Cockpunch : The Rebirth of Cool

Hardcore / USA
(2015 - Rise Records)
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"Hey, hermano..."

If Cockpunch is in your town
Feel free to fight us
We are less than original
Feel free to fight us
Your girlfriend hates this shit
Cause she's a fucking bitch


"I'm thinking Arby's, brother"

I wanna eat pizza
I wanna eat chips
Don't want anything healthy
Just want your food and shit

I wanna eat doughnuts
I wanna eat pie
Don't care if it will kill me
No worry when I'm going to die

I eat like a I eat like I said I would when I was 8 or 9
Go ahead, look down on me
Fuck your life for betraying mine

I am a fat American
I will eat anything I can
I am a fat American
Eat what you like, make sure it's fried

3. S.I.F.

"Gosh, your girlfriend... whoof"

You're only popular on the Internet
[?] is you're gonna get
How much money do you wanna bet
They see you in person, they'll wish you never met?

Secret Internet fatty
You have all the angles [?]
Secret Internet fatty
On your half 300 pounds

[?] when you're talking to a guy
[?] if you make me wanna die
How many pics of you looking good on the Internet
People think they know who you are
Too bad you really look like shit


"You passed out cigarettes for a smoke-a-thon on Earth Day
You installed speed bumps on the handicapped ramp
And, most recently, you dumped 100 pounds of... meat on a peaceful vegan protest"
"Oh, come on! That was way more than 100 pounds"

No one with a gut like this is a fucking vegan
Meat, milk, cheese, [?]
I fucking got it


"Hey, uh… I might be late to pick you guys up"
"Why, do you have a job interview today, daddy?"
"No, honey, I'll probably just be way too drunk"
"Oh, that's good, we don't want you drinking and driving"
"Oh, I'll be driving. I'll just be too shit-faced to remember to pick you guys up"

You booze, you lose
Every night a different [?]
[?] that fucking booze
You may drive your car into a tree

We can drive home when it's over
Cause you know we party sober

"It's my money, and I need it now"


Skate or die
You can skate? You fucking lie
You [?] now you don't skate anymore
You [?] douchebag, I hope you drop dead
More room for me
It's hard [?]
You [?] douchebag, I hope you drop dead

I remember a time when skating was considered a crime
You [?] douchebag, I hope you drop fucking dead

lyrics added by KrisRust777 - Modify this lyrics