Centurian : Contra Rationem

Death Metal / Netherlands
(2013 - Listenable Records)
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Fallen as a sinner
In a fallen world of sinners
For his testing
For his purification

He shall try thee
Live unbound to the sinner´s will
He shall try thee
Those shallt choose sin and hell

Thou shallt bleed for the lord thy god
Bleed into death!
Thou wert born a blasphemy
Die with bloody hands!

Thou shallt bleed for the lord thy god
Cover thy sins!
More blood upon the altar!
More conviction!

Thou shallt bleed for the lord thy god
Smash thy head to the ground!
To the ground!
To the ground

Bash thy brow until it bleeds!
Until it bleeds!
Until the sign of worship
Reveals itself!


Layer by layer
I shake the ground
Layer by layer
I shake the deceased

Into the city of coffins
The eyes of a thousand Christs
Stare in silence
How I revel in the ashes of man

I follow the call
That echoes from the grave
Bone to bone
I bring together what has been buried

Smell the dead!
The priceless essence of human bones
Inhale the dead!
Touch the thick scent of the afterlife

A hundred floors down
Slip through the legacy of dust
In the sands of time
None who turns his back on death can be alive

From coffin to coffin I descend
Visions channeled through empty sockets
At the sign of death
I claim my crown of bones

Through the rattle of fleshless bones
I hear the dead speak!
“What we are you will be
What you are we once were”


Shineth through me!


Choronzon with us abide!
It´s the night of the cross
All come to the congregation
Come to celebrate the sign of our lord choronzon

Come to receive the perfection of light
Tonight out spirits burn under the cross of redemption

Follow the path to the foot of the cross
Follow the path reversing and blessing
Follow the path concealed in revelation
Follow the path the one way is threefold

Erect ye the shape of infinite fire
Raise aloft the serpent within
Return and find ouranos sulphur
Erect ye the cross of unconscious will

We bear the mark that scatters illusions
We bear the mark that dissolves the gods
Be it multiplied and worshipped
Carved on the foreheads of all!


Alas, alas go weep and weep again
For there´s a plague among thee
The scandal of twelve
Unfaithful disciple defecting from him

My mouth is the mouth of hell
Rip the gospel with my words
Awakening the atheist
I redeem this earth from god

Reversing all speech
I alter the word
Receive the new birth!
Tongues of fire descend upon thy heads

Fulfilling the prophecy
I commit the sin unto death
Unfolding the charlatan
His stinking coven be corrupted!

Blamed and defamed
Predestined for damnation
Hanged and despised
I killed thy lord


No law can rise above my will

Fuck the world
Fuck the holy ways of man
Fuck the world
I am the exception of the rule

The fundamental need
To abandon all truth other than mine
I view reality from the opposite angle
The lightning I bear scatters all lies

No law can rise above my will

Scorned for vices
That reject what is just
Nailed to the cross of undying darkness
I am prepared for absolution

I suffer not
Smiling as my eyes drip blood
The light of chaos shines upon me
Alive without the law
No law can rise above my will


Come to the light!
Follow the will the new torch!

Thy fiery god precedes
Will he take thee to the resurrection?
Or will he lead into death?

Thy fiery god recedes
Hath thou fallen into the spirit?
Hath thou died in the lord?

Pray his face to shine upon thee
Pray his face to shine upon thee
Pray his face to shine upon thee
Pray his face to shine upon thee

Shut up in blindness
Thou shallt walk by faith alone
The brightness of the flickering flame
Defiled by a flicker of doubt

His fading face never shined and never will
The light of the holy ghost
A ghost light forever
A ghost light forever

Left in pitch darkness
Thou art not far
From the kingdom of god
From the kingdom of god


God is sin
Who shall delivered us
From the body of this death?

Too pure to approve god
Too pure to look at god
Our divine nature cannot abide god

God is sin
It has filled the soul
With sickness and disease

Confess it repent of it
And thou hath solved any hardships
That besets thee

God is sin
And forever lies
Beneath our wrath


I stand
Where no man can reach me
In league with eternity
I am forever

I stand
Where no man can judge me
For I am god
Until eternity ends

Lex maiestatis
Thou hasth betrayed me
Thou hast failed
To worship the emperor

I stand
Erected as a phallus
Thrusting in the womb of antiquity
I have overcome damnation

Thou hasth murdered my flesh
Thou hasth asked to desecrate my dead body
And condemn my memory
That I shall be completely and totally forgotten
Thou hasth tried to scatter all of my images
My statues defaced
Thou hasth tried to remove my name
From the scriptures
That I may be erased

Thy ignorance shall be awareness
I shall be ever present in the minds of thy children
And in the minds of thy offspring
And generations to come

My reign is never ending
Remembered and hailed as the third emperor
Thou shallt dread me
Even in death


Counted with those
Who go down into the pit
Proud and accursed
We have sworn and won´t repent

Counted with those
Who go down into the pit
Loyal to hell
And committed to die

Versus all!
We accuse and oppose
Versus all!

Blessed are the averse
Who walk in the counsil of the ungodly
The just are against
Our covenant is opposition

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics