Chaos Inception : The Abrogation

Brutal Death / USA
(2012 - Lavadome Productions)
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Voices beckon me
Calling me to rise above the shadows
Illumination of a vision… mine!
From behind the sky
The scourge of its bane is unfurled for all to see
Antithesis of life I am
Banished and besieged
Arising… this day of my ascension
Oblivion… To hearken the day
Dominance… violence and vengeance
Shall reign from my hierarchy
Antithesis of life I am
Anthropomorphist of death I have become
Shallow cries… begging me for mercy
Fragments of illusion fall like rain
Battered knees bending before me
Hollowed eyes… peering from the soul
Dwelling within my being
Spoken from the lips of gods
Forging a world of pain
A world in which I shall abrogate!

Vengeance from beyond the grave
Harbinger of disease
The formless beast speaks to me
Voices… uttering my commands in the voice of a deity
Violence is the language through which I speak
And this shall be, my final testimony!


May the strongest assemble at the tip of the spear!!!
Take up shield and armor
Brandish spear and sword
Against those who pursue me
May those who seek my life
Be disgraced and put to shame
Hearts filled with malice
In their throats an open grave
Let their intrigues be their downfall
Rebuking them in anger
Discipline them in wrath
Sharpening my sword
Bend and string my bow
Prepare my deadly weapons
Making ready the flaming arrows
Like lions in cover… they lie in wait
Fiery coals and burning sulfur
A scorching wind will be their fate
Yet another blood stained dusk
Turned to cowards as they are crushed
The absolute of all time
Transcending through all space and time
My life you will never take
A will you will never break
I am the Patriarch
Something never seen before
Your flesh will know my blade
I will bathe in the blood of my enemies
Lethal killing instincts
Taste the brunt of my spear

Now the reputation precedes
All my enemies laid to waste
Never again shall there be a greater titan.
Let my blood conquest be the example.
Leaving all to marvel at my unexplained might
Like lions in cover… they lie in wait
Fiery coals and burning sulfur

Meet the tip of my spear!!


With lunatic mind I grasp the amulet from the earth
As it gleams crimson
Disinter the amulet to summon vengeance
Unbound victory Issues forth from crystal
Incant the spell wisp of smoke rises
Forming untold being from where
No life dwells
Wisp of smoke forms Absurd figure before me
Goat–headed being with body of serpent
Arms of spider female breasts and vagina
It turned its gaze to me
To my horror it began to speak
The severed head of dog is the key entered in the latch
Where upon it shall speak to thee in the tongues of Ancients
Severed head revealed mystery
From the opened latch
Where it began to speak to me
In the tongues of Ancients
With lunatic eyes I stalk the offering as blood spatters The next stone on my path
Divine the innards
Of slain martyr
Once skin stripped
Veins reveal coordinates
What is to come?
I must be there to see
Behold the gateway
An amputated head – the key
The severed head of dog is the key entered in the latch
Where upon it shall speak to thee in the tongues of Ancients
Severed head revealed mystery
From the opened latch
Where it began to speak to me
In the tongues of ancients

Formless being from where no life dwells speaks to me!


Cyclone of sand obscures the figure
Wind whips my face, I squint to set my gaze
Against the blinding sun and storm, I glimpse nemesis
The weathered statue with infernal countenance
Fear the winged demon
Icon of deformity
Wings of eagle, claws of lion, tail of scorpion
Manifestation of storm wind
Breath of disease, invoked by amulet
Bringer, of famine, malicious bringer of locusts
Storm bird awaken
Phallus of pazuzu showers its venom
The thirst of thanatos forces the maw
Thy cup overflows with spoiled degradation
Possession… pazuzu eternal!

