Coathanger Abortion : Dying Breed

Death Metal / USA
(2009 - Comatose Music)
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Leaves. Burn. Burning. Burning leaves
But these don't come from trees
Not oak nor pine
Sweet smoke, come take a toke of my spirit enhancement
Inviting smells fill the air
Pleasant numbing sensation
Feeling, and touch slightly numbed
Thank you good herb
Vision enhanced and lazy
Keeps getting better
Taste of the giving plant
Stoned. Heightens sexual urge, heart beating harder and faster
Lost train of though
Time to pass it along
Ancient social ritual
Smoke and visit with the occasional akward moment
Cannabis Sativa so good and positive, unfair illegalization
You ware what I like
Roll it up and smoke it, smoke it everyday
Buy a bag of weed and lets get really blazed
Roll it, pack it, bong it
That's what we want
Because I need to taste the skunky funky funk
Hydro is what we want
Light green is what we need
Comatose, baked and stoned
Light it up and toke along
Smoke, fire it up, hydro, light green
Smoke some fucking pot


Gone are the days of pride
inspiration flowed something new at ever corner
Then we gone older and got responsible
Since when does responsibility mean you have to lose motivation and dedication ?
When did you lose your "way of life" ?
Cliché. When did you lose your "sight" ?
It used to be so meaningful
So what's so important now ?
it used to be so meaningful
So what's important now ?
What is it consuming ?
What a disappointment
Those that were once so supportive, are the same ones killing this scene
Such skill and musicianship, so much more creative than most anything
You are a dying breed
We are a dying breed, the rest of the world will never understand
Congratulations dead ass
You will always be some stupid fuck that does not support the scene, always sitting at home
Lazy motherfucker. Dying breed
On the computer or TV
Bitch about something to see nonsupporter of the scene
You will be a dying breed
Never coming out, never coming in, never becoming part of the scene
Always sitting on your ass, and on your couch and becoming real thin


Now as darkness falls over me, sitting at the hotel waiting to leave
Just waiting to get this night over
Down on your knees
Crawling toward a break
I can't escape from this place that I hate
I can't wait to leave this place in the morning
I can't wait any longer
Waiting for dawn
Mall monster. Muzak insanity, its driving me crazy
Mall monster. Glaring at security cops
Seeing constant pop culture
Yuppie fashions under surveillance
Surrounded by a mass of idiots
Money blowing fools
Dollar signs are everywhere
Pick me, buy me, I am what you want
Food court terrorizer strolls by you
Cover your children's eyes
The mall monster has consumed you
Shit on sale


Slowly rotting away. Slowly craving
I can't take this hate, this feeling cold and dead inside
Done to much, my mind is going to explode
My pulse is racing and the drain runs down slow
Paranoid and shaky, the craving makes me want more
Snorting line after line, just trying to kill time
Trying to find happiness that I cannot find
Anger and depression glooms now what comes over me
Taste it. Lets do another bump
Now I am blown away
Burning and itching inside, I want it to last forever
Speeding my life away, blowing mind decay
Now I need to cope with what's going on
Slowly rotting away


Down. Wake up, go to work not knowing what's in store
Making a living. Best I can
Spending a lot of time away from home. Down the unknown.
This is where I don't belong. Now I call home
But sometimes I get tired of this place
Living on the road can be such a waste
Day in, day out, feeling like a slave
Now the road is home 'til the grave
Staring at four walls
Welcome to life of down the unknown
Driving miles on end. Gripping the wheel at 110
Going down 75. Now the road has come to life
Putting up with endless shit. The road has taken over
I just can't quit. I'm on the path 'til I die
Down the unknown. This is where I call home


The end. I want to crush you for complicating my life.
Your feeble whining, it makes me want to hurt you
Sitting back, enjoying a peaceful, carefree time
The end. Pain will become a new habitat
Minding my own business. Die, fucking high-class wannabe
This is your end result
Is there nothing better to do ?
There is no room for me and you
This is your end result
Just fucking die. Get away from me
Die, fucking high-class wannabe
Do you understand this?
if you do not stop it will bring your world down
This is your end result
This thing makes me sick
The end. The end result
I no longer have a place to create, escape, express
The end result, I no longer have


Feast of the dead
They won't stay dead
Radiation from a fallen satellite has caused the dead to come back to life
The formerly deceased have developed a taste for human flesh
Board yourself up to stay alive
Crawling with ghouls
Mass murder going on everywhere
Now victims are being devoured and eaten
They keep coming back in a bloodthirsty lust for human flesh for I am a zombie
Marshall law has become
Shoot them in the head, now that's how you kill the dead
This has become the night of the living
The dawn finally arrived, and most of the population has become infected
The zombies will consume you flesh, fighting off the army of the dead
One by one the struggle to stay alive is what we want
They will never run out of food if we are still alive
Eating the flesh right off of you
Now you are going to die
When there is no room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth
Now we have taken refuge in an underground missile silo where we struggle to control the flesh eating horror that walks the Earth above.


Horrors. I can't comprehend
Bringing what is real. Their twisted minds
They are all dead
A prophet has become of me
Read what the future holds
The dark ones shall rule this world
Writing books of insanity in the Black Church
Fantasy becomes reality
Grotesque deformations, mutilations
The portal of things beyond opens like a tear in the page
What you read is your life
(I am the last one of the sane)
Welcome to Hobb's end
I see them coming
The dark ones have come for me
i am fiction
I am a piece of your work
Human race dies infected by a plague of madness
Suffering, I am the last one


Dry your eyes
Hold you with two fingers in your tiny microphone
Mascara runs, blot the saline mixture with a ball of tissue paper
Manicure so perfect
Ten identical wings for you to choose from
Such a savior, such a saint
Jesus said to me, "What if that were you?"
Flies eating on you. So many fools
This is your one stop savior shop
Send you checks
We need a new church
Donate, God wants you to
He told me. Go to work, donate your money, too
Send it. we need a new church
I need a few things
Look at my new car
Send me your money
Look at my new rings
Donate. All of you, give it all to me
I want your money. Donate.
Donate your money, give it to me
Now get on your knees and worship me
What a profession
Such a savior, such a saint

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