Comatose Vigil : Narcosis

Funeral Doom / Russia
(2006 - Solitude Productions)
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Swallow me, leaden sky,
Wrap me into your grey sunlight
I have never been as impenetrable as you
I have never sung for dead angels

I admire the haunted horizon
I join a chaotic torrent
I am a provenance,
I see the pores of the earth's skin

And I saw the insects gnaw sleeping ones
Recognizing strangeful structures,
Creating naked writhing sculptures
Under fundamental layers...

I saw the inner worlds fall
Like grains into the abyss,
Their melting auras still shimmer
Somewhere behind all borders

Coming down into my narcosis
I find an accomplishment
Here are no doors,
In indifferent walls
Cursed in temptation
Obscured and mesmerized
Lifeless without motion
Almost gone...


Поглоти меня свицовое небо
Укутай в свой серый цвет
Я никогда не был непроницаем
Не пел для ангелов которых нет

Любуясь призрачным горизонтом
Впадаю я в хаотичный поток
Я есть источник видящий
Поры земли что хранят порок

Я видел насекомых глодающих спящих
Познавая чужеродные структуры
Создавая обнаженны скульптуры
Среди фундаментальных слоев

Я видел внутренние миры
Летящие в бездну как зерна
Их ауры мерцают покорно
За пределами возможных границ

Впадая в наркоз
Найти завершение
Сквозь каменный плен
Равнодушных стен
В соблазне был проклят
Очернен но не понят
Без жизни и без движения
На пороге исчезновения


Tears of time - lost in light
Tears of time - found in the self
Deny your equals
Destroy the testimony of day past
The door of damnation open
Reason as goal
Destroy the beast in your thoughts
Like the dust in your hands

Like the dust in your hands
Like the dust in your hands

Tears of time - lost in light
Tears of time - just an illusion
Tears of time - lost in light
Tears of time - just an illusion

Like the dust in your hands
Like the dust in your hands

The call of the wind fades away in your dreams
People who once believed in you
Friends who trusted you
The source of life evaporates
Many emotions left behind
Your dust blown away by the wind
Many tears sown in your dreams
Like the dust in your hands

Tears of time - lost in light
Tears of time - just an illusion
Tears of time - lost in light
Tears of time - just an illusion
Tears of time - tears of time

lyrics added by Matai - Modify this lyrics