Cariosus : Crime & Punishment

Melodic Death / USA
(2015 - Self-Released)
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For such a bright mind
This is not how it was supposed to be
But now we will have to see
Where this path set before you will lead
Fall down on your knees- beg forgiveness
These words you shall obey
Like that whore of a mother
That led you astray
“To protect and serve” has fallen short of what it once made sacred
To take advantage of him and add to a cycle of hatred
Left you here to rot alone
This isn’t what you deserve
Hungry eyes make you feel afraid
They tell you all your life’s choices were the wrong ones to be made
Breaking the back of integrity
And your will
Any means necessary- we have coffers to fill
Lady Justice once fair judge
Blinded- now she sees
Color, wealth, associations
Cause the scales to lean
Someone has to bite the bullet
It may as well be you
A confession makes things easy
Avoid the hell we’ll put you through
Brightness of the mind
Reflected in your eyes
Though the system is corrupted
It has brought order to your life
Shine through bottle-green depths
Of soured air and ash
Catalyzing Recreance
This isn’t what you deserve
Pushing and pushing- shut up
Lady Justice once fair judge
Blinded- now she sees
Color, wealth, associations
Cause the scales to lean


Shut your fucking mouth
I have no sympathy
Hold your tongue before I rip it out of your mouth
I don’t care
I will never understand
Why I seem to be this way
It’s just the way I am
I hate you all
I hate everyone
I hate things you say
I hate your stupid problems
Friends you make
Lives you have made
I need nothing more than to be left alone
Sinking teeth into my flesh
Slowly turn my heart to stone
Maybe if you let me break some skin
My teeth are screaming for some flesh to sink in
Tell me now
Tell me of your purpose
A reason for existing
Tell me of the god in all of us
I swear to you I am listening
But it doesn’t really matter -
I won’t believe you anyway
Leave me here to wallow
Let me throw my fucking life away
I don’t care anymore
You are all a waste of time
If I could leave this world
Then that might leave me satisfied
I don’t need your help
I don’t need your pity
Just leave me -
I will find myself


Each word - an inferno
My tongue of fire
The flames of hell burn fierce and purify
Incompetence hangs from a tree
A moral inversion
King of Slaves will never rule me
Now- what man has created
Man can destroy
I am my own redeemer
I am predatory animal in fugue
Blessed are the ones that doubt me
Fires usher no deliverance
From a construct built on fear
In step with what is nothing more than a litany
Of moral ambiguity
As environments change
No human thought stands sure
Witness the end of all I know
This is the end of all I know
To feel the weight of the world
Weighing on me
How can I believe
What I can’t see
Our scars will show us who we are
The way a man should truly be
Giving to this world
Despite the things it’s taken from me
I will never see myself becoming what I can’t abide
I will never be you because I know there is nothing inside
Show me what you’re worth
When everything has run its course
And must return to the Earth


You are a leech
Feeding on me
Dependent on others
To create your personality
You are a poison
Dripping from my open veins
Rotting my mind
Leaving it in the rain
And after all the things that we have been through
The truth is I would rather have nothing than you
I know
You want my friends
You want my family
Your act is plain to see
Nothing more than a utility
In the end you will never be me
Falling through the cracks you seem to not know who you are talking to
You have no idea that the world doesn’t owe you anything
Sever the bindings-
Rot and fall away
You want my friends
You want my family
I see through your transparency
Writhing parasite
Feeding on me
An empty host -
Patience wears thin
You steal the face of another
Because you don’t fit in your own skin


I’ll leave you stripped
Just like the girl whose innocence you destroyed
Destroy a life considered nothing but a carnal game
You are the scum of the Earth that puts the human race to shame
You have taken something precious
Now I will do the same
If your father could see you he would be rolling in his grave
I’ll bury you if it’s the last thing I do
I need to see you bleed
Sending you to hell will be the closest thing to heaven
That I will ever achieve
Vermin behold
My flesh is a cage for a rage I can’t control
I have had this image painted in my head
For quite some time
The fruition of your demise
Has met paper too many times
I slither through the window
One image in mind
I see you splayed before me
As she was before you
I can’t help but start to fall apart
As I think of the evil I am about to undue
No soul
Bleed through
I need to feel you go cold
The pleasure you got from watching her innocence rot
Will be equaled in my new endeavor
I must say my plan is clever
Paint this image in your head
Not soon to be forgotten

Lyrics geaddet von Apophis2036 - Bearbeite die Lyrics