Chain (USA) : Reconstruct

Progressive Metal / USA
(2003 - ProgRock Records)
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There is a theory which states that if ever anyone
Discovers exactly what the universe Is for and why it is
Here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by
Something even More bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already




Perfect imperfection - beautiful disorder... grace
Ladder leading to nothing - bliss and primordial space
Here are footprints of the future present past
Here are the seeds of questions not yet asked

What is it? where is it? when is it real first life?
Should it be nature in line to claim the right?
What is it? where is it? when is it real first life?
Only a sleeper in time dare brave the night.....

Here in the chaos chasm lies the dust that will be god Someday
Innocence molded to purpose - given soul and a sword to Lead a faith
Here is truth as yet untainted by word
Here is reason to whole to be heard....

What is it? where is it? when is it real first life?
Should it be nature in line to claim the right?
What is it? where is it? when is it real first life?
Only a sleeper in time dare brave the night.....


The story so far

In the beginning the universe was created.
This has made a Lot of people very angry
And been widely regarded as a bad Move.
Many races believe that it was created by
Some sort Of god, but he
Jatravatid people of Viltvodl VI believe
That the entire Universe was in fact sneezed out of the
Nose of a being called the great green Arcleseizure.

The Jatravatids, who live in perpetual fear of a time they
Call "the coming of the great White handkerchief", are
Small blue creatures with more than firfty arms each who
Are Therefore unique for being the only race in history to
Have invented the aerosol Deodorant before the wheel.


Destruction lurking in the dark
Marble wiped clean for a new start
Nature reshuffeling the cards
It doesn't help to duck and cover now.

Run away run away but you can't hide
This one's gonna take away your light
Who will be destined to survive
Mother strike a match and burn it down

Burn it down with a thousand fires
Let it grow 'till the final light goes

Old eyes watch the atmosphere turn black
The final hour is at hand
Time again has made an impact
Separate the beast make room for man

Spinning in a neverending nightmare
All is lost 'n nothing whole
Unforgiving, so indifferent nothing spared
Leave just some and leave them cold
Ashes giving the world a new breed
From a hole it took control

Burn it down with a thousand fires
Let it grow 'till the final light goes

Kingdoms fall and they never come back
Yes, the final hour is at hand
The mighty giants gone forever
Separate the beast make room for man

Old eyes watch the atmosphere turn black
Make no mistake it's your last stand
Time again has made an impact
Everything will change 'cause here comes man…


Let me tell you about endangered species, alright?
Saving Endagered species is just
One more arrogant attempt by Humans to control nature.
It's what's got us in trouble in The first place,
Doesn't anybody understand that,
Interfering with nature.
Over 90% of
The species that have Ever lived on this planet are gone,
They're exctinct.
We Didn't kill Them all.
They just disappeared.
That's what Nature does.

We haven't even finished burying the artificial dinosaur
Skeletons in the crust, yet.

Eee, ecky thumb


Wrap me up in mud and shut me up
At least 'till I make my way to the top
Of sediments that fill the breaking crust
You might hear me talk if you dust me off

The inside of the beast is what remains
Finding me beneath requires change
A million years have passed, I am preserved
Now that I am found what have you learned

I was wrapped in a blanket of dirt
Fill in the hole and watch the world revert

Buried in the land beneath the clay
I had a life but you just want my age
The excavation leads to the older race
The mire has become one with the face

Sink into the realm of whats been here since
You began to breathe, began to sift
Forget the preconcieved ideas you came with
My bones will shatter lies and trample myths

I can tell you where you came from
I can tell you where I've been
Been a prisoner of silence
Shackled by the dirt I'm in

I can tell you where you came from
I can tell you where I've been
I am the answer to your past
Eplore the secrets deep within

No food no light no rain no reason to walk
I'll just fall asleep inside natures plot
And lay here 'till the time for me to hide stops
Give up on the lies you have about this rock

Go ahead and use what you've seen
To elevate your kind beyond tragedy
Every single find - another page turned
Now that I am found what have you learned


There's no need to argue
Cause it's all fixed in science
Ingenius people wrecked their minds
To give eyesight to the blind

Why worry about solutions
Cause everything is fixed
Don't you fill me with confusion
You quiet hypocrites

I've got science on my side
And science is reality
There's no end in sight
We are growing constantly

Look for the truth
It's so much closer than you think
We're no final form
We're the missing link

