Cast The Bones : Rancour

Thrash Death / United-Kingdom
(2008 - Self-Produced)
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Basking in the glory of a thousand brutal conquests
Ripping the life from the enemy whose vaunted

Staring with intent
A vicious malcontent
Ripping limbs from bodies
Tearing through your forest

This is brutality at its finest
A specimen of hatred
The collector of bones
The wearer of the crown

The Crown of severed limbs
Killing Christianity

Living in exile

Taking the limbs
And breaking the bones apart
To threaten their beliefs
By ripping their god apart

The fear of endless mortal souls
To the specimen, all just bones
To be torn
To be worn
In a mockery of their lord.

Staring with intent
A vicious malcontent
Ripping limbs from bodies
Tearing through the forest

The crown of severed limbs is worn as a sign
A message to their lord that this is not his time
With every broken body worn above his eyes
The taint of malice darkens innocent skies

The wearer of the crown
The crown of severed limbs
Worn so proud on his brow
The end of god for those in thrall


She was my everything
She was my distant sin
This is what I think of you
As I would want you

Feel the pain
As she is draining you of life

It’s like… feeling so empty
Breathing in poison
To help relieve the tension
Of this fucking life

Circles the thoughts back to the inevitable
The inevitable destruction
The night
The night
Comes down
Comes down around

Spending life like it comes so cheap
You paid for nothing yet you owe a debt

What makes this life so real
Is the feeling when your insides hit the floor

It’s simple to lay waste to life
Turn your back, Turn your back
And ignore

Felt her leaving in my nightmares
Feel my loss every day

Circles the thoughts back to the inevitable
The inevitable destruction of my mind
The night
The night
Comes down
Comes down around

The face which looks to you and sees only a cloud with the silver lining
When the night comes down around and sinks you further down


I will take you to the end of this fucking life
Breaking through your skin
Until the blood flows from within
Blood flows from within
I will complete your sin

I want you to believe in this world
This world that I have made for you to die in

I’ll be Smashing, burning, yearning, learning.
Slashing, tearing, slicing, raring

Your… Demise

Stick with what I give to you
Ripped and torn asunder
I revel in what’s left of you.
Lips and bits and a rotting hunger

I want you to believe in this world
This world that I have made for you to die in

Trailing your insides in a macabre pattern
Making your loved ones watch it happen
Waiting for the sun to set on your life
Accelerate your pain with my willing knife

I’ll be Smashing, burning, yearning, learning.
Slashing, tearing, slicing, raring

Smashing, burning, yearning, learning.
Slashing, tearing, Your demise


Vaunted more and more
I treat you like a whore
Trapped inside to
Silence my pain
Using, Abusing
I beat until I’m sore

The demon seed
Flows in your veins
I will protect you
Remove the pain

The senses are guided
To the removal of sin
To the presence of light
To be cut from within

Chained to the wall
I beat you as I feel
You look to me with eyes
That indicate surprise

You scream to me no more, no more
I choose to ignore, ignore
Kicking and screaming
Dragging you bleeding
A macaroni picture nightmare
Made with your ripped out hair
The dreaded curse has just begun
Die in pain filthy scum
You sold your body every night
I’ll cut you open to release
Another rain of blows
I rip off all your clothes
I beat your body blue
As I push it into you

Cracked open wounds
With festering sores
Can’t escape your fate
With mangled face

Another rain of blows
I rip off all your clothes
I beat your body blue
As I push it into you

The end of your fucking life
Beaten, broken, bleeding
Beaten, broken, bleeding

You scream to me no more, no more
I choose to ignore, to ignore

Kicking and screaming
Dragging you bleeding

Hacked into pieces
To be stored for eating

Removed your head
To place on my mantle

Fear this end
Raped, hacked and mangled

Cracked open wounds
With festering sores

I cut another smile
To show I’ve pleased my whore


With a flash of fire
I exert the desire
To remove a cancer
That has plagued humanity since the dawn of time

The stupid staring faces
Of the nameless drones

They shouldn’t be here
Nature has failed

Through our misplaced pride
They have survived

Through my rising fury
Their destruction has arrived

They walk and talk and breed contempt
The ignorant ones who don’t know better
I will remove, Quench the desire
Melt with fire

From the far away
A light will be seen in the darkness
A light of twisted and melted desire

The bodies of the ignorant
Burning in effigy
To my desire for clarity

We will rise from the ashes of the ignorant
A learned and fiercer species
Without the millstone
Without this cursed vision

Melt them, Burn them
Feel them, Dying

Flames I use melt the ignorant
Flames I use purge the innocent

The twisted and vanquished bodies of the ignorant
A footprint in the direction of progress
Remove the cancer
Make us stronger
Give in to desire
Kill, Melt, Burn them


Take this wretched hatred
Spew it forth and purge my soul
To heal my wounds
To kill this whore

Take this wretched hatred
Spew it forth and purge my soul
To heal my wounds
To crush it all

Take this wretched hatred
Spew it forth and purge my soul
To heal my wounds
To fill this hole

The damage is irreparable
The knowledge gain is slowing
I stumble on this hatred
Reaping instead of sowing

She shines with life and leads you down
Takes your breath and kills the time

Just waiting in the shadows before she strikes
Ripping a fresh wound into your life

Lulls you in with a venomous kiss
That festers until it becomes a bite
She leaves me and takes the other
The truth I feared to discover


I torture myself with the thoughts of another fallen fetter
I will stand my ground again, yet I should know better

The hardness I now feel inside
Has killed the light, Has made me die
They failed again to take my side
It has caused my eternal blight

The softer they seem the harder they are
Secrets and lies to remain in the dark
From the predicted shadows
Her putrid light is cast
My wisdom gained in time hardens me at last
Reaping instead of sowing
I stumble upon this hatred
The knowledge gain is slowing

The hardness I now feel inside
Has killed the light, Has made me die
They failed again to take my side
It has caused my eternal blight

Why – Do they do it
Why – can’t I see it
Why – Do I feel this way
Will the pain wash away?

Why – Do they do it
Why – can’t I see it
Why – Do I feel this way
Will the pain wash away?

The cycle of pain repeats again
Weakens thoughts, makes us insane
The end of life, the end of days
To feel this pain I must

The cycle of pain repeats again
Weakens thoughts, makes us insane
The end of life, the end of days
To feel this pain I must remain


Orphans of our saviour
Pathetic to the core
I’d kill your god again and again
To make you suffer more

Fed like caged animals
To ripen until you bleed
You suffer by the media
That tells you what you need

You are nothing
They are nothing
Drip-fed orphan farm

You are nothing
They are nothing
Drip-fed orphan farm

Farm, farm, farm the weak
Farm, farm, farm, the weak
Farm, farm, farm, the weak
For the cull!

Lambs to the slaughter
Parents killed at birth
World shows no mercy
Its lines are well rehearsed

Plumped and fed on a media diet
Controlled and killed when the time is right
Suffer the horror of your masters
Stripped to the world and drained of life

Drip fed orphan farm to house the weak
Drip fed orphan farm to Cleanse the world
Drip fed orphan farm to produce hell
Drip fed orphan farm to kill you all

Farm the weak!

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