Chainsaw (NL) : Smell the Saw

Thrash Speed / Netherlands
(2004 - WorldChaos Production)
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Тексты песен

1. Master of Fate

Please set me free, from this cruel world
put me to sleep forever, I don't want to be a part of it anymore
Why submit to misery, why should I yield to fate
I will not go through hell if I can control it all myself

Heaps and heaps of money
A private jet, a swimming pool
Pretty women waiting in line
'cause I do everything just right
The world at my feet tomorow
The sun forever shines
One simple action
And I'm in charge of all alive

I've left all behind, there's nothing here that I need
'cause I have found a way, to achieve true happiness

Master of fate, master of fate

I hammer hard, to subdue my tortured brain
Until life functions snap, and I drift away in coma state
I can see paradise, everything within my grasp
It's great to be in coma, I never felt more alive

Master of fate, master of fate

Master of fate, master of fate

2. Nightmare World

I can see only dead bodies walking by my door
Walking in the park and the convenience store
A nightmare in the flesh
An invasion of the dead
but by god I'll stop 'em, to save the human race

All alone I stand amidst the walking dead
I have to burn them one by one there isn't any choice
Hear them scream in pain
As flames consume their skin
I am the saviour of mankind and with petrol I will win

Nightmare, Nightmare World
Nightmare, Nightmare World
Nightmare, Nightmare World!

And now the law has come to get me
They say I'm a murderer
I can't believe that they won't listen
About the conspiracy of death

Oh no all is lost I fear
They want to lock me up for good, they've dug their own graves
The judges hammer sounds
decades to rot in jail
didn't know faith could be so cruel
Now I have joined the living dead

3. The Butcher of Bagdad

Let me tell you a story, about a man who lost his job
Because the market saturation threatened his shop
So what about other countries, what meat do they lack
The west has got it all, but they don't sell pork in Iraq

The butcher of Bagdad, the butcher of Bagdad

Eight weeks had passed since the grand opening of his new shop
And despite his irresistible marketing stunts they would not buy his pork
The honest butcher was driven mad with despair, and he told himself...
He sold proper meat he knew, 'cause he's the butcher of Bagdad

Why won't you eat my meat, it's nice and clean
I'm a better butcher than you ever will see
Do my special offers not appeal to you ?
You will eat my pork sausage, I'll use force if I have to

The butcher of Bagdad, the butcher of Bagdad

4. Route 666

I don't have a motorbike and I don't have a car.
But I do have a real big gun that takes me just as far.
I get in at a gas station and I tell you where to drive.
I turn your car to hell on wheels when I play my guitar loud!

Let's fucking die on route 666 With the music loud and a beer in our hand
Let's fucking die on the road straight to hell
I've got a bottle of whiskey and I didn't pay my rent

Does it turn you on baby when we runover that old hag
Or does it turn you on if we crash into that wreck
Do you wanna die right now or do you wanna live?
Cause I don't really care but now we're driving of a cliff

Do you hear the wail of the cop car right behind
Now don't you worry hon' cause I just locked and loaded
They can try to stop us but that is of no use
Cause I've got full clip to go and nothing else to lose

5. The Blood of Civilisation

I need power power
reliable electricity
no windmills or solar panels
'cause nature can't be trusted
they say we need to keep the world clean
but I just want to watch TV
uninterrupted with a nuclear power supply

I need to microwave my dinner
and watch DVD

The blood the blood the blood
of civilization

Who cares 'bout radiation sickness
there are people enough
dump the waste in the Arctic
there is no one there who minds
a few deformed children is such a small price
we must never ever replace

Don't talk to me about environment
don't let me bleed

The blood the blood the blood
of civilization

6. Roadrage

I've got the motorway in sight
I pray to God and call on Satan's might
but the traffic's jammed ahead
the road is car packed
and lit with braking light

There's been an accident I see
why can't you all just drive like me
you got your license at a store
for saving-stamps I'm sure

Roadrage roadrage
roadrage roadrage

And now I'm stuck here in my car
that one last look it screams for war
and the radio is dead
your face your car I'm going mad

Roadrage roadrage
roadrage roadrage

A different road the same old shit
it doesn't matter where you drive
the motorway is always blocked
It's the story of my life

Roadrage roadrage
roadrage roadrage

7. Lay Down and Die

When I first met you, you set my heart aflame
Your body bewitching, it was love on first sight
But then an ill fate, tore me away from your side
Oh I would kill just to be with you, one more time

Faster, faster, do not stop I pushed you to the limit
Made you scream as you burned, adrenaline injection
Pushed me back into my seat, I loved it when you moaned
I fueled you up, and I made you burn

I remember how we used to drive, we defied death itself
like a bullet through the night Silvia, Silvia
how can I ever move on, or should I lay down, lay down,
Lay down and die
Did you know I saved your life ten-thousand times
Every night since you were gone
And did you know that I will keep you close
To my heart until I'm dead
I caress your body in the memories that I keep
Every night when I'm asleep
You were my light, you were my pride and without you I am lost
I was obsessed, I was possessed, I would have given you my soul

I remember how we used to drive, we defied death itself
like a bullet through the night Silvia, Silvia
how can I ever move on, or should I lay down, lay down,
Lay down and die
Lay down, lay down, lay down and die...

