Centinex : Doomsday Rituals

Death Metal / Sweden
(2016 - Agonia Records)
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I have gotten a new obsession
A serious interest in human anatomy
Studying what's beneath your skin
The more you scream, the more I carve

Flesh - Cutting through your skin
Flesh - Flesh from your within

Living subjects are mandatory
The way they all react, is what keeps me going on
Warm fluids, screams of desperation
Before they realize I put them down

Flesh - Cutting through your skin
Flesh - Flesh from your within


Turning the face into one solid substance
Countenance rapidly beaten
The hard bones of the skull remain in place
Soft tissues slowly mashed by hand and hammer

From intact to broken

Nose and lips, ears and skin rearranged
Senseless pounding, facial abuse supreme
Carved by knife, flay to naked
Bloody sludge, facial mince

From intact to broken

Visage mangled
All different parts of the face destroyed

Breathing heavily and intermittently
Gurgling sinuses filled with blood
The imposed body struggling for survival
Unconscious, almost dead, snoring a final breath

From intact to broken

Visage mangled
All different parts of the face destroyed


Kicking and screaming as a deer hit by a car
I surprise them at night with the power of the saw
Waking up in panic by the roar from the machine
Cutting the body like nothing
This is the power of the saw

Dismemberment supreme
I have always liked the sight of blood
Dismemberment supreme
The way it squirts, the way its pattern goes

I murder people. I take their lives away
I kill them in spectacular ways with excitement
The feeling of power, brutalism and chaos
Victims screaming as I mutilate them into pieces

Dismemberment supreme
I have always liked the sight of blood
Dismemberment supreme
The way it squirts, the way its pattern goes

Blood sprays all over the room creating this pattern
Every kill ends up as a unique piece of art
The walls, floor, ceiling and I all covered
I stand silent and enjoy it, time to plan my next hit

Dismemberment supreme
I have always liked the sight of blood
Dismemberment supreme
The way it squirts, the way its pattern goes


A truncated cadaver located on a jetty
The body was discovered early in the morning
It tells the story of very serious violence
Shoe prints everywhere in the mud
Four feet, one adult, one child

A new generation of flies

Someone is kidnapping homeless people
Torture them so bad that they soon die
Zipper down, opening the bag of plastic
The acrid scent hurts passing through the nose
After a long time floating in the balmy water
Body fats turned into a rancid smelling paste
Resembling look and texture as white defecation

A new generation of flies

The body has been lying in the reeds
Hidden for three weeks, badly damaged
The epidermis on the hands and feet
Had absorbed so much water
It comes off as socks and gloves
They pupate to become a new generation of flies

Bodies lying in water transform
Flies are gathered infesting the body
Head and legs and arms pointing downwards
Torso with the legs bent in the hip joints
Yellow Red grains around the eyes and nose and mouth
Flyblows develop into larvae
Drilling deep into the soft tissues to feed
Pupate to become a new generation of flies

A new generation of flies
They pupate to become a new generation of flies


We gather in the home of the shadows
In silent consensus we sign the agreement
Instinctively, we discover each other
Similar kinds of minds like my own

The shameful few
The shameful few
Who will believe you?
You're only a child

The look exudes a kind of sad seriousness
The serious tone gives a kind of a distorted sound
I confess to make it easier for all of us
Obviously my family needs to be protected from me
Believing I would die with our secrets
Believing that we all were enjoying our way of living
It was our little perfect world and I was God
To become a consumer you have to contribute

The shameful few
The shameful few
Who will believe you?
You're only a child

Virgin bodies of men kindled the flame of love

The typical reaction when these kinds of minds get disclosed
Regret, guilt and anguish buried deep inside
Almost like a child caught being very naughty
You ask if I understand what I have done wrong
If I know the gravity of my deeds
What is wrong? What is right? Who decides?
Define the word wrong so I can understand
It does not conflict with nature and God is nature

The shameful few
The shameful few
Who will believe you?
You're only a child




It is like Russian roulette, you see
No one knows for sure who the father is
It is better that way, rules carved in stone
Once you are in you are never out

A very handsome group of men
They know the talk and how to behave
Intoxicated and blunted by abundance
A strong group that never sees, hears or talks

Exist to feed; Exist to breed

Once a month they meet to fine dine
The feast consists of endangered species
Delicacies that would put your away for a long time
Consuming the last piece of a dying breed
On the solemn annual meeting
Served the most exclusive possible
The meat of an eight-week old human
It is not about this meal; it's always about more

Exist to feed; Exist to breed

Every part carefully prepared
Muscles, intestines, brain and genitals
Arranged to its original appearance
The main course, their own flesh and blood
They possess a breeding queen in a warehouse
In custody with only one simple function
The holy period of fertilization
They all gather in the dark to seed
Everybody taking turns, exploding inside

It is like Russian roulette, you see
No one knows for sure who the father is
It is better that way, rules carved in stone
Once you are in you are never out

Exist to feed; Exist to breed


In the dark of the night I search
For a victim, an easy target

Death decay murder - Die motherfucker die
Death decay murder - Ease my pain, die

Someone who will ease my pain
Someone to slowly take away

A voice inside my head
Tells me how to be free
A need that has to be fed
A path where to be led

Death decay murder - Die motherfucker die
Death decay murder - Ease my pain, die

Lust for blood increasing
A deep urge for pus and gore

Death decay murder - Die motherfucker die
Death decay murder - Ease my pain, die

Longing to feast on their flesh
Longing to feast on the dead

Carving to be the bone
Slicing tissues and brutalize
Obscene pleasure infested
No remorse dwells inside of me

Cut, slice and hack
Let the knife do the talking
Internal organ removal
Centinex approval

Longing to feast on their flesh
Longing to feast on the dead


A stillborn went wrong
In the garbage, it started to breathe
Feeding on waste
Raised with the rats

Sentenced to suffer
A misshapen life
Sentenced to suffer
The rage will arise

The beatings get harder
The creature grows stronger
Mind filled with hatred
Pain is delivered

Sentenced to suffer
A misshapen life
Sentenced to suffer
The rage will arise

The perfect victim
Horrid and stinking
The perfect victim
Shaped by gloom

Sentenced to suffer
A misshapen life
Sentenced to suffer
The rage will arise

It lurks in the shadows
Spreading the affliction
A fierce abomination
Forever in torment

Sentenced to suffer
A misshapen life
Sentenced to suffer
The rage will arise


Unidentified space, dark but warm
Wallpapers from the seventies
The supporting role consists
Of a highly ranked pediatrician
You never see his face

Faceless - Actors of the underworld

The picture also contains
Three more people to complete the cast
Two other men in the same age, both faceless
The last character is a tiny but adult Asian woman
It's obvious that she wants to escape

Faceless - Actors of the underworld
Faceless - Actors with identities blurred

Passivity of them both spectators
Calm movements with heavy breaths
Most driving is the fat man with scars
Directs the body language
Slightly tubby with a soft tone
In his groaning prematurely grey
The woman constantly drinking alcohol to daze herself
Chastens her demons with drugs and liquor
Actors that purchased in the deep dark of the underworld

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