost in the fog!

And I embraced,
where lovers rot,
her ghost in the fog!

Her ghost in the fog!

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics