Cimitero : Lazaret of the Abyss

Death Black / Italy
(2010 - Gentle Exhuming Records)
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Little village countryside
Full of evil secrets
Keep in touch with the deceased
Haunting the cemetery
Summon the dead
A centuries old tradition
Narrow paths under sloping roofs
Walk in procession
Cross temple's threshold
Wait for death knell
Chant unknown prayers
Going up the flight of steps
Across the burial ground
Through snow and wind
Reach deconsecrated church
Behold the belfry
Necronomicon book of blood
Recite selected passages
Reveal the ultimate misteries
Ride the beast to unknown recesses


Cycle of life and death
Humans in the cities die every day
To be replaced by new ones
Never to rise again

Cooling of the body
Spontaneous movement in the dead
Disintegration of tissues
And innards after death

Chemical changes arise
Flies and beetles lay eggs on the corpse
Liquefaction of the fats
Takes its course

Limited place in burial grounds
Make people reject interment
Crematorium burns as hell
Ashes are all that's left

After all soft parts are destroyed
Only skeletal remains
To be closed in a cinerary urn
Their final resting place


Back in the old town
Join my folks for the ritual
Find the key to reunite
In harmony with the ancient ones


Hooded figures gather mushrooms
From the circle of witches
To make decoctions
Left hands raise the chalice

Crop forgotten herbs
Desiccate the harvest
Corrupt the censer bearer
Fumigating the chapel

All dressed in a frock
Train of lanterns follow the patriarch
Practice the unspeakable cult
For the ones never died


Historical device
Replaced the axe and the sword
Cruel forms of execution
By mechanical decapitation

Death without torture
Standard form of capital
Ethical treatment of prisoners
Animals beheaded as a test

Equality among people
Humanitarian purpose
Heavy blade raised with a rope
Allowed to drop

Severe the head from the body
Intense suffering

Unconsciousness was no immediate
Little impact on the brain

Spasmodic movements of mouth
Living eyes looking at the crowd
Expression of indignation
After the assassination


Beneath the umber soil
Submerged deep
There is a world nobody knows

I still hear coughing
From the mass grave
Acrid stink fills the air
When it's blowing a gale

A lazaret stood here once
Sealed up behind the walls
Destined to rot
Plague stricken crowds

A burial mound
The only sign from the past
Now they formed a settlement
White bones and skulls

Victims of an epidemic
Deprived of human rights
No extreme unction
Dry throaths bloodshot eyes

Ghosts of the apocalypse
Bulldozers bring to light
Forgotten souls arise
Dancing through the ruins at night


Under the tombstone they lie stiff
Wide eyed in the dark
Necromancers rule the graveyard

Last will and testament of the late
Absolute will to resuscitate

Buried upright in the coffin
Lips shrink on the teeth
Horrible smile

Form the worms devouring their flesh
Metamorphosis in something else

Lines of sapience
Prayers from a closed grave
Huge fluorescent fungi
Illuminate the cave

Explore the crypt
Find a way for the bowels of the earth
Dreadful journey towards the underworld


Upsurge of accidents
The umpteenth roadkill
Walked under a heavy truck
Leftovers scattered on the street

Pick up remains by sterile gloves
Blood tracks
Coroner's inquest
To establish the cause of death

Identification of the body
Through oozing papers
Lift the saponified corpse
Onto a necropsy table

Physicians perform dissection
Deal with clinical formalities
Stitch up piece by piece
Restore a semblance of normality

Morticians take charge of the dead
Cremation of human remains
Arrange the holy variety show
An urn stands on the fireplace


"...When there's no room in hell,
The dead will walk the earth..."

Pale figures walking down the bush
Some naked or wrapped up in a shroud
Some still dressed in a black suit
From the funeral parlour

Crawling from the sepulchre
Unrecognizable face
Rigor mortis in the veins
They'll never die again

Moving clumsily and slow
Losing limbs throughout the walk
Eyes bulging from the sockets
Black holes of horror

Stay alive off the living
They crave for human flesh
The souls of the dead
Want to bring us with them

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