Cauldron Born (USA) : Born of the Cauldron



Riding in righteous rage, laying waste the land
Killing women, children, beast and man
Raping the young, torturing the old
Forging your way to streets of gold

Madness is in your eyes, the cross upon your chest
You want to die in battle

Stealing, plundering, No! Take that which is rightfully yours
Your book of insane dreams and tyrant king told us you so
Destroy the non-believers just to save your soul
Evangelize the land make it pure again

Madness is in your eyes, the cross upon your chest
You want to die in battle because you know you are blessed
Crusader, kill to please your god above
Crusader, make a joyful sound
Spill the blood upon the ground

You gasp your last breath of icy autumn frost
You look into the eyes of the youth whom to your life is lost
Cast your blurry glance to the skies, realize
No one comes to take your hand from the promised land

Madness is in your eyes, the cross upon your chest
You want to die in battle

Madness is in your eyes, the cross upon your chest
Crimson gushes from your mouth as you wait for death

Crusader, Die to please your god above
Crusader, Make a joyful sound
Your blood got spilled upon the ground


Mine is the card of suffering
Mine is the card of misery
All of this was foretold
Before these depictions ever hung in Thoth's gallery
I have many names for many heroes
As I see pass another century, this means nothing to me

I Caladcholy, Excalibur, Socht's sword Glorm Glas, Beater and Biter
I Mournblade, Stormbringer, Cruadin
I am the sword with which Siegfried slew the dragon

Those strong enough to brandish me will only know in their lives misery
I drink deep of souls while all those around them die,
This foretold before man could shape steel into a triumph of will
Or the pyramids caressed the sky

I Caladcholy, Excalibur, Socht's sword, Glorm Glas, Beater and Biter
I Mournblade, Stormbringer, Cruadin
I am the sword with which Siegfried slew the dragon

I may lie Aeons in the bottom of a lake or dwell in a netherworld cave in Ameeron

I Caladcholy, Excalibur, I will drink your soul from the depleted chalice that is nothing more than the shell of a man where once stood a mythical champion


A black mirror forged in the ancient way
Consecrated to the moon
Look into it long enough
Look deep inside of you

What the moon brings, visions holy or obscene
the walls of this world faded away
Sad voices they bade me follow them
the dead lotus faces led the way

Onward I strode the moonlit stream
The stream became a lake, the lake a sea
The dead faces vanished in the darkness
The moonlight showed what lay before me

What the moon brings, Horrors unholy, obscene
Great columns and spires obscurred by seaweed

A city lay there in the sea
Where the flesh from all churchyards comes to be
It knew me, I knew it

The monolith it arose from the city in the sea
Spake mind to mind with me
Tonight you're in the company of the old ones
Man has called through the ages Daemons,
So you wanted to see yourself on the grand scale
Look into me you and I are one
To know thy God is to know thy Devil,
Midnight rapture, synchronicity

Back through the waters of the worlds dead I ran
Both angular and curved currents of time
Carrying only my dark souls reflection

The apple, the snake, the garden, the fall
Vague symbols of the deed much worse than them all
They scented me at one point as I escaped through time

Plaster the walls 'round
Evil travels through the angles
A baying of hounds, beware
Evil travels through angles
The broken circle will be my end
Avoid the triangle, it's just a matter of time
before the gates will open
I hear the baying of hounds

The monolith it arose from the city in the sea
Spake mind to mind with me
Tonight you're in the company of the old ones
Man has called through the ages Daemons
So you wanted to see yourself on the grand scale
Look into me you and I are one
To know thy God is to know thy Devil
Midnight rapture, synchronicity


Priests of my temple sustain me
I have gone beyond the gates of forever after
Beyond the shade gates, but not revealed to me
the key to the mysteries

Consciousness comes and Consciousness goes
Locked but never dying in death's smothering throes

Hieroglyphics on the wall
Foretell the doom of he to be
Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
Imprisoned with the Pharaohs, with the Pharaohs

Vague recollections of lives fell past
This time my acolytes surround me
they are garbed in blood stained colonial attire
Athames flash maniacal eyes gleam and I scream
These four walls where I begin I will learn
These four walls of the pyramid
Triangular damnation

Hieroglyphics on the wall
Foretell the doom of he to be
Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
Imprisoned with the Pharaohs, with the Pharaohs

My sorcery was feared in the land
Even the priests of Isis
Trembled before me
I knew all of the gods of Aegyptus well
To know ones name is to have control by spell
Black Gods of Aegyptus you are the
Devils of Sumeria in disguise
Given form to the formless ones,
I was accurst with this thirst
Despised of all gods
Sorcerer Supreme
But still just a man

Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
Eternally I am damned


Magic circles etched upon the floor
Hours of fasting and prayer
Time to open the forbidden door

