Carcass : Live Dismemberment

Death Grind / United-Kingdom
(1990 - Mordred Records)
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Grimly I dig up the turfs
To remove the corrupted stiffs
Trying to contain my excitement
As I desecrate graveolent crypts...
Fingers claw at coffin lids
Eager festal exhumation
Hugging your wry, festered remains
With post-humous joy and elation...
Body snatched, freshly interred
Whatever takes my fancy
To satisfy my gratuitous pica
My culinary necromancy...
Scrutinised then brutalised
My forensic inquisition is fulfiled
My recipe is now your epitaph
Be it fried, boiled or grilled...

I devour the pediculous corpse
Whetting my palate as I exhume
The festering stench of rotting flesh
Makes me drool as I consume...

Caskets I grate
My larder's a grave
I'm sickly obsessed (with the badly decomposed)
Rotten remains I eat
Purulent meat
What a funeral feast (putrid reek)

Weeping tissue is stripped
Pus dribbles from my lips
Pulverising this pustular chaff
Butchering up morgue's makes me laugh...

Ulcerated flesh I munch
Rotting corpses are my lunch
On bones I love to crunch (on the badly decomposed)
Shrivelled innards I lick
The corpse's head I kick
Crumbling shreds I pick (eat the stiffs)

Rancid flesh, slaughter the dead
Caskets exhumed...
Corpses disinterred, graves disturbed
To consume...

Bereaved relatives are not amused
As on their dear departed I feverishly consume...

Slavering worms, decomposure burns
Corrosion born, as bacteria gnaw

Precipitate....(from the muddy grave)

Caskets I grate
My larder's a grave
I'm sickly obsessed (with the badly decomposed)
Rotten remains I eat
Purulent meat
What a funeral feast (putrid reek)

Saponified fats, nibbled by rats
Freshly exhumed...
Deep down six feet is where I like to eat
Human flesh to consume...


Snorting the stench of latent effluvium
And maturing damp fumes
This foul menage forces tears to your eyes
As the corpse's gas are exhumed....
Intoxicated by foul body odours
And the nauseating tepid whiff
Pinching your nostrils as you irrigate flatus
From the emaciated stiff...

Volatile entrails fume and steam
As they're meticulously hacked during discission
Evaporating sludge and bubbling pus -
A rotten gaseous expiration...

Maturating corpse, the stale smell of decay and rot
A sickening asphyxiation
Gross remains gush, innards turn to sludge
With partial liquefaction...

Smell the rot...
Of the corrupted corpse....
Hallucinogenic trip...

Tissue gases leak - a warm, unpleasant reek
A quite macabre addiction
Deteriorated, bloated corpse - decomposure burning hot
Sniff the smell of carrion...

Inhaling the dank smells
As you gouge out the dripping innards with glee
Succumbling to a translucid state
As you sniff the aroma of necropsy...
Bacterial decomposition
The aroma of fungal/larval infestation
Consuming, ripening slime
As the cadaver is slowly wasting...

Your sore sinews rot, blood curdling coughs
As acrid foetor corrodes your lungs
Body orifices clenched in your teeth
As you frenziedly try to insert the bungs...

Swollen, ripened corpse, the stench of crusting clots
The smell of stale perspiration
Administering watery gore, you're screaming out for more
Addicted to putrefaction....

Snort the corpse...
Get high on the rot...
Orgasmic rush...
Turns your brains to pus...


Miasmic fungus infests the small intestine
Vitriolic juices burn through the stomach wall
Bursting carcinosis as chylase melts your guts
Crepitating neoplasm erupts with gore...

Maturating boils, the canker emmenagogic
Grume decays to a frothing sludge
Dermatital pustules suppurate with cancer
Caustic sepsis coagulates the blood...

Necrolytic digestion, rancid plasma is released
Automaceration of the carcass incites pyogenesis
Globular tissue decomposed, hydrogen sulphide is evolved
Reek of putrefaction secreted by necrotrophic mould...