8. Burned Alive

My burned skin breaks
as I try to move my arm
blistered and almost black

I'm burning up but I won't give in
I'll catch every goddamn ray of sunlight
while I am here

I won't use sunblock NO
and I won't go inside
I paid for the sun and sea and beach
that's what I'll take
oh yes it hurts now
but I'm insured
I'll enjoy this trip to the extreme
no holding back

Fried to delerium
brains well done
never yield
to the blazing sun

I'm burned alive
I'm burned burned alive

Third degree burns
still going strong
one day to go and I am out of here
back to work in aircoed hall

My skin doesn't fit me anymore
like a sloughing snake it's peeling off
my intestines bare to the blazing sun
I try to call the hospital but it's too late

I'm burned alive
I'm burned burned alive

9. She Just Wants to get Laid

I bought my baby flowers and dined by candlelight
but she just wouldn't have it, she got undressed instead
She said :'I don't give a fuck! I don't give a damn.
I just want to get laid, so you better fuck me again!'

my baby is a sexmachine
when I'm tender she gets nasty and mean
She wants to get it on, oh man she can't wait
She just wants to get laid!

SHE, just wants to get laid
SHE, just wants to get laid
SHE, just wants to get laid
SHE, just wants to get laid

I tried to kiss her gently and treat her with respect
I try to love you honey! but you just tie me to the bed
She said:' Fuck me hard, fill me up
I just want to get laid so you better fuck me again!'

I can't keep up, I'm raw and sore
but you keep me hard,'cause you want some more
Pumping hard, in every hole
Your horny mouth, swallows it all

10. Dead and Buried

Com'on get to work now
Sleep when you're dead
Don't you worry 'bout your life now -because
You belong to me for evermore
My slave, my servant and my whore
obey or face the consequences

You never lived a dream, you didn't have the time
You never reached for the sky
And soon you'll come to realize
That it's no use to carry on
'cause you're already

Dead and Buried!
Dead and Buried!
Dead and Buried!
Dead and Buried!

Didn't you know, didn't you care
or did you just try to ignore
That while you eased your conscience
You threw yourself into the grave
And you're already

Why go on you stupid?
What's the point?
There's no glory in the shadows
You'll never know true ecstasy
no fame, no immortality
Why don't you fucking DIE!!!!!!

11. Never Surrender

Silence - It's past ten PM
Clean your yard - Your house is a disgrace
Move your trash - It's way too early still
No more I tell you - Tonight I'm going for the kill

The war is on - I can't take no more
here I draw the line no mercy for those who dare to pass
I park my car on any spot I damn well like
I'd rather risk a full scale war than give in

Dropped behind enemy lines
I have to kill them all this time
never never surrender
stalk around enemy ground
never never surrender

Cutting through the fence I always hated it's looks
past the searchlights while the enemy sleeps
I can't suppress a giggle by the thought of their surprise
when they wake up at the smell of their own burning flesh

Dropped behind enemy lines
I have to kill them all this time
never never surrender
stalk around enemy ground
never never surrender

12. Superstore Warrior

9 A.M. I'm first in line
50 eurocents in hand to make a trolley mine
Shopping list complete, I've come prepared
I know just what to buy and I'll buy it all right now!

Tissues, chocolate, porridge, milk and beef pastries
buy two -a super bargain- and get one for free
don't touch it! That can of beans is mine
I'll smash your head with frozen chicken, let go you slime
Carrots, meat, potatoes, trifle and applesauce
I love to push my trolley down the dairy corridor
Out of the way you bag, I'm coming through
I can hear the cereals screaming :'Buy me, buy me too'

Superstore Warrior, Superstore Warrior
I shop till I drop, whatever the cost
Superstore Warrior, Superstore Warrior
I shop till I drop, whatever the cost
Superstore Warrior!

Come on, com'on com'on now, I think I've got it all
It's been all lovely so far, but I want to leave the mall
Oh my god it's crowded at the checkout point
I have to jump the queue with force - dislocate your shoulder joints
Pushing forward hard, threatening with a stale loaf of bread
If you don't let me pay now, I swear I'll see all of you dead
Here's my credit card bitch, Yes I want a receipt and more
It's been a mighty glorious visit at the superstore!

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