Triangle of manifestation
Call on the Legions
Here they will be bound

The Tetragrammaton spoken
Bathed in blood spilled fresh
Black book of knowledge bound in human flesh

Hours of peering into a black mirror
Voices call forth from beyond
Hells on top of hells

Liar, treacherer you won't hide behind the cross
We were here before you or your puny deities
Liar, treacherer, murderer you won't hide behind the cross
You looked into the black mirror of your soul

Terror lies when you dream where the gods dream
Could I have descended from such vile and evil things
And is this what I aspired to evolve to
Terror lies when you dream where they dream

Unseen hand, you're knocked to sprawl
Flesh is torn out of your belly snakes crawl
Hail to thee Infernal Hosts
Necromancer, know the ecstasy of sweet Hell, eternally

They found him lying dead beside a square of Mars


Born on the battlefield,
Heat of the melee during a Vanir raid
Before he had lived to see fifteen snows his name by
Council fires was praised
Intent to colonize southern Cimmeria,
Aquilonia built Venarium
Out of the northern hills swept the Cimmerian steel, tasting Aquilonian blood

In true berserker form he fought on and on beside his Cimmerian kin
The Aquilonians driven back across their frontier
He returned for awhile to his tribe
do you wonder what they mean
Distant voices forever calling In Fate's Eye A King

He spent time with a band of Aesir
He raided the Hyperbareans
The Hyperbarean castles were ruled by wizards called by the fearful Witchmen
He lead a foray against the Haloga Castle to free the daughter of the Aesir chief
The mission a success, but as they fled they were taken by an army of living dead

Toiling away at night he ground his chain until it was weak enough to break
One stormy night, whirling the heavy chain, he slain his way out into the rain

In vague dreams of conquest and kingdom
do you wonder just what they mean
Distant voices forever calling In Fate's Eye A King

Tyrants and wizards, they fall before you and what your wyrd will bring
It was written in the furthest of stars
In Fate's Eye A King

Swordless and fleeing into the mountains
He was chased by a pack of wolves
He found refuge in a cave
Before him sat the corpse of an ancient chieftan upon a throne
Across his knees was a bronze sword grasped by huge hands of ancient bone

When he sees the sword the corpse came to life
He fought with everything in him
Escaped armed this time

In vague dreams of conquest and kingdom
do you wonder just what they mean
Distant voices forever calling In Fate's Eye a King
Tyrants and wizards fall dead before you and what your wyrd will bring
It was written in the furthest of stars
In Fate's Eye A King
Witches and warlocks, women and wine
Songs sons of men will sing
Your life becomes legend, legend becomes myth
In Fate's Eye A King
Your wyrd neverending it turns the wheel do you know the riddle of steel
Never knowing what the next day will bring
In Fate's Eye A King


Long before man had begun to evolve
There was a warlock, half god, half daemon
Through reckless invultuations he stumbled upon
Things that ought not to be given manifestation

Innocent blood it must be spilled
The runes written in the plasma
A heart filled with courage torn out beating still, and placed in the Cauldron
To bring forth the Hell Storm

Out of the Cauldron arose from the mist
Chaos lain dormant for ages
Hands gripped the steel that smote down the gods as predicted by prophets and sages
A shadow of darkness that dwarfed any host of Hel or Hell envisioned by man
Born of the Cauldron

Malefic language breaking hermetic law
Into the wrong hands the grimoire will fall
The sonorous rhythm from the barbarous tongue sang,
From a devil gorged nightmare
the Cauldron Born came

Innocent blood it must be spilled
The runes written in the plasma
A heart filled with courage torn out beating still and placed in the Cauldron
Hell-Dark sorceries race out on the wind

Very little is known of the necromancers life
But it was whispered of how old Malygris died


Run, hide in the old church you'll be safe
These words from a priest who's lost his faith
In the face of seeing the dead walk again
Outside the rain is beating down
As they thrust up from the ground
The seek the sustenance they need to bring
to fruition the seeds sewn within

Inside these walls of stone and antiquity
We seek refuge in this holy sanctuary
Disease of immortality awaits as the night closes in

Dreams that seen unreal, a story from centuries ago cast up before my eyes
Winged daemons, harpies led the way as the armies of the impaler
rode to the city to drink the life's blood and enslave all within

Inside these walls of stone and antiquity
We seek refuge in this holy sanctuary
Disease of immortality awaits in the night
They rode into the village upon fanged steeds
The villagers were sewn with the vampire seeds
The were buried undead all in the same place
A church was built to imprison them it seemed forever

The cross avails us not, there's something unholy about this sacred lot
Ghosts from the past rise up to toast the dusk of the living dead
The walls are closing in
Glassy eyed we join in the song of the living dead

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