Carura : Sunyata

Progressive Death / Poland
(2017 - Self-Released)
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Reclusive in
A poky room
I strighten up

For my self
In my hell, you’ve seen that before
In my self
In my hell you don’t understand

Why I see the flowers above me
All I’ve got the silence around me

Abandoned forlorn and afire
I try to fill up my desires
It’s never enough when you’re crying
There’s more to be done to acquire
My self
From my hell
to stay as I am
My self
From my hell
you don’t understand

The thoughts that I’ve brought into being
Do they convey any meaning
The features in me they admire
There’s more to be done to acquire
My self
From my hell to
get to the core
Of my self
In my hell
I reach out for more


My eyes are full of snow
From ages
Since the moment I was born
In the world of annoyance
We’re living
With a need to adorn

Shut your eyes
At what’s around you
Let the waves of knowledge
touch you
let’s see it all anew
spread your arms
in prayer
the act of sheer devotion
from the heart

and I was standing on my own
and then I said to God above
Jah the world is like an ocean
I sink in madness and devotion

My eyes are full of snow from ages
Time will melt the glass of ice
Behind my lids I see the world of havoc
My eyeballs turning blind


That’s tearing me apart
I want to rise above
Of what I am inside

Break the constrictions tightly wrapped
On your conscious mind
To break from the slit of carrion
From there I cannot move on

Swallowed in
I fight to see the sun
Raging thoughts

I swim through all of this dang to see the sun
Don’t even see that all this struggle pulls me down

I want to be more
than I am
I want to rise above of what I am

Break the constrictions tightly wrapped
On your conscious mind
To break from the slit of carrion
From there I cannot move on

Dilapidated ruins
Of what was called ‘My Self’
I’m getting back

N everything just turns around the sec I sank inside my mind
N it seems to be so clear that I am here

I want to be more
than I am
I want to rise above of what I am


Gust will wake you up
I wanna live my real life
Think my thoughts
Kill the monster
I wanna act on my own
Don’t fake
Kill the monster

Do you remember the days
When you were so afraid
To capture the wolf
that lives inside you

the monster
it comes to kill reality

Gust will wake you up

He was asleep on the mossy stone
A tired wolf burdened with the world
His eye troubled under his heavy lids
Humiliated and ownerless
He was howling while passing away

His white teeth and thick fur
Will never be useful again
He falls into deep sleep
He is almost dead
Will you ever let him free
As you were young
Wild and always close to him

I wanna live my real life
Think my thoughts
Kill the monster
I wanna act on my own
Don’t fake
Kill the monster

Do you remember the days
When you were so afraid
Someone will capture the wolf
That lives inside you

The monster arises
It comes to kill reality

The night passed and daylight came
Lit the flesh of creature
That was long ago left
Didn’t notice you devoted to crime
On your own definition of life
It seems the changes were too strong
Let him pass away or find where you belong

The night passed and daylight came
Lit the flesh of creature
That was long ago left
It seems the changes were too strong
Let him pass away or find where you belong

When the wolf was asleep
Then the monster of the custom came
Its rituals were very strict and prearranged
The monster reached the wolf with its claws
And stroke the gray coat left the dirt under its touch

The wolf’s paws shivered and breath
Was uneven, as you have forgotten that
It was real you, that was really you there
Laying on the stone
Kill the monster if you can
Kill the customs and with no fear
Revive him and kill


I reached my hand to you when you were drowning.
The swamps are sometimes calm when they are swallowing.
I reach my hand to you
I can’t believe I do
Down you go.
Floor is far.
Do you hate your life ?

You measure all your deeds.
Will you lose the will to live ?
When fen will be all around you,
Will you struggle ‘till the end ?
Swim it through ?
Catch your breath ?
That depends on you

The way out is straight when you will find it.
My hand could turn too short for you to grab it.

I reached my hand to you when you were drowning.
The swamps are sometimes calm when they are swallowing.
I reach my hand to you
I can’t believe I do
Down you go.
Floor is far.
Do you hate your life ?

You measure all your deeds.
Will you lose the will to live ?
When fen will be all around you,
Will you struggle ‘till the end ?
Swim it through ?
Catch your breath ?
That depends on you

You do like others.
The swamp will float your flesh.
Your face like others,
Blank and unafraid.
The gust will wake you up.


Where’s the world I know
From the pleasing pictures

Where is the world that I see in my head
Failure it all seems to be
Once saw the heaven I fallowed the thought
Outside my head it was a lore

Outside the world of the fanciful thoughts
We all will find they don’t care about us
Fingers in fists , let it be as you wish
Never will win this desperate fight

Paint is seeping through
Lousy and eager hands
Paint is seeping through
Gory louse crack in your neck

Outside the world of the fanciful thoughts
We all will find they don’t care about us
Fingers in fists , let it be as you wish
Never will win this desperate fight

Paint is seeping through
Lousy and eager hands
Paint is seeping through
Gory louse crack in your neck

And it’s over
It’s over for now
Time is over
Uncover what comes to your mind

The life is quickly ending
They’ll never understand it
The crowd of living dead
Is knocking at the door

Keep on the way you’ve chosen
Don’t listen to the bullshit
They want to force you down
Remember who you are

Where’s the world that I know ?
Where’s the path that’ll lead me home ?
Where’s the vision of life
Being free and alive ?
For the pictures of the others
For the all things you don’t know
For the pictures

And it’s over
It’s over for now
Time is over
Uncover what comes to your mind
The life is quickly ending
They’ll never understand it
The crowd of living dead
Is knocking at the door

Keep on the way you’ve chosen
Don’t listen to the bullshit
They want to force you down
Remember who you are

The life is quickly ending
The crowd of living dead
Is knocking at the door

Keep on the way you’ve chosen
They want to force you down
Remember who you are

7. SE7EN

Wish To Understand it.
My mind’s on fire.
To do what I came for,
What I aspire to.

See what I want to become.
It is so beautiful.
I directed my eyes inwards.

Say the words of becoming.
Here comes the time.
World is nothing less or more than I am,
Than you are, than inside.
Say the words of becoming.
Here comes the time.
World is nothing less or more than I am,
Than you are, than our mind.

And here I am coming
expecting the answers
and find out that I AM unnamed.

Say the words of becoming.
Here comes the time.
World is nothing less or more than I am,
Than you are, than inside.
Say the words of becoming.
Here comes the time.
World is nothing less or more than I am,
Than you are, than our mind.

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्



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