1000 years of darkness
1000 years of plague
1000 years of torment
Hallowed by kiss of shame
The cyclone enshrouds the form and locusts scratch my face
I see the statue’s substance fall as sandstorm takes its Place
The foul beast has risen, never to rest again
Victory! my soul to the lash eternally
Phallus of pazuzu showers its venom
The thirst of thanatos forces the maw
Thy cup overflows with spoiled degradation


When the hammer of infidel falls…black vapor will rise Again!
I am the one – nihilist of creation
You are the one – delighter in defamation
We are the ones – execrate the nascent
Legion – disciples of imprecation
I am the one – Iron fist exalter
You are the one – emissary of vapor
We are the ones – summoning storm
Legion – baleful gods of war
Horde! heed the convocation, raze the earth,
Spawn the tablet-breaker
Hail the destroyer, bringer of iron
Celebrate! hammer of infidel!
They are the ones – extollers of ailment
They are the ones – those of the failure
They are the ones – elect of the tainted
Victims – terminus of the hammer
They are the ones – target of the tendril
They are the ones – ingurgitate through portal
They are the ones – beggar of oblivion
Legion – decree their corruption
Horde! heed the convocation, raze the earth,
spawn the tablet–breaker
Hail the destroyer, bringer of iron
Celebrate! victory! hammer of infidel!

The blood on my skin is blackest in moonlight
The blood in my veins is blackest at night
Black shape…takes wing…under…dark sky
Life force of traitors

Contemplating…moment of death
At draining of blood
Vertiginous delirium
Voiding conscience
Becoming blackness
Pupil–less eyes
Exanimate sense
Black blood vortex
I hear a voice…calling for killing
The “I” is the voice of madness…The “I” is obedience…

Vertiginous delirium
Voiding conscience
Becoming blackness
Pupil–less eyes
Exanimate sense
Black blood vortex


Time separates from space
The celestial veil is torn, erupting
Beasts of unbridled violence vomits forth
Predating all gods
Existing in the blackness
Of altar black hole deity
Breath of creation erupts
On wings of divine power
Upon the throne of hate
The kings of men will ride
To slay all dimensions and thought
Unbridled pain resides forever
Prayer of fire
Behold abomination
Forbidden texts reveals
One million eons cannot withstand
Utter obliteration
Upon the throne of hate
The kings of men will ride
To slay all dimensions and thought
Unbridled pain resides forever

Utter obliteration
Ancient ways prevail!


For centuries they have waited
Planting the seeds, perfecting their tactics
The Harvest is nigh
Foretold events have transpired
No addiction, nor vision, nor assassination
Rather, annihilation
Telepathic guides to your demise
Behold! exterminati!
Obelisk rises toward the clouds
Monolith, exaltation enshroud
Negrite images engraven
Emblazon pandemon aeturnum
Reptile scribes the riddle writ for
Overlords of existence
Semiotician – evil genius
Holocaustic obsolescence
Only the secret knowledge of archon
Triumphs over oblivion
Gathering of void–worshippers
Six score, thirteen their number
Heptagram their seal – codes –
The subliminal revealed
Unholy rite the cipher
Sage with day lit lantern
Bringing shadow into presence
Unleash the savagery of fenris
Illumination gods concealed
In the bloodlines of lords – and master
Illuminate gods now revealed
Mythic sons of satan
Extermination gods unveiled
Bringing global annihilation!
Exterminate gods – fantasy
Of a psychotic’s dream

The faceless omniscient
Augury of symbols, prescient
The omnipotent spares the adept
The mystic guards their secret
The end is your enslavement
Mass extermination
Genocide – terminal solution
Final act of the illusion
Illumination gods concealed
In the bloodlines of lords – and master
Illuminate gods now revealed
Mythic sons of satan
Extermination gods unveiled
Bringing global annihilation!
Exterminate gods – fantasy
Of a psychotic’s dream


Mystic entranced, scrawling symbols on the parchment
Spasmodic hand withdraws – behold inverted zohar
Veins grotesque protruding as the skin bubbles
Assimilating enlightenment of the one summoned
Vision quest ending in bile and vomit burning
Sickness poisons the well, insane and burning in hell
Who will burn? skin melts from your face
Mingling with the remnants of your defilement
Let us prey, as the fleshly flay
None shall withstand, burning scald command!
Flood the betrayers, torrent of flame
Caustic scorch, incinerate without remorse
I – am the infinite within the finite
Divine wisdom from beyond black barriers
Commander of scald, orator of inferno
Torcher of creation, submit to incineration

I'am the infinite within the finite
Divine wisdom from beyond black barriers
Commander of scald, orator of inferno
Torcher of creation, submit to incineration
The flames have cleared the way, but will they light the Path?

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