There's no use to argue now
I will rely on all my books
And even if we found it
I doubt that anyone would look

We've learned to use a tool
We've learned stand
I'm staring at myself
I see an upright man

Use a tool - make a stand - hypocrit - apeman


Species and nations have a lot in common.
What, for Example, is a german?
The tribe Has a shared and guttural
Means of communication that interrupts intercourse of most
Kinds, but the attribute is equivocal, for austrians speak
The same language.
Since 1913, the country has defined its
Own citizens by descent, by German blood (whatever
That Might be).
It includes within the realm the remnants of
The Saxon diaspora (many Of whom -
Romanians included - Cannot speak german at all), but
Cuts out children Born in Berklin of Turkish parents.
Until the fall of the Berlin Wall, indeed, a
Geographical barrier made many of the
Nation's citizen more alien to one another than Westerners
Or Easterners were to the French or the Poles.
A century Ago German
Identity itself meant little, as there were
Only Prussians, Bavarians and Rhinelanders,
Political Entities of their own,
Each now reduced to variants within
A greater Teutonic Whole.

The problem of how to define Germans, or any nation,
Arises because the question is Ambiguous: does it turn on
Shared appearance and behaviour, on geography, or on
Descent? Is a country an historical entity, or should it
Be indentified only on criteria
That apply today?
How much
Can frontiers be allowed to leak before a nation loses its
Essence? When will Germans be seen as Europeans, as
Prussians have become German?

Such problems of identity turn on natural variation, the
Raw material of evolutionary Change.


We are the augmented animal.
Take a step back and get a
Different perspective on where we come from, what we have
Accomplished, where we have failed.
You'll get a better Idea about what lies ahead…

Is this the end - Bionic life
In a wired world, we rest
And we think we are so strong
There's old and new - No global view
Changing shades of green, an' you...
Can you guess what's goin' wrong
Can you see that part
Can you re-invent yourself ?

Look at us, what have we become ?
What have we been through ?
Look at us see all that has changed
All the dreams that have come true

Of Mice and Men - And Man-Made Mice
It is us and them, together
On this planet we have grown.
New hearts for old - A changing life
But we close our eyes, to this
Can you guess what's goin' wrong
Can you see that part
Can you re-invent yourself ?

Have we gone too far - or not far enough
Have we learned from our mistakes
that we make from day to day
What's gone is gone - no more chance to see
But we close our eyes, to this
Yes I know what going wrong

Look at us, how did we get this far ?
In a world where all is new
Look at us, how long will we survive ?
Will our dreams still true ?


Questions remain un-answered
No response from a poisoned mind
But yet we keep on sending
The young to be taught by the blind

Happening behind the scenes
Citizens oblivious
Religious folk they plan and sceme
Nobody knows it's dangerous

They have the information
They keep it locked away
And keeping information
Sounds like lying to me

The truth will be behind the scenes no more
Conspiracy knocking on my door

Questions remain un-answered
No response from a poisoned mind
But yet we keep on sending
The young to the machine of lies.

Its wheels will grind you down
Its power crush you whole
The only thing it will spit out
Is just another mindless soul

The evidence is obvious
It is right in front of you
They keep this information
They tell you it's not true

The truth will be behind the scenes no more
Conspiracy knocking on my door

Learn to teach and teach to learn
Open your eyes knowledge returns
The truth will be behind the scenes no more
Conspiracy knocking on my door


The greatest arrongance of all: Save the planet.

What? Are these fuckin' people kidding me?
Save the Planet?
We don't even know How to take care of ourselves Yet.
We gotta learn how to care for one another, we're
Gonna save the fuckin' planet?
There is nothing wrong with The planet.

Nothing wrong with the planet.

The planet is fine.

The people are fucked.

What the artist in his monologue is trying to say is that
There is no possible way for a Group of individuals, in
This case people, descibing human kind, to avoid or escape
A Given situation, here, death or extinction.
He sums it Up by using a four letter word,
Which, after all, gives
The statement much more clarity and impact because, let's
Face It, the people are fucked.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us.

