Catacomb (FRA) : We Shall Inherit

Death Metal / France
(2001 - Self-Released)
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Las palabras


Dear father oh dear mother
Coiled up in the meander of drakness
Crawling in the obscurity likes rats do
Likes rats we gradually gnaw at the slender
Veil of reality.

Dear father oh dear mother
How it seems to be long ago this day when you confessed
We have inherited however the training of our destiny
Is long an I'm eager to spread my torment

And there in my numerous
Foul delitium I'm walking amidst the silent galaxies
Where ephemral taste sirens
Are waiting for me
They're watching me with glazed eyes
Their hair caressing the nebulae
When embracing wz juggle with atoms
I'm the master of matter

As elusive as darkness
We're crawling a palpitating
We are one we are the future we are the dominant ones

Yet we wake up in dam cellars Of these catacombs
With our brains still floundered in those ethereal dreams
While the last musty smells of incense float around us
We wait in the dark certain of our power
For we have inherited


Remeber these ancient and glommy time
When our howls used to make forest and cities bowed
When we just had to raise our hand to feel the
Earth groaning

Ne patient my friend our waking is near
I feel darkness is rising again
Coming to fill us with their powers

Come on these forgotten paths with me
Follow me beyond life and beyond death
Let me be our guide beyond this sovereign darkness
Trough the time trough ourselves

Rediscovering ourselves in this world
Kowtowing no more ti its rules
Fill with fury ans passion about freedom
Everything that stands before my eyes and beyond will be
Our land again
Will bear our marks and our wounds


Beyond dephts of past
Patiently they wait
Lurking in the angles of time
Thirsty for eternity

Going up the ecnturies
Playing with the time
Moved bu teir unclean lust
Of human original nature

Cruel existence personified maliciousness
Going beyond the limits og human mind valuation
In the angular sectors of dephts of time
Tindalos'dogs wonder thirsty for eternity


Him whose ceaseless growling
Fills the eternal heaven
From the impure Leng plateau
To Azathoth's infernal yard

In the middle of the nine monoliths
Aligned following the shape
I sing your glory in Aldebaran
Which is watching above the horizon

Because they're yours the byakhees are here tonight
Their wings still blemeshed
With interstellar hoarfrost
Of their long journey across the boiling ether

Him whose ceaseless growling
Fills the eternal heaven
From the impure Leng plateau
To Azathoth's infernal yard
In the middle of the nine monoliths
Aligned following the shape
I sing your glory in Aldebaran
Which is watching above the horizon

And all togeter arms up
We'll recite the praises
Of the ancient rites in your honour
Inclining us before such rage
I appeal to Yog Sothoth he knows
From where came the ancient ones in the past
And from where will come again
When the cycle begins again


Dreaming in the dead city
In a state of nearly deas slumber
R'leyh will rise from the seas soon
Coming to scoff at the world
With its intangible reality
Dreaming in the dead city
Eons are waiting

Your appeal has been heard
For the end of human reign
Of R'leyh the black you will appear
Suddenly into the light
Your servants born of the dephts
Have prepared your return
Perpetuating your worship
And when time is come
All together we'll shout out
Your name in his everlasting
Ritual of invocation

Your appeal has been heard
Filtering in our dreams
Revealing us inhuman cities
Out of time and out of space


Living deformity crouched in the cellar
Abhorrence result of sacrificial rites
Gift of Nyarlathotep the creeping chaos

Nutriting himself with human food
Human victims trapped in tentacles
And digested by this shapeless mass

The old lady is the mother pf this incinceivable thing
Drawling home men under a beautiful appearance
She makes then go down to the cellar
Then she unveils them her real appearance
...Too late...
The victims are already snatched by
The tentacules towards a horrible

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