ChuggaBoom : Merry Chuggmas

Metalcore / United-Kingdom
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la la la, fuck you

Let's go, yeaaaaaaaah
Merry Chuggmas bitches
2016 ChuggaBoom!
You wanna know where we've been?

It's been a struggle financially
But roll on 2017, urrrggh

I'm sick of this, shitty christmases where I never receive what I want in an empty stocking
And that's just a start of it
Packets of socks and many boxes deodorant like I'm a pre-pubescent child
I'd rather die than this

We will never see Santa Claus again
This is the christmas revolution
We will never get another gift card
This is the christmas revolution

Christmas is about Levi Taurus
Gimme all o' your gifts I'm taking all your shit
Change the name to make it more relevant
This is Chuggmas bitch, Merry Chuggmas

Oh shit, motherchuggers, get your fuckin' axes
We're cutting all your christmas trees down
Ohhhhhhh yeah, fuckin' bleh
Ohhhhhhh no, bitch

I reject your fucking fairly lights and street light switching on ceremonies
With an X-Factor reject
Does anyone actually ever watch the Queenn's speech
Why the fuck's the great escape on

We will never see Santa Claus again
This is the christmas revolution
We will never get another gift card
This is the christmas revolution

Christmas is about Levi Taurus
Gimme all o' your gifts I'm taking all your shit
Change the name to make it more relevant
This is Chuggmas bitch, Merry Chuggmas

Ho ho ho motherfuckers, fuck your Jingle Bells
What the fuck? Who thought this was a good idea?
John Virgo stop it now, I fucking hate christmas
Oh for fucks sake, can't we- oh fuck it alright fine

Everybody have a great fucking shitmas
And an even better new year
I hope you receive all of ChuggaBoom!'s merch in your stockin'
Why are you still listening

This is literally the worst thing we've ever done
And we covered fucking Justin Bieber and The Lonely Island
Fuckin' hell do something else, shit
Seriously go away

lyrics added by MetalFan667 - Modify this lyrics