Cease Of Breeding : Sounds of Disembowelment

Brutal Death / Greece
(2010 - Amputated Vein Records)
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I hate the world, I hate the humans, I hate them
I pray everyday to darkness, I pray for a destruction
I dream of extinction
I can't take it anymore, I'm sick of their faces
I wish I could drown them in their own blood
Break their little necks, stomp their fucking faces
I'm sick of them, burn them, boil them
I must do whatever it takes to disappear their pitiful
Take the fucking happiness from them, they don't deserve it
Kill every fucking human who is laughing, I'm sick of you
Pathetic scums

Make them stop, put them in the ground
Bring misery to them
Hang 'em, impale 'em, destroy 'em
Death to all and all to death


Misery overwhelming me, feelings are long gone
My only company is this shotgun, my only excitement is it's
I'm a strong person, all the others are weak, all the Others must die
I'm proud of myself, I'm proud for what I'm ready to do
I take the gun and start shooting randomly, blood and
Pieces of flesh are now
Voice of panic is in the air, at last we taught these weak
Humans fear
I'm hunting my victims, I corner them and I am pulling the
Their faces have been deformed, their limbs are missing and
I finally feel
I am proud to be a mass murderer
No-one has this power, only I can do this
My victims now are up to twenty and I know that my mission
Is not over
After all this massacring, my shooting has improved, my aim Is better, I go for
The head
I really enjoy the sound of a smashed cranium, the brains As they are slipping
Out from the head
The sound of the exploding flesh, I decapitate one victim And I rise with it's
I'm proud to be a mass murderer
I feel my end is coming near as I am surrounded by the Police pointing at me
With their guns , but I still know
I'll be remembered for my work and I won't fall on my knees For no human law
My only friend, my gun can only take my life, I need only One bullet in my head
I'm really proud to be a mass murderer


I collected all the bodies in my residence, I put them down
Beneath in my
Darkest room
I covered their screams with my sounds of pleasure
I have nailed all the corpses, I have nailed them upon my
I have nailed all their organs, I have nailed all their

I have tasted all the bodies, I had pleasures on their flesh
I have nailed all the corpses, I disfigured all the bodies

I collect them from day to day, I am searching to destroy
I have nailed all the corpses, I can take them down with me

I am a superior human being, I hunt them for my own pleasure
I enjoy their tears of fear, I kill for I am the one who
They worship!


A bucket filled with blood
An opened body with all it's fluids spilled out
All walls are painted with it
Painted with 5.2 litres of blood
Every drop drained from the body
Gathered in a green plastic bucket
The stink of blood is covering the small room
All the organs have been disposed
Some of them are in the corner of the room
The blood is used for paint
This red colour is considered by some as inspiring
Some believe that blood is better
Some enjoy the scene of it
5.2 litres of blood is all that a human body can contain
It's all used for paint, for blood red paint


Sound of broken bones, cracked skulls, empty shells
Sound of blood spilled out of the neck
Choked voices of dismembered humans
Sick and perverted sounds all over the room
Cries from tortured souls begging me to release them

I have made it through here, my salvation is at close
The quantity of the dead bodies shall be written in history
The scars on my body reveals the number of victims
My mind is aching, I haven't got much time, I have to Gather more

Sounds of disembowelment like a music in my ears
Sounds of disembowelment like a fucking disease
Sounds of disembowelment an addiction to me
Sounds of disembowelment like a fucking disease

I must see them dead, all of them dead, all of them dead
I have to hurry, the time is running quick
They shall not find me, I shall murder more
I must salvage my soul, my work hasn't ended yet
The world must see what I achieved
They must see what I can do
My mind is aching but the sounds of disembowelment
Makes the ache stop


This will never end until everyone stops breathing
We start all over again
Our killing streak continues,
A desire for rotten meat, a Desire for melted
We never stopped gathering your heads for trophies
To put them where anyone can see what we can do
We never felt sick in front of disemboweled carcasses
Instead of this, we embraced it
We learned to worship this work of art that's gracefully
Been given to us, this
Art that we made
We inhale the foul smell of the decomposed body
We dominate the weak soul, we fulfill our primitive desires
We love this madness
We are keeping the tradition
We are spreading the disease
We are expanding the massacre

We obey our cause
Feeding our hunger with flesh
Sucking the existence of those bastards who opposed us
We will never stop
We are expanding the massacre


A pervert priest and a mentally diseased young woman
The propaganda of religion worked fine once again
Everyone thinks that demons possessing the body of this
The priest finds his chance
He tells them to leave him alone,
Using his authority as a Priest
He looks at this woman and he desires to abuse her body
The perv priest starts to lick her, his delusional mind
Sees the devil
She is tied in her bed, she is effortless
Another victim of religious shit
The priest trying to do the so called exorcism through the
Penetrating her with the cross
Nothing can stop his erection, the semen exorcism continues
The screams from the rape covers the old house, her family
Believed the lie
No-one knows whats happening in there, no-one stops this
Acts of derangement, paranoia prevails
The young woman faints from the rape and finally dies from
The sick old priest
The excuse for her death was a lie, another lie of this
Religion, covered up by God
The semen exorcist does his job again


Another foggy morning has come, the stench of death is Coming from the window
I hear the sound of the role around their neck, it sounds
like music to my ears
Vultures with pieces of flesh in their mouths
Flies all around the bodies, what a wonderful picture
Another good morning, another good sightseeing

Every day I touch their cold flesh, I want to feel their
I love the taste of the dead, I adore their blank eyes,
The Smell of decompose
Every man behaves differently when they die,
I love the Excitement of someones
I really enjoy the process of strangulation, I cut Carefully some parts of them
And I pull out their entrails
This is the signature of my art,
My unique hobby makes Neva Unique person

My list is getting bigger, day by day
I hunt them down
Becoming part of my collection
I choose them randomly, I have bodies of all ages,
Everyone Bere had a Personality
Everyone here had a name, I hang them from a pole,
I really Like my yard full
Of them
I have a unique collection,
The sight of hanged men always Makes my day
Collecting hanged men is my addiction

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