…Been though earthquakes, volcanos, plate techtonics,
Continental drifts, solar flares, Sun spots, magnetic
Storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles, hundreds of
Thousands Of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids
And meteors, worldwide floods,
Tidal waves, worldwide
Fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages and we
Think Some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going
To make a difference?
The Planet isn't going anywhere.
We are.
Pack your shit folks.
And we won't leave much of a trace either.
Thank god for That.
The planet will be here and we'll be long gone.
Just another failed mutation.
Just another closed end biological mistake.
An evolutionary col de sac.


One day the world will be a better place
No more cryin'
No more people
No more pain
Worry all you want, it won't stop the rotation
No more arrogance
No more regrets
An' no one left to die

Because tomorrow
We'll be gone
And all that now surrounds us
Will keep moving on

Simple man, simple plan, or simply just a waste
Come and stay on your way to the grave
Like the rain you simply wash away
Simple life, simple light, or simply nature's right
Like the setting sun your job here is done
Folks, pack your shit and move on
We developed way too fast
Who the hell said this place was ours
No more reigns
No more slaves
No more reason to endure
Cut to the front of the line to claim your rights
No more black
No more white
No one left here to fight

I can't tell
What there will be
And not a single human eye
Will ever get to see

Simple man, simple plan, or simply just a waste - you're
Gonna die
Come and stay on your way to the grave
Like the rain you simply wash away - the planet is fine
Simple life, simple light, or simply nature's right -
You're gonna die
Like the setting sun your job here is done
Folks, pack your shit and move on


A family photograph
I sit here waiting
No proper graves, no epitaphs
We'll just go to sleep

Here in this empty room
I count the hours
My weathered heart will find rest soon
This day will be my last

Red skies and melting ice
Should have tipped off someone
Humans in their ignorance
Looked the other way

Days had passed, then weeks and months
They couldn't stop debating
Now I sit back and laugh
Oh what the hell were they saying

Can't you see the signs
You can trust your eyes
Can't you see the signs
Taking your place in line

You can't escape what's gonna come
I see you all running
Still wanna be the first in line
Nothing you have learned

Why don't you use your brain for once
You are going in circles
The competition's over friend
Your line has lost it's purpose

Can't you see the signs
You can trust your eyes
Can't you see the signs
Taking your place in line
Can't you see the signs
It is over we are through
Can't you see the signs
They are coming after you


"Six pints of bitter", said Ford Prefect to the barman of
The horse and groom "and Quickly please, the world's about
To end."

Arthur remained very worried.
"But can we trust him?", he said.
"Myself, I trust him to the end of the earth.", said Ford
"Oh yes,", said Arthur "how far is that?"
"About twelve minutes away", said Ford, "come on,
I need a Drink."

My god, this is terrible, would somebody please stop it?

"Are you serious, sir?" he said in a small whisper which Had the effect of silencing the Pub.
"You think the world's going to end?"
"Yes," said Ford.
"But, this afternoon?" […]
"Yes," he said gaily,
"In less than two minutes I would Estimate."
The barman couldn't believe the conversation he was Having.
"Isn't there anything we can do about it then?" he said.
"No, nothing," said Ford, stuffing the peanuts into his Pockets
Someone in the hushed bar suddenly laughed raucously at
How stupid everyone had Become.
The man sitting next to Ford was a bit sozzled by now.
His eyes waved their Way up To Ford.
"I thought," he said, "that if the world was going to end We were meant to lie down or Put a paper bag over our head Or something." "If you like, yes," said Ford.
"That's what they told us in the army," said the man, and His eyes began the long trek Back down to his whisky.
"Will that help?" asked the barman.
"No," said Ford and gave him a friendly smile.
"Excuse Me," he said,
"I've got to go." With a wave, he left. […]
The barman cleared his throat. He heard himself say:

"Last orders, please."




Er hot sofodd die technische unn soziale Folche voo solche
Neuerunge vier Aache unn Ueverlegt sich das dreimol bevier
Er alle mechliche Irrwaeje midgit.

Why am I?
Who am I?

'The History of every major Galactic
Civilization tends to Pass through three distinct
And recognizable phases, those Of Survival, Inquiry and Sophistication, otherwise
Known As the How, Why and Where phases.
"For instance, the first phase is characterized by the Question "How can we eat?" the Second by the question
"Why Do we eat?" and the third by the question […]

Where should we have lunch?
What's it about?
I think it's only temporary.
We should go, it's time.
Where should we have lunch?
We should go, it's time.

A tremendous feeling of piece came over him.
He knew that At last, for once and
Forever it was now all, finally, over

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