Carnal Abhorrence : Gormandizing Rupture

Brutal Death / USA
(2019 - Realityfade Records)
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Transmission of genetic capabilities into one form
Absorbing and transposing their powers into me
Becoming absolute through eugenic embezzlement
Omniscient Injection, I will become supreme (x2)

Kidnapping and forcing my surrogate sources through vile means
Anchoring them into pods to prepare them for transfusion
Connecting the wires to their arterial pathways
Flip the fucking switch, let’s begin the genetic glitch

I feel the DNA flowing through my withered veins
Eternal suffering will soon end. No more pain
This is the fuel which will begin my eternal reign
My muscles swell, accelerating the surge of hell
Synthetic wires bridge heaven and hell
Lunatic instinct, I rise from this well
My muscles swell – accelerating the malignant surge
Ready to satisfy my demonic urge, genocidal purge

The fucking god of gore has risen, and is thirsty for more
Thousands of years in solidarity, satanic mindset restored
Mankind’s own creations have led them to the rapture
Now the astronomical constellations are aligned

Morphing all of humanity’s powers, into one being
Even at full intake, I let the blood overflow
Drenched in disgust I bleed excessively from several holes
Pump the gore, overdose on sanguine fluid

Transcending time and all energy, I assume my throne
Making my sadistic mark, ruling over the unknown
The plasma network of proxy beings gave me life
Forcing their ultimate demise by stealing their souls

Infinite power, I will throttle the cycle
Shattering the gears of creation
The gears of creation


Perceiving existence through a masochistic lens
My kind focuses on the most barbaric of ways
Life-forms obsessed with forms of death
Indoctrinating the populous through violence

Awarding individuals who develop
Innovative processes of killing all life

Crowning champions of carnage
Displaying the wreckage like sport
Normalcy I will now abort
A global brood of merciless beings
Focused on procreation
Evolving the psycho psyche
To expand the mind for killing, in order to punish time
The longer that we exist here
Time will only suffer thereof
The universe will have to commit suicide
Before we kill it on our own

The line between our practice, and the universes’ is fine.
We are a reflection of the universe. We do not fight.
There is no difference. We just want it to end.
Kill the universe and save your kind. (x2)

Perceiving existence through a masochistic lens
My kind focuses on the most barbaric of ways
Life-forms obsessed with forms of death
Indoctrinating the populous through violence
Awarding individuals who develop
Innovative processes of killing all life

Crowning champions of carnage
Displaying the wreckage like sport
Normalcy I will abort

A global brood of merciless beings
Focused on procreation, and killing

Evolving the psycho psyche
To expand the mind, in order to punish time

Kill the universe and save your kind (x2)


Fisting Mother Gaia’s volcanic cunts
Magmatic fluid lubes up my wretched fists
Purging the world of humans, by eruption
Squirting the sea of lava, humans drown in hate by my planned process

Orgasmic quivers, she begs for more
Her tremors break the Richter scale

Seizing all of her natural functions
Convulsing like an exorcism

Planet Earth erupts from every orifice
Gaping cavities spew my volcanic seed of doom
Splitting the worlds hymen seam
The return of Christ, a pipe dream

Prayers leave the planet in the billions
But are sent into oblivion

Mother Gaia’s volcanic cum kills all life

She can’t resist but to abort her spawn by suicide
Galactic, orgasmic separation; planet Earth steps aside
Explosion of thirsty particles; a new planet they will find

Fisting the mother Gaia’s volcanic cunts
Magmatic fluid lubes up my fists
Purging the world of humans
Squirting the sea of lava

Orgasmic quivers, she begs for more
Her tremors break the Richter scale
Seizing all of her natural functions


Siphoning the intelligence from my victims
By devouring their cerebral pieces
In a native fashion, I ingest the dead
Feeling their knowledge flow through me

Overload of information, I become whole
Cannibalizing the malfeasance and glory
Growing wiser, I gorge myself on mind meat
Controlling the weak, such a fucking sweet treat

Dipping brain matter in acid, to soften the chew
Inhaling the knowledge from a select few

Inhaling the knowledge from a select few

Mental nirvana reached, ten percent capacity breached
Unlocking my true potential through violence
Trying not to heave the excess, I obsess
My eyes start to bleed, as I choke on the yoke

Profusely vomiting into a bucket
Now I have a drink to wash it down
It’s acidic mental matter, oh well, fuck it
Binge drink the cerebral cocktail

Chugging my victim’s knowledge
Imminent adaptation acquired
Unstoppable, and unfathomable
I have the power of deceit


Binge drinking the fluids of my bloated victims
Draining each one with a feeding tube
Feeling their rancid juices overflow my stomach
Causes my organs to rupture and burst

I cannot stop the process until its complete
My organs fail, below me my organs trail
Wrapping them around my neck like a killing noose
Suicidal amalgamation becomes fully imminent

As an immortal being, it is worthless
The organs will regenerate, the DNA will be consumed
Still I desire to die. The gods I will defy
The gods in the next realm, I must overwhelm

Still I desire to die. The gods I will defy.
The gods in the next realm, I must overwhelm

Mortal fluid is not enough.
Mortal fluid is not enough. I must ingest divine Ki
Holy or demonic, both belong to me
I will be the result of man, gods, and demons
The ultimate being to create, kill and trick

Yes, I feel it. I am at the point of no return
Yes, I feel it. I am at the point of no return

My body will not be able to survive this process
I will pass into another realm yet overthrown
And bring with me a level of pain unknown

And bring with me a level of pain for Enki
Level of pain unknown


The Vulvarium is where I generate my currency of dismay
Exchanging reproductive organs before they putrefy
Remnants left behind by rancid fucking succubi
Time to cash in, it’s fucking doomsday

Mountains of cunts all piled into one heap
Melting together into one stew
The beautiful and weak I shall reap
Masturbating at the fucking view

Scouring for a fist tight cunt
Fresh hymen! This ends my hunt
Fuck and fill it before it’s cashed in
Fuck it, nothing can wipe off this grin

Gnawing on labia while fucking anything I want
Only to vomit it back into emulsified cunts
One vs one million necro orgy
With my acidic load, the cunts I shred

Feminine pile of ejected reproductive guts

Being sold as used fucking sluts
Unable to control my sexual hex

When I’m done they will be passed on to the next

Feminine pile of ejected reproductive guts
Being sold as used fucking sluts
Unable to control my sexual hex
When I’m done they will be passed on to the next
Gnawing on labia while fucking anything I want
Only to vomit it back into emulsified cunts


Demonic tension around my throat
Controlling every thought, and every fucking word
I cannot control the sadistic actions

All I want to do is rape, kill, then fuck (the dead) (x4)

I enjoy the abhorrent asphyxiation
I let the devil take my last breath away
Only to be reborn as a vessel of hate
Now I have become Satan himself
I have become Satan himself

All I want to do is rape, kill, then fuck (the dead)

Wrapping my hand around her hair
Fucking her with my staff
Scalping her as I pull her hair back

Brain case exposed, it’s time to choke
As I watch her die my eyes bleed
She looks like she’s cumming
Mouth open wide, while convulsing

Using her body as a bat, I slam it against rock
Every bone shattered, all of her organs burst
Using the gore as lube, I cum all over the goopy
Pile of pathetic mortal scum

Using the gore as lube, I cum all over the goopy
Pile of pathetic mortal scum
Using the gore as lube, I cum all over the goopy….

All I want to do is rape, kill, then fuck the dead

What have I become? How did I get here?
I wished for this. Now I am fully enriched
I am no longer man. I am a demon.

I rape, kill, and fuck the dead.

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics