Cemetery Earth : Here Rest Remains from Centuries of Demise

Death Metal / USA
(1992 - Self-Released)
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01 - Slow Inevitable Decrepus

I am dying, aging away
wrinkled skin dangles off of my crumbling skeleton
Elderly and crippled
senile old man, confined to a body
Decrepit and frail, exhausted and weak
I long to sleep with the stagnating deceased
for I have lost my will, the desirable will to live
Follow the light, voices tell me "go to the light"
Be not afraid, feel the warmth, the warm inviting light
Slow inevitable decrepus
Pull from the hearse, pall bearers escort my remains
Flowering my grave, finally I am home

02 - Mortuary Science

Sever the subclavian, perfuse formaldehyde, suture the mouth and eyelids, trocar the abdomen, replace with cavity fluid, tissue are firm and dry, restore flesh coloration, prepare for casketing. The Casketing. Mortuary Science. Mortuary Science.
Fill in sunken skin, seal lacerations,embalming immaculation.
Suited in burial garments, perfectly positioned, proudly I peer down at the cold, pale, corpse.
Wheel out the cadaver of the dearly departed, may he rest with others in the dark dampened depths below.
Morticians embalm for fun.

03 - The Plight of Cartaphyllis

Wearily, I've wandered this world for centuries
I am Cartapyllis, abomination of Christ
I struck the son of god, his holy blood covered my hands
Laughing into his face I spit upon his crown
I follow the so-called king of the jews to his crucifixion at Calvary
As they nailed his hands and feet to the cross, I rejoiced at the site of his suffering

04 - Tormented by Apparitions

Years have passed, still the spirits follow, revenants possessing pure iniquity.
They torment me
They torment me
I sincerely regret meddling with the unknown.
All incantations are powerless against these apparitions.
Begone phantoms of light vanish back to the afterworld

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