Excrete and disgorge the festering pus
As your skin erupts with corrosive decay
Urticaria vents infested sanies
Slime from burst ulcers spurts and sprays...

The innards decompose, putrify to jelly
The dermis ruptures with sialagogic cruor
Green putrified offal explodes with the discharge
Bubbling viscera is splattered over the floor...

Visceral organs infested by rampant hungry larvae
Gnawing tattered giblets as sanies solidifies
Enterisis dissolves the gut, self-digestion is undergone
Autolysis of body tissue, enzymes macerate the bones...

...Tumours erupt
...With infestation of grubs
...Ulcerous carrion maturates
...As the bacteria vitiates
...Tumours erupt
...With infestation of grubs
...Effervescing core
...Cankerous corpse


Bloodied, torn and twisted
Severe mutilation is all that remains

Stagnating in shrink-wrap
Empty the contents onto the mortuary slab...

The morbid, muted body
Is dissected, lacerated and shred -
Life is hard as a mortuary technician
The fumes go straight to my head...

The trunk now depleting gristle, with bactericidal decay
This discissed disarticulation I bludgeon as I ablate...

Diluted spittle, bile and gore
Congealing puddles on the floor
Grotesquely dismembered
As the cavities I harshly sever...

Stabbing at the trachea, chest with walls I puncture
Slicing back flesh I tear, subject to malacia...

Advanced rigor mortis, the corpse internally bruised
Kaleidoscope livor mortis, the carcass a shade of livid Blue
Joints are stiffened, I now bend and crack
The cerebrum pulped, with cranial collapse...

Bodily embalmed and fluids tapped
Maceration is oozing, as the insides I unwrap...

Finished with the fragments, a mass of stinking waste
Spread-eagled bloody mess, I hastily eviscerate...

Advanced pyathrosis - let there be rot (fun in the morgue)
Foul autodigestion - necrotic mutation...

The gaping chest is crudely stitched up
Internal organs are hastily replaced
The carnage totally disfigured
Another pathological waste...

Flowing blood crusts
The corpse is totally rotten to the core
The miserable, festering stiff
I dismember with my saw...

The wounds are stitched, I shabbily try to repair
Disintegrating with histolycis and everyday wear and Tear...

"Cadaveric dissolution, sliced, ripped and deceased
Eructated gases are gurgling as they bleed
Congested pus, blood and autodigested gore
Tissue corrodes as aggression gnaws..."

The mortuary table I now wipe, sponge and clean
Washing away the remains of life, the slab now gleams...

The evaporating reek of putrefaction gets right up my nose
Carnage, chunks and leftover pieces in the bin I dispose...

Advanced pyathrosis - let there be rot (fun in the morgue)
Foul autodigestion - necrotic mutation...


...Aborted gestation...foetal mutilation...
...Abortive secretions...embryonic fermentation...

Your crotch spawning afterbirth
A congealing sprog basted in cess
Palpitations spew a foetus
Sprawling in this mess...
Flowing lochial discharge
Of copious womb lining torn
The mutilated still-born mangled
By the whiplashing umbilical cord...

Mixing together post-natal juices
The dead infant used as stock
Slurping this horrendous concoction
Eat the cervical slop...
Lading our aborted derbis
Oozing guts chomped in your maw
The caesating premature baby
Nurtured in post-partum gore...

Suck cess on a plate. lick its pus from a spoon
Gnaw at rashes on a dish, munch on the expelled womb...

Its testicles incised - the foetus liquidized
Whick the parasite - the gross remains baptized...

Stagnant placenta and smelly fluids
The stiffening dead babe's crib
Disembowelling and gutting

Grating bone and rib
Fragile limbs pulverised
Dismemberment is so cruel
Soggy organs and paturient broth
Give piquance to this sickly gruel...

Mixing together post-natal juices
The dead infant used as stock
Slurping this horrendous concoction
Eat the cervical slop...
Lading our aborted derbis
Oozing guts chomped in your maw
The caesating premature baby
Nurtured in post-partum gore...

Drink bile from a cup, gulp its phlegm from a pot
Eat mucus on a saucer, choke on embryonic clots...


Your pulverized torso languishes in its pool of pus
Minced, cancerous viscera - gore seeps from the guts
My fetid fetish is to excavate the moulding rot
I drool my gastric juices as I chomp on you blood-clots

Fermenting innards, bubbling with rot
Alcoholic pus, dissolves the wooden box

I gouge into the chest's cavity to rip out the intestines
Slivering soft entrails to release the foaming secretions
I suck up the concoction and eat the decay
With cankered disgorgement I excrete my gurgling prey

Bile, chyme and blood in the offal effervesce
I eviscerate the bowels and drink the clotted cess


Vilely I defile, chastise, humiliate
Writhing, agonised as I violate to impregnate
With lathering soaps and suds I slowly emenize
Innards gurgulate as they're sickly baptized...

Your rectum I will flood
With bleach, detergents and suds...

Rupturing your gall-blader
Liver bleached and soaked
Lungs now flooded
With bicarbonates and boiling soap
Orifices pumped and plugged
Rectal membrane split
Evaporating your bowels
Anal muscle rips...

I grope in the grime, the evaporating motions slush
Pulverising your gut, in my rubber boots and gloves
Your nates purple and raw, brillo pads scour and cleanse
Sticking plasters on abrased organs, to try and make Amends...


Your innards I corrode
This process you will loathe
Your innards I evacuate
With my crude methods of hate

Anal track acidically removed
Along with rotten entrails and stools
Disembowelling in my rage
in your colostomy you suffocate


Sadistically sodomizing with my instruments of grime
Force-feeding it down your throat if I find the time
Vaseline and talc soothe the gored ano-obliteration
Sardonically I gloat on your rectal dislocation

Seething with carnage lust
As the plastic tubing in enthrust...

Rupturing your gall-blader
Liver bleached and soaked
Lungs now flooded
With bicarbonates and boiling soap
Orifices pumped and plugged
Rectal membrane split
Evaporating your bowels
Anal muscle rips...

The anus sucked inside out, my victim now distraught
Rectal tissue I scald, as I boil the inner core
The orifice now clean - sanitised, red and raw
Brutally impaling your rectum, this process I adore....

Your innards I corrode
This process you will loathe
Your innards I evacuate
With my crude methods of hate
Anal track acidically removed
Along with rotten entrails and stools
Disembowelling in my rage
In your colostomy you suffocate


Festering scabs, papillae and pores
Hardened carbuncles, spots and cold sores...

Pick at the scab - septic blood starts to weep
Rip at my face - ruptured growths start to seep

Blackhead and boils, pustular cysts
Chapped commodones, perspiring zits...

Pierce the blane - infected tissue starts to bleed
Diseased and plagued - tumours chew and feed...

...On ulcerated flesh...
...On facial mess...
...On blooming sores...
...On blistering warts...

Squeeze out the blood, the pus I extract
A rancid cocktail, steaming and black
Infested skin, bubbles and bursts
Hackne vulgaris, spluttering pus...

...The swarming mass...
...With acid I attack...
...With razors I hack...
...Bubos, bulging and black...

Squeeze out the blood, the pus I extract
A rancid cocktail, steaming and black
Bursting canker, clustered bullae
Pimples and bones eat me alive...

Gnawing, curdling, swarming flesh
Bubbling, seething, disgusting mess
Smarting, abrased purple and raw
Pustular, vulgar pimples and sores...

The juice is squeezed
Sebum bleeds
Lick the pox
Weals and warts...

Festering face
Decrepit and plagued...


Plugged into the socket
Leads attached to twisting skin
Ignite the squirming foetus
To dissolve it from within

The uterus aspirated...foeticide
Suction catheter eradicating...your insides

Foeticides done daily
Frying them inside the womb
Electrocuting embryos
In their sterile tomb

Your cervix an abscess... foeticide
Pumped out by your gynaecologist... your insides

Spasmodic convulsions of pleasure are gained
Pumping out the boiling gunge as you languish in pain
Scouring out the womb from effervescing rot
Scrubbing-brush comes in handy to clean out all the clots

Electrodes buzz with power
Visceral muscle is charred black
Melting bone, frying aqueous humour
A dignified death is what you lack


Wart-encrusted sebaceous growths
Pustulating, bleeding piles are what I boast
Scabby and blistered pectoral skin flakes away
As my crushed bowels evacuate much to my dismay...

Faecal tripe - take the bite
Urinary swill - take your fill

Squeeze out the pus, perforate the rash
Munch the mouldy scabs, lick the septic gash...
Eroded crispy bowels, corrosive putrid breath
Collapsing, slushy lungs, my diaphragm pickled in meths...

Renal ulcerations, faecal gurgitations
Costive crepitations, complete anal disgorgement...
Disinterring organs, pus, urine and sewage
Thrust into your naval, to soak up ascitic fluids...

An abrasive concoction is formed in my throat
Methylated bile, jaundiced kidneys bloat
Tumorous stomach, coughing up gall
The thorax infected with furuncles and boils...

The sight of by abdomen, shrivelling and gurgling
The reek of my bloody pleura, stagnating and curdling
Cynical and sarcastic, my fetid sense of tumour
Clinical and gastric, I imbibe my own vitreous humour...

Soiled prostatic prolapse
Ruptured hernia rips your groun
Your mouth forced wide open
As you're made to chew on your haemorrhoids...
Gnawing my appendix, enteric organs glistening
Acholial fluids, coagulating and thickening

Weakened, cirrhosised liver, pumping out sludge
Of pediculosal faeces, sanguineous bile and crud...

Avulsion of salted tonsils
Gavaged with a spoon
Your scrotal sac torn open
And stuffed with ano-genital grume...


Your jugular arteries ripped
Viscous juices gush and bleed
You're gutted, skinned and mangled
Enteral disorder is freed
Your rib-cage wrenched and torn
Still-pumping heart is crushed and smashed
Your alimentary canal is finely chopped
Lumpen meat is hacked...

...Disembowel, chop and trash...

Veins are stripped and flayed
Of haemorrhage, bile and sweat
Savoured cuts are cured
Bodily parts are wrecked
Bissection of the twitching corpse
Copious blood is drained
Captive-bolt and pole-axe
Shred, trash and maim...

...Dismember, carve and hack...

I rip open pectoral cavities to devour my still-steaming Grub
Drinking adeps and effluence, smearing myself in Congealing blood
I tear at sauted crackling to guzzle on fetid swag
Butchered remains are carved and collected in a doggy-Bag...

I mince up your limbs, off-cuts and cartilege
Stuffing freshly-drawn intestine with grated coronary Arteries
I slice from your mutilated trunk runny fats and rind
Skewering eye-orbits, brain, genitals and organs I grind...

Bins od torrid offal where writhing stomachs squirm
Chunks amongst your thighs and rump, crawling with tape-Worm
Snapped spinal column is gnawed, curdled trypsin turns Into cheese
Your vena cava lashed, on your pericardial sac I feed...

I gourge myself on your loin, erepsin and brine consumed
Blubbering escharic tegument, steaming remains turn into Grume...

...Cranial fluids sucked...
...Flooded organs crushed...
You are totally wasted...

Your dissected shell collapses, as I eat congested insides
Desregarded entrails fume and rot,
Now host to hungry Flies...

...Cranial fluids sucked...
...Flooded organs crushed...
You are totally wasted...

...Slow bissection makes me laugh..

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