Chainsaw (PL) : Electric Wizzards

Speed Heavy / Poland
(2002 - Metal Mind Productions / Self-Released)
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Inside my soul I hear knocking
Oh, I can hear it so often
I sit in a quiet place
Waiting what's gonna happen

Iron gates open
Slightly as always
I gotta one second
To grasp the right time

Invisible hands want to open the door
Conceptions come out of my mind

I am a blindman
I catch just pieces
I blunder here like an outcast
Dirty criminal

Sometimes I see
A stunning scene
One thousand suns
Pouring over me

And for awhile I feel
That I have learned the answer
Was it all real?
Could it be my cry?

Invisible hands close the door
Conceptions fade away

I am a blindman
I catch just pieces
I blunder here like an outcast
Dirty criminal

3. TIME FOR...

Time to born and die,
Time to kill and heal,
Time to break down and time to build up.
Time to weep and laugh,
Time to mourn and dance,
Time to seek and loose,
Time to keep and cast away.

For everything there a season,
And for every matter under heaven.

Time to rend and sew,
Time to love - to hate,
Time for war - for peace,
And time cast away.
Time to keep silence
And time to speak,
Time cast away stones
And to gather stones together

For everything there a season,
And for every matter under heaven.

What gain has the worker from his toil?

Time to plant
And pluck up what is planted,
Time to embrance
And time to reffrain from embrancing,

For everything there a season,
And for every matter under heaven.


In a dream I am a wind
'Cause I'm invisible
I blow on memories
About those I got to know

I can see clearly
An odd-lookin' blend
Of events that together
Make magical sense

I don't think about it
I don't care at all!

Am I dreaming while I'm lost?
Or just roaming in a dream?
I'm alive waking up
Or maybe while asleep?

No-one will take from me
My night-time voyages
Can one cut off
The wings of a wind?

Yet, they don't exist
But still I am flying
Inter wining with dreams
On the edge of the worlds

I don't think about it'

I'm a lucky fellow
That o the worlds' frontier
Easily crosses every barrier
Whenever he wants or needs


In the temple of my heart, I choose landscapes myself
I built artistic walls and tell the sun not to rise
In decadent suspension I find relief
Walking, not thinking, dreaming visions of mine

My soul derives its power from the ruins of dead city
While my feet softly clash on the onyx floors
I see praying spires, their grandeur grows into choir
Oh, deserted land of thousand-voice hues

Deserted land
When I close my eyes I'm already there
Deserted land
I satisfy myself with drops from the cup of your glory

Every time I look at terraces sunken in the shadow
I don't want them ever to be struck by the light
Let the darkness of misery like a serpent warp around it
Talking delight in ambiguity at all times

Deserted land
When I close my eyes I'm already there
Deserted land
How good I didn't know you alive

My body is a wall that feels at night that grows
Like the sea, suddenly awaken decorated with the moon
The throne - lafty which detains envious power
He knows that after night proud dawns are will come

Deserted land
When I close my eyes I'm already there
Deserted land
How good I didn't know you alive


Is being born...
In the ashes of collapse
The shade of a new age
On ruins of the ancient
All colours have vanished
And a breath of grey
Can it help anymore?

Can it cause any harm?
Statues of the past
Are destroyed
Though I do my best
They're not any closer

There's a thousand new ones
I've got'em when I want
I hear the voices, saying:
Take 'em they'll be yours!
I look around
Which way's best to go?

Only a miracle
Can get back what's been lost
Too much answers
Painted black'n'white
The age of last confession
They bear prophecies insane

Great fury inside me
Destroys it all
I've got enough of this world
Where I feel so low
Great fury inside me
I wanna throw it out!
Life still hurts to the core
Dreams about heaven remain.


Wings of steel
High in the sky
I can't see you
Through my electric eyes

Now as hell summons
I laugh with your cry
I'll suck your soul
When I'll drop my disguise

Power of the sound
Sonic fierce attack
Blind but strong
Thunder is rolling crying
Blind but strong!
Thunder is rolling crying ...

Guardian of the ice void
Of the ice void
Guardian of the ice void
Of the ice, of the void

God cover his eyes
He knows that the time has come
Mountains of ice surrounds you
Hope with the sun has gone
Mountains of ice surrounds you
Hope with the sun has gone

Guardian of the ice void
Of the ice void
Guardian of the ice void
Of the ice, of the void, of the void

Wings of steel
High in the sky
I can see you
Through my electric eyes


Uwa¿nie patrz w m¹ zielon¹ toñ,
Otch³ani nie lêkaj siê.
Otwórz sw¹ duszê i naciesz swój wzrok,
Strach w zachwyt przemieniæ chcê.

Zagl¹da w g³êbie niewinnego s³oñca twarz,
Nocami ksiê¿yc daje jej swój blask.
W tañcz¹cym œwietle i odbitych cieniach gwiazd
Jak w lustrze roztañczone g³owy.

Gdzieœ blisko tu, lecz wzrok nie wie gdzie,
Cieñ szary przewija siê.
Wystarczy tylko zanurzyæ d³onie w toñ,
Strach nagle ogarnie ciê.

Nie mo¿e dotrzeæ niewinnego s³oñca twarz
Nocami ksiê¿yc ledwie nik³y rzuca blask
W tañcz¹cych cieniach u³amany skrawek gwiazd
Jak we mgle widaæ tylko szaroœæ.

Tam sk¹d dochodzi tajemny szmer
Wrak stary rozk³ada siê
Nieznane zbrodnie pieszczone przez mrok
I nie wie nikt o tym, ¿e...

Ju¿ zawsze tylko niepokornych myœli moc
Chce siêgaæ w otch³añ, gdzie panuje wieczna noc
Nie dotrzesz tutaj choæbyœ nawet chcia³
Tu wszêdzie zimna jak stal cisza.


Who's the one? I ask myself
The one who claims himself to be
The keeper of the heart
Yet, in his hand he holds a key,
The most precious one

How he must feel, I try to understand,
Staring at the lucky man
And the glorious treasure
That fell into his dirty hand
I guess he doesn't know that sometimes what you want
Is not exactly what you can

It's wild obsession with happiness
Yeah, wild obsession with happiness

If you really deserve her
So why don't you lay down your life for her
And if you are her keeper
Try hard to be real
'Cause if you turn out to be a stealer
With a big steel knife
My chainsaw's gonna shave you
For the last time in your life

It's wild obsession with happiness
Yeah, wild obsession with happiness

When I close my eyes, a choir of voices in my head
Is heard by my invisible ears
It's still singing about you
Even though I don't know you yet,
I know you live inside of me

It's wild obsession with happiness
Yeah, wild obsession with happiness


Have a guest around, at home
He is not to take your soul
His dark face is in the hood
He'll suppress all lust in you

Fear nothing if you sin
It's not a judge, the one who speaks
But foretaste of your ordeal
The primal promise of hell

In silence he cries
Knows the abyss
Knows how one
Should live for the sky
But his fate is like a three
Growing somewhere in the wind

What happens? it's time for a change
But is there enough time?
Hear his footsteps on the stairs
Now's silence, nothing's loud

I close my eyes - go off you monsters!!!
I'm being torn to pieces, bleeding
They sneer at my obedience
I scream buried in my grave
'Cause for changes is too late

In silence he cries
Knows the abyss
Knows how one
Should live for the sky
But his fate is like a three
Growing somewhere in the wind

Out of good and evil, we're not bound by any feelings
Under a mask, inside a naked soul
In truth, we are still alone
Still we suffer, yet we are here
Fear grows when death is near
'Cause it's hard to live and die
And still belong to humankind

In silence he cries
Knows the abyss
Knows how one
Should live for the sky
But his fate is like a three
Growing somewhere in the wind
Between ground and air


I set my aim, so easy from the start
I slowly burn foundations of mankind
And consciously sink
Foundations of mankind

I try not to turn my head away
I must reduce to ashes
Looking with all my heart
Into false beast's eyes...


I'm not affraid of terror, it is my friend
Either coward or hero fear equally the same
I let myself warm up
Let it calm down myself

And afterwards so light, so ready
For everything that's brought by evil fate
Beautiful and proud I will put out
Every burning strike

If something falls, I don't ask why
'Cos there's feast waiting for a warrior
Cry you little cowards!
Heaven is for us

I clench my teeth
Wanna hold out to the end
Thought too often
I have to pay with pain
I deeply believe
I'll live to see the sun


Who's the one? I ask myself
The one who claims himself to be
The keeper of the heart
Yet, in his hand he holds a key,
The most precious one

How he must feel, I try to understand,
Staring at the lucky man
And the glorious treasure
That fell into his dirty hand
I guess he doesn't know that sometimes what you want
Is not exactly what you can

It's wild obsession with happiness
Yeah, wild obsession with happiness

If you really deserve her
So why don't you lay down your life for her
And if you are her keeper
Try hard to be real
'Cause if you turn out to be a stealer
With a big steel knife
My chainsaw's gonna shave you
For the last time in your life

It's wild obsession with happiness
Yeah, wild obsession with happiness

When I close my eyes, a choir of voices in my head
Is heard by my invisible ears
It's still singing about you
Even though I don't know you yet,
I know you live inside of me

It's wild obsession with happiness
Yeah, wild obsession with happiness

lyrics added by tbc85 - Modify